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Quand ils parlent de niveau,ca veut dire quoi au juste?


I 've translate some sentences but i think there are a lot of mistakes..if someone can correct this text...

In England,Education is compulsory to five to sixteen years old;

The application documents are more thorough(approfondis?)

The National assessment takes place every term.

The children's progression is very important and also the efforts made;children feel in trust;

The school life contains Golden Rules based on society rules of life and on encouragement;

If the rules aren't respected,morality lessons are given/taught;

The differenciation/groupe teaching is also an important point of the english system like in France;

we must chance's equality given;

Smetimes there are more than four adults in the classroom,some of these adults help low-achievers;

There are more humans and materials means in England.

The main difference between the two system is probably the religion;indeed,in England children are allowed to carry a religious badge;in France the "laicité" is a part of the mentality;

The two systems have a lot of comons points like the work in group,the work in team and the group teaching...


In England,Education is compulsory from five to sixteen years old;

C'est LE truc qui m'a sauté aux yeux, après pour le reste, je crois que je dirais ça moins "littéralement" mais faut que je me penche dessus sérieusement d'abord :blush:



Moins littéralement oui c'est dure mais j'ai un peu de mal...est-ce que cela veut dire que je vais royalement me planter? :cry:


Moins littéralement oui c'est dure mais j'ai un peu de mal...est-ce que cela veut dire que je vais royalement me planter? :cry:

BLA, je ne sais pas si tu as passé ton épreuve mais voilà un lien intéressant sur la vie scolaire des petits anglais et le tout directly en anglais svp !!! ;)

bon courage

Invité cirène

Just a piece of advice :

I've corrected some mistakes :

- I 've translate[u]d some sentences but i think there are a lot of mistakes..if someone can correct this text...

There are more human and material means in England. (adjectives are never in plural in English)

Thank you for your document, it's really interesting.


In addition to programs, teachers have progressions and daily preparations already done, which help a lot.

Application's documents are more thorough/detailed and contain a lot of play activities.

Regularly, children have a little piece of homework.

A national evaluation takes place every term, at the end of the first and second levels, in order to assess children's level but also schools' sucess.

It also takes children's efforts and their behaviours into account.

School is governed by the “Goldens rules”, based on obligations and not prohibitions.

If the rules of the school are exceeded, lessons of morality are given.

Each morning, the teaching staff meets to speak about the important events of the school… the meetings are carried out by the chief of establishment. These meetings help creating a team spirit in the school.

Pupils can change places according to their level group according to the subjects.

In addition the means set up are consequent, from a human point of view :

- there is sometimes more than 4 adults in a class

- teachers have an obligation of result (towards establishment and parents) so they are very implied in their work

- in each class, at least a person assists the teacher

- for pupils in difficulty, often you have one or two other teachers when they work in groups

but also from a material point of view :

- there are a computer in each class and a computer room in each school.

Educational methods in British and French schools are very similar with groups of work, teachers' teams , differentiation… if we except that in England, children are allowed to religious signs, which seems unbelievable in France with our historic secularism / our historic habit to keep religion out of education.

Pffouuu, ben l'a fallu ressortir un peu le dico hein :blush: (enfin faut dire que des termes comme laïcité, j'emploie pas ça tous les jours !!!)

Et vu l'heure, j'espère que j'ai pas tapé trop de bêtises...


Thank you a lot!!!i hope speak english like you a day...

I would like to have a ten for this examination but i don't know if it is possible...i wish! :wub:

thank you a lot!


Moins littéralement oui c'est dure mais j'ai un peu de mal...est-ce que cela veut dire que je vais royalement me planter? :cry:

BLA, je ne sais pas si tu as passé ton épreuve mais voilà un lien intéressant sur la vie scolaire des petits anglais et le tout directly en anglais svp !!! ;)

bon courage

Merci,je passe mardi!!ce doc est super!!je vais me noter quelques phrases! :wub:

Thank you a lot!!!i hope to speak english like you one day...

I would like to have a ten (out of twenty) for this examination but i don't know if it is possible...i wish! :wub:

thank you a lot!

Tu as tes chances si tu te lances à paler sans grand blanc, et si tu fais attention aux petits connecteurs (to, in, at, one, ...) et aux dénombrables/ indénombrables (much/many, ...) ;)

Thank you a lot!!!i hope to speak english like you one day...

I would like to have a ten (out of twenty) for this examination but i don't know if it is possible...i wish! :wub:

thank you a lot!

Tu as tes chances si tu te lances à paler sans grand blanc, et si tu fais attention aux petits connecteurs (to, in, at, one, ...) et aux dénombrables/ indénombrables (much/many, ...) ;)


Je viens de faire une lecture sur many/much,et sur les prépositions...(to,at,in);

Je n'oublie pas le "s" de la troisième personne!!sauf à "can" je ne sais pas s'il y a d'autres exceptions...

Je mets dans ma caboche quelques connecteurs however,although,while,whereas,also,always,never,still...

Je n'oublie pas que yet(déjà) est toujours en fin de phrase;

Often,still est toujours avant le verbe et dans le cas de deux verbes il se met après l'auxiliaire;

Perhaps maybe se placent toujours devant;

Il manque des choses!

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