celynett Posté(e) 9 juin 2007 Posté(e) 9 juin 2007 I only know : Primary school (5-11 year old) Secondary school (11-16)>GCSE Sixth form college>GCE A-level State school/public school Do you know something more ? How do we say "école maternelle" ?
amajul2003 Posté(e) 9 juin 2007 Posté(e) 9 juin 2007 I only know :Primary school (5-11 year old) Secondary school (11-16)>GCSE Sixth form college>GCE A-level State school/public school Do you know something more ? How do we say "école maternelle" ? In English, to say "école maternelle" we talk about "nursery school"
zappi Posté(e) 9 juin 2007 Posté(e) 9 juin 2007 I have some information about this topic "enseignement primaire " : nursery schools 3-5 years old infant school 5-6 first schools 5-9 juniro school 7-11 middle schools 8-13 "secondaire" comprehensive schools (there are some grammar schools and seondary schools which date of the last euducational government) public school which are private school in france "superieur" universities polytechnics colleges of higher education (teacher training) colleges of further education the new system of britain's education depends to education reform act known as baker act the curriculum are national and not local, with three big exams about the core subjects : english, maths and sciencs At the end of fifth form (seconde en france) pupills pass the GCSC O'level (general certificate of secondary education - ordinary level) next there is the sixth form college where they work to pass the GCSE A'level (as the GCSC-O'level but instead of ordinary it's adavanced level) After to have gotten their A'level, they can enter on the university The degrees are the bachelor of art or the bachelor of sciences (licence), and after this, there is the master (art or sciences) The futur teachers are trained on the teacher training colleges, and they are not a state emloyee, They have a hardworking, because more than given lessons, they have administrative skills and they have to run a lot of thinks for a low wage it's all that i know, if there is a lot of mistakes, please give me it because, i've a big problem with the using grammar
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