lasmoule Posté(e) 16 juin 2008 Posté(e) 16 juin 2008 Voici qq questions suceptibles d'être posées par le jury: 1 Are you worried that your country will go to war in the near future? 2 What would you do if your country went to war? 3 What superhero would you like to be? 4 If you could have any power what would it be? 5 Do you ever buy lottery tickets? 6 What would you do with the money if you won? 7 Do you believe in ghosts? 8 What would you do if you saw a ghost? 9 Do you believe in reincarnation? 10 What would you like to be reincarnated as? 11 Have you ever found money on the ground? If you saw 10000 pounds fall out of somebody's pocket, what would you do with it? 13 Are you interested in politics? 14 If you could introduce one new law what would be it? 15 Do you think that people will live on other planets someday? 16 Would you go into space if you had the chance? Voilà, je pense qu'il serait very interesting que chacun tentd'y répondre et que l'on se corrige entre nous. Le probleme viendra surtout du vocabulaire à mon avis. Je reviens sur le site ce soir pour y répondre: le travail m'appelle pour l'instant!
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