alice33 Posté(e) 26 juin 2008 Auteur Posté(e) 26 juin 2008 Coucou ce matin! Alors voilà, j'ai trouvé ce texte horrible, vraiment trés ininteressant et sans ouverture possible. Si vous avez envie de vous y penchez, n'hésitez pas, mais moi je ne le fais pas !!! Si vous voulez je vous mets un autre texte, mais je ne l'ai pas lu, alors pas dis qu'il soit mieux!!! texte_4.pdf Amusez vous bien...
mariedestiny Posté(e) 26 juin 2008 Posté(e) 26 juin 2008 Texte 2: This document is an article from Newsweek International. It's entitled "Not the Queen's English" and it was published on Newsweek's website on two thousands and seven. It was writted by Carla Power. It deals with English speackers and more precisily about the raise of non-native English speackers in the world. This article is divided in three parts. In the first part, the author explains that, currently, the rival of Cambridge School of LAngages is not Oxford, with its rickety chairs and danks rooms, but the Euro Languages School, a less expansive school. Secondly, she tells us the raise of English-learning Industry due to Internationnal commerce and technologies developpement. English Language is spoken all around the World. It's like an universal languages. Thirdly, according to English Language expert, David Crystal, " There's never before been a language that's been spoken by more people as a second than a first". So, English language is a populous learning and, only in China, more Chinese children than Britains are studying English! To conclude, we could say that English learning is a compulsory learning in French from last form of nursery school. In the first year, children discover English language across activities, songs, hearings for example. Then, from primary school, English learning is deepper, it's a complete learning with hearing, reading, writting, speeling and grammary. So, when they go to secondary school, children must know how to conversate in English.
mariedestiny Posté(e) 26 juin 2008 Posté(e) 26 juin 2008 Texte 2:This document is an article from Newsweek International. It's entitled "Not the Queen's English" and it was published on Newsweek's website on two thousands and seven. It was writted by Carla Power. It deals with English speackers and more precisily about the raise of non-native English speackers in the world. This article is divided in three parts. In the first part, the author explains that, currently, the rival of Cambridge School of LAngages is not Oxford, with its rickety chairs and danks rooms, but the Euro Languages School, a less expansive school. Secondly, she tells us the raise of English-learning Industry due to Internationnal commerce and technologies developpement. English Language is spoken all around the World. It's like an universal languages. Thirdly, according to English Language expert, David Crystal, " There's never before been a language that's been spoken by more people as a second than a first". So, English language is a populous learning and, only in China, more Chinese children than Britains are studying English! To conclude, we could say that English learning is a compulsory learning in French from last form of nursery school. In the first year, children discover English language across activities, songs, hearings for example. Then, from primary school, English learning is deepper, it's a complete learning with hearing, reading, writting, speeling and grammary. So, when they go to secondary school, children must know how to conversate in English. Qu'en pensez-vous? J'ai essayé de me débrouiller avec le peu de vocabulaire dont je dispose... Est-ce compréhensible? Je passe demain et j'ai le cerveau comme une éponge... Plus rien de rentre... Je stresse un max!
alice33 Posté(e) 26 juin 2008 Auteur Posté(e) 26 juin 2008 Texte 2:This document is an article from Newsweek International. It's entitled "Not the Queen's English" and it was published on Newsweek's website on two thousands and seven. It was writted by Carla Power. It deals with English speackers and more precisily about the raise of non-native English speackers in the world. This article is divided in three parts. In the first part, the author explains that, currently, the rival of Cambridge School of LAngages is not Oxford, with its rickety chairs and danks rooms, but the Euro Languages School, a less expansive school. Secondly, she tells us the raise of English-learning Industry due to Internationnal commerce and technologies developpement. English Language is spoken all around the World. It's like an universal languages. Thirdly, according to English Language expert, David Crystal, " There's never before been a language that's been spoken by more people as a second than a first". So, English language is a populous learning and, only in China, more Chinese children than Britains are studying English! To conclude, we could say that English learning is a compulsory learning in French from last form of nursery school. In the first year, children discover English language across activities, songs, hearings for example. Then, from primary school, English learning is deepper, it's a complete learning with hearing, reading, writting, speeling and grammary. So, when they go to secondary school, children must know how to conversate in English. Qu'en pensez-vous? J'ai essayé de me débrouiller avec le peu de vocabulaire dont je dispose... Est-ce compréhensible? Je passe demain et j'ai le cerveau comme une éponge... Plus rien de rentre... Je stresse un max! Je trouve que ton résumé est trés bien! Il est clair et bien construit! Là encore je mettrais une bonne note!!! Mais je ne suis pas jury!!! Moi aussi je passe demain à Bordeaux, et toi, c'est où? Est ce que c'est ta langue obligatoire? Moi non, mais je suis tout de même stressée!!! Je crois que j'arriverais à dire quelque chose sur le texte, mais en ce qui concerne l'entretien, ça va être la catastrophe!!! Je ne sais pas parler et j'ai un super accent frenchy!!! Enfin bref, ça m'embète de travailler pour n'avoir que 10 ou moins (ça ne sera donc pas compté!!! )! Enfin bref, je fais un dernier texte pour m'entrainer et advienne que pourra! Courage à tous et à toi en particulier mariedetiny pour demain! (disons que c'est l'ange de la chance!!)
julie22 Posté(e) 26 juin 2008 Posté(e) 26 juin 2008 J'ai beaucoup de mal à comprendre le texte 3, je ne veux pas me servir du dico pour le faire dans les conditions réelles. Ca va être dur demain après-midi, c'est ma langue obligatoire, mais j'ai toujours été nul
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