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We must inform children and bring them to protect the environment...

In France the environment is a point of the curriculum;it allow children to show solidarity;

We can work about several subject such as the water,the energy,the pollution and the scraps...

The environment's protection can be made/assure with simple acts/gesture like :

*save water,indeed a lot of countries are short of water;children sould learn that in geagraphy lessons..

*sort out dustbin

*visit a "déchetterie" what's the english for this word?

*plastic is built with petrol then we can use maize bags or paper bags...

I think there are a lot of mistakes but i train myself to make sentences about several subject...

I would like to take my dictionnary tuesday... :D


I'd rather say :

In the French Educational system, Environmental issues are part of the curriculum... as "Sustainable Developpement Education"

In class, we can work on several subjects such as water supply and its repartition on our planet, energy supply and consumption, pollution matters or recycling issues...

Environmental protection can be guarantied by simple acts such as / like :

* learning to save water. Indeed, water is missing in lots of countries / lots of countries are short of water. Children should be taught this particular matter in parallel with Geography lessons

* Recycling and how to sort out our garbage => we could visit a recycling center or a dump site (déchetterie à proprement parlé)

* Minimize our consumption of plastic-made bags as it is made out of petrol and they are very plluting, especially in Third-World countries => there is a general trend for using paper bag

TU PEUX T'AIDER DE CE DICO EN LIGNE... très très bien fait :

Bon, évidemment, pas pendant l'exam... :P

Posté(e) (modifié)

Sur le même thème, je vous mets un des sujets tombés pendant les oraux de l'académie de Lyon - session 2006 : GO WITH THE WIND

Pistes de discussions :

- question of renewal energy at a critical time... as our planet is encountering a real "climate crisis" as denounced by Al Gore and more and more influent people

- is the price of renewal energy to be questioned when there is a real environmental problem?

- or, is our life quality priceless? => people can spend huge amount of money to buy a brend new car.... but then, people find it very expensive and even useless to make some efforts to save our planet

- example of the French policy as regards to that environmental matter : Ste Suzanne (Réunion) wind farm

- last G8 meeting on that matter : what was the main problem of that meeting? => some big countries like China or India not there even though they are part of the biggest polluting countries + implication of the United States

- a real movement is growing : new eco-citizens trying to change their way of living and consumming ==> what will be the effects on big industries?

y'en a pleins de choses à dire sur ce sujet!

ET INCROYABLE, je cherche des articles sur le net et que trouvè-je?? Sur le même sujet, exactement!

CA : Conservationists fight to keep wind farms off Skyros / The Independent

Modifié par florenceloq

Thank you!!!

Pourquoi je suis si nulle en anglais...vous avez tous l'air super à l'aise... :(


Nan nan, t'inquiètes pas je suis nulle aussi... et je redoute vraiment cette épreuve, je passe vendredi 29 et je stresse :( même si l'OP est enfin fini! :)


Je craque!j'ai mon épreuve mardi mais je panique!!

J'ai lu le texte donné par florenceloq mais je n'ai pas tout saisi...

Il est question d'utilisation d'énergie renouvelable,une éolienne...le monsieur (Stephen) pour,vit dans une ferme avec des chevaux et tout et pense que si on ne fait pas quelque chose tout va etre détruit...

Mais d'autres pensent que cette éolienne n'est pas une bonne chose parce qu'elle est grande et laide et endommageante pour la faune et la flore...

Bref c'est le pour et le contre cette éolienne...

Les voisins de Stephen sont accomodants surle fait qu'il ait cette éolienne...

Voilà en gros ce que j'ai compris...

J'en ai marre je vais perdre des points!!i'm fed up with this english examination!

Je crois que pour l'environnement j'ai déjà des soucis de connaissances en francais car moi et les sciences ca fait deux!

Thank you!!!

Pourquoi je suis si nulle en anglais...vous avez tous l'air super à l'aise... :(

Sincèrement, je ne te trouves pas nulle en anglais en lisant ce que tu as fait... C'est seulement sans doute que tu manques de pratique réelle et donc, des fois tes tournures sont un peu trop françaises... Mais continue, c'est vraiment bien ce que tu fais!

Et puis, je dois encore faire des fautes alors que j'ai vécu en Australie et que j'ai fait des études d'anglais. Tu vois, je n'ai pas vraiment de mérites...

Thank you!!!

Pourquoi je suis si nulle en anglais...vous avez tous l'air super à l'aise... :(

Sincèrement, je ne te trouves pas nulle en anglais en lisant ce que tu as fait... C'est seulement sans doute que tu manques de pratique réelle et donc, des fois tes tournures sont un peu trop françaises... Mais continue, c'est vraiment bien ce que tu fais!

Et puis, je dois encore faire des fautes alors que j'ai vécu en Australie et que j'ai fait des études d'anglais. Tu vois, je n'ai pas vraiment de mérites...

Merci florenceloq c'est risque d'etre dur dur mais bon..

Toi tu vas cartonner! :)


Here is my sum up of this text...i think there are a lot of mistakes...

This article is an extract from the indepedant day magazine written by Richard Garner published in 2007;

The headline is Children to try out six languages before they start secondary school;

It deals with a plan which forecast to teach six different languages to nine years old children in order to allow them to decide which language they want to learn at secondary school.

The six languages are French,German,Spanish,Japanese,Punjabi,Latin.

Peter Downes,a language teacher,outlines that we live in a modern world,he thinks that this project is really good;

Mr downes points that it could have a gap betweem children participating at the new plan and the others,whose begin this learning...

According to him,to put all children whose have participated in the same secondary school could be a solution...

Some asset of this plan are given in this text such as the fact that it allows children to become open-minded towards other cultures;

This text also puts the stress on the fact that teachers think having(to have?) a sketchy knowledge of languages...they can be afraid...but she adds post certainly that a teacher hasn't to be a linguist to teach it.

The text ends with an anecdot about an eleven years old child who admits to like learning latin...he also signs with his latin name "alexus".

On my own opinion,this plan is good because it allows children to choose their language...they can have a brief view of six different languages and i think it allow them to learn things about different cultures...In this way they learn values like respect,understanding and they become good citizens...they also learn linguistic skills.


Un peu moins de 3 minutes,et un accent horrible...comment vais-je faire?... :cry:


J'ai fait surtout de l'espagnol depuis hier (pour limiter les dégâts à venir :cry: ) donc pas eu le temps de me pencher sur la question, mais je vois que florencelocq s'en est chargée :P

Déjà, pour tenir plus longtemps, prends le temps de bien articuler, pour l'accent on s'en fiche, beaucoup de français ont un horrible accent bien marqué de toute façon (ouf, c'est pas mon cas, mais j'ai été entrainée depuis le collège par ma maman et sa "penfriend" :D , donc quand on insiste sur la prononciation dès le départ, ça aide !!)

This article is an extract from the indepedant day magazine written by Richard Garner. It was published in 2007;

The headline is Children to try out six languages before they start secondary school;

It deals with a plan which forecast to teach six different languages to nine years old children. Thus, it would hep them to decide which language they want to learn at secondary school.

The six languages are French,German,Spanish,Japanese,Punjabi,Latin.

Peter Downes,a language teacher,outlines that we live in a modern world, so he thinks (that) this project is really good;

Mr downes points out (that) it could have Be plutôt non ? a gap betweem children participating at the new plan and the others,whose are beginning this learning...

According to him,to (pas obligatoire je pense) put all the children whose have participated in the same secondary school could be a solution...

Some assets (or advantages) of this plan are given in this text such as the fact that it allows children to become open-minded towards other cultures;

This text also puts the stress on the fact that teachers think having(to have?) a sketchy knowledge of languages...they can be afraid...but she adds post certainly that a teacher hasn't to be a linguist to teach it.

Euh, là c'est pas clair ce que tu veux dire :huh:

This text also puts the stress on the fact that teachers will need a sketchy knowledge of all the langages ... or, if it's for the children : that teachers are afraid pupils will only have a sketchy knowledge of each language...

But then she adds that finally, teachers wouldn't need to be a linguist to teach them (c'est ça que tu voulais dire ??? j'ai pas eu le temps encore de lire le texte !!)

The text ends with an anecdot about an eleven years old child who admits to like learning latin...he also signs with his latin name "alexus".

In my own opinion,this plan is good because it allows children to choose their language...they can have a brief view of six different languages and i think it allows them to learn things about different cultures...In this way they learn values like respect,understanding and they become good citizens...they also learn linguistic skills.

Pffouuu, pas simple de passer d'une langue à l'autre... mon cerveau fume !!! :P


Bon, après lecture du texte, sur la partie qui n'était pas claire pour moi dans tes dirais :

teachers recognize that they have only a sketchy knowledge of all the langages ... But they put the stress on the fact that finally, teachers wouldn't need to be a linguist to teach them

(enfin moi je le vois ainsi hein :P )

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