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On n'avait que les 4 premiers paragraphes :

No (Revolutionary) Fire as France Curbs Smoke

Anyone expecting a great national rebellion bringing millions of irascible Gauloise-puffing Gauls to the barricades in defiance of authority and good sense will have been disappointed: France's nearly 15 million smokers meekly complied with the Feb. 1 law obliging them to haul their (cigarette) butts outside if they want to light up, or risk a hefty fine should they continue smoking in enclosed spaces. In fact, that relatively docile compliance with a liberty-restricting measure represented as significant a revolution in French cultural attitudes as does the state's health-driven campaign against tobacco.

"It's a pain, but that's the law, and the bosses are applying it," says a 34 year-old supermarket employee named Christophe who declined to give his last name as he paced the sidewalk for his smoke. Before the ban, Christophe says he and fellow inhalers were allowed to smoke in the large storage room in the central-Paris supermarket. "Now we can't and we're out here," he says, shrugging between drags. "That's life."

It was to save life that French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin last year announced the decree prohibiting smoking in any "collectively used area" in both public and private venues. The measure, which came into force on Thursday, limits indoor smoking in collectively-used areas to sealed "fumoirs," the specifications for which are so rigid and so costly that few have been built. To enforce the law, some 175,000 agents — primarily labor and health inspectors — have begun scrutinizing places of work, commerce and administration during their rounds for signs or smells of illicit puffing. They can fine errant smokers $88, and employers up to $975 for repeated infractions. But even if every one of France's 15 million smokers were caught brown-fingered during an illegal drag, the collective fine wouldn't come close to financing the estimated $19.5 billion the nation's health care system spends to treat tobacco-related illness.

Previous legislation banning smoking in certain public areas had largely been flaunted; successive hikes in per-pack taxes were viewed as more efficient in getting the French to kick the habit — and are believed to have helped drive the smoking proportion of France's population down from more than one in three to 26.7%, which ranks it in the middle of Europe's averages. But with nearly half of French people aged 20-25 having developed the habit, the smokers' percentage of the population is set to rise again, and with it the number of deaths.


Comme plan, j'ai fait

I le texte

II What can be done to prevent teenagers from starting to smoke ?

1) Regulation

- restricting smoking areas

- increasing taxes

- prohibiting advertizing on tobacco

- making sure the "good image" of tobacco is fighted

2) Education

- parents : happy medium between prohibition and communication

- school : example of teachers / strict prohibition in secondary schools / information on the effects, the risk

Conclusion : I'm pleased to read that french people is (are ?) getting more reasonable, but everyone should rely less on government and be more self responsible (ou quelquechose comme ça)


Moi aussi j'ai eu ce texte la !

Le jury a été assez bizarre ... Ils sont revenus sur la première ligne et m'ont demandé pourquoi et en quoi les américains nous comparaient aux Gaulois ! Sympa la question !! Ils voulaient que je réponde que les américains pensaient que les français n'allaient pas respecté la loi comme les gaulois (Cf Astérix et Obélix) ne respectaient pas l'authorité romaine... :idontno:

Il a fallu le sortir çà en Anglais ...

Sinon, ils sont restés assez attachés au texte !

Ah si, autre question : que feriez-vous si un de vos enfants vous disait qu'il fumait ?

Bref, c'est les vacances !!


les cigarettes ont inspire ceux qui ont fait les sujets!

cet apres midi, c etait aussi sur la nouvelle loi du tabac...article du washington post...


j ai retrouve l a ete bien coupe (et ce st dommage car qq reponses a leurs questions se trouve dans le texte)

qqn sait pourquoi ils reprennent les feuilles a la fin?

je crois me souvenir que ca donnait ca:

Cutting Back on Smokers' Liberté

By John Ward Anderson

Washington Post Foreign Service

Monday, January 29, 2007

PARIS -- About a dozen history and political science students huddled against the blustery cold outside the main entrance to the Sorbonne university, the bastion of Left Bank intellectualism. The topic, as they puffed away: France's new law banning smoking in public places such as schools and offices, and an even broader prohibition, set for next year, covering bars, restaurants and cafes.

"I'm in favor of the ban on smoking because when I see people smoking in bars and restaurants next to nonsmokers and children, it's a shame," said Louise , 20, lighting up. Recounting a visit to Ireland, which recently adopted tough anti-smoking laws, she said, "It felt very good to go to a bar, and when you got back home, you didn't stink of cigarettes."

"I am against the ban, because it's a question of liberty," said cigarette-waving Guillaume, 20, adding that he always respects the wishes of nonsmokers. "In France, we say one's liberty ends where someone else's begins, as if there is a border between freedoms, and where yours start, mine stop."

France joins a growing movement in Europe, where governments are increasingly bowing to citizens' demands for an end to smoking in public places. "It's a tremendous success story for public health in Europe," said Peter Boyle, director of the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon.

In 1991, France adopted the harshest anti-smoking laws in Europe, demanding, for instance, that restaurants create separate smoking and nonsmoking areas. But the law was never enforced, leading to the widespread belief that the new laws will be ignored or changed to avoid a complete ban in restaurants, bars and cafes.

Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, faced with plummeting public support and widespread student and labor strikes, postponed enacting a smoking ban, even though polls showed it had wide public support.

Outside the Sorbonne, Louis, 19, said he would continue smoking in public places regardless of the law. "It's a tradition in France. Everyone goes to bars and smokes. And everyone will defy this law.""Some will smoke only to defy the law," said Michael, 20, laughing and puffing away.

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Salut, je viens de passer l'anglais.

Le texte, je n'ai pas réussi à le retrouver sur internet, il s'agisait d'un article (adapté) du 11 août 1999 du daily telegraph, or leurs archives commencent en 2000... mais je peux vous parler du texte qui s'intéressait à l'école à la maison... les parents des enfants (les Hoyle) étaient pour et donnaient leurs explications, puis venaient un psychologue et le secrétaire de l'union des professeurs ainsi qu'une personne responsable du suivi des cours faits à la maison... ceux-là étaient plutôt contre (programmes plus ou moins suivis...). Il n'y avait pas vraiment de mot de vocabulaire difficile... c'est déjà ça !!

Les questions sympas sur la socialisation, ce que cela apportait aux élèves d'être à l'école, quel regard ces parents portaient-ils sur les enseignants, les docteurs...

Le jury, composé de deux femmes, était très sympa. Elles m'ont mise à l'aise et acquiessaient parfois ce qui fait chaud au coeur, même si l'oral laisse plus qu'à désirer !

Bon courage à ceux qui ne sont pas encore passés.


j ai trouve que le texte (le mien) adapté aussi, etait bcp plus facile donc accessible au + grand nombre par rapport a l original!

jai eu 2 femmes aussi dans le jury. il y a 2 ans j avais deja eu la prof d anglais a l oral d anglais et l autre je l avais eu et en histoire et en oral pro...cette annee, elle etait bcp + sympa!

le jury est comme a ses jours avec et ses jours sans...

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