artifice Posté(e) 13 février 2009 Posté(e) 13 février 2009 Bonjour, je mets en ligne un sujet d'anglais de l'année dernière. Est ce que des personnes connaissent des sites ou l'on peut trouver d'autres sujets d'anglais ? Merci. Sujet d'anglais n°1 proposé dans l'académie de Montpellier 2008 Source : Adapted from « Paris fumes over France's smokink ban » The Guardian - 3rd of january 2008 Like Asterix's village holding out against the Romans, for years France proudly resisted the global craze for smoking bans. It held out longer than Britain, Spain or Italy, but on Tuesday it finally bid au revoir to cigarettes in bars, cafes, restaurants and clubs. This was not a decision taken lightly. Magazines ran nostalgic photo-spreads reminding us that French people look seriously cool with a fag in their mouth - as illustrated by Charles de Gaulle, Brigitte Bardot and the ambassador for nicotine-enhanced thinking, Jean-Paul Sartre. Even president Nicolas Sarkozy, painfully image-conscious, posed for Paris Match wrestling with a fat cigar.But yesterday, on the Left Bank where Sartre once lit Simone de Beauvoir's fags with impunity, France's traditional "café-clope" - morning coffee and cigarette - was now only possible by braving freezing temperatures or pavement heaters that singe your hair off. [...] At Le Québec tabac yesterday butchers and grocers obligingly finished their coffee before smoking on the doorstep. Barman Jean-Michel, dressed in leather waistcoat, cowboy-style shoelace tie and handlebar moustache, spluttered: "This country is a dictatorship! When people were sick of their kings, they cut off their heads." Was he anticipating a smokers' revolt? "No," he said calmly. "People will respect it. I'll do what I did at school. I'll smoke in the toilets."
caroline69 Posté(e) 13 février 2009 Posté(e) 13 février 2009 Bonjour, je mets en ligne un sujet d'anglais de l'année dernière.Est ce que des personnes connaissent des sites ou l'on peut trouver d'autres sujets d'anglais ? Merci. Sujet d'anglais n°1 proposé dans l'académie de Montpellier 2008 Source : Adapted from « Paris fumes over France's smokink ban » The Guardian - 3rd of january 2008 Like Asterix's village holding out against the Romans, for years France proudly resisted the global craze for smoking bans. It held out longer than Britain, Spain or Italy, but on Tuesday it finally bid au revoir to cigarettes in bars, cafes, restaurants and clubs. This was not a decision taken lightly. Magazines ran nostalgic photo-spreads reminding us that French people look seriously cool with a fag in their mouth - as illustrated by Charles de Gaulle, Brigitte Bardot and the ambassador for nicotine-enhanced thinking, Jean-Paul Sartre. Even president Nicolas Sarkozy, painfully image-conscious, posed for Paris Match wrestling with a fat cigar.But yesterday, on the Left Bank where Sartre once lit Simone de Beauvoir's fags with impunity, France's traditional "café-clope" - morning coffee and cigarette - was now only possible by braving freezing temperatures or pavement heaters that singe your hair off. [...] At Le Québec tabac yesterday butchers and grocers obligingly finished their coffee before smoking on the doorstep. Barman Jean-Michel, dressed in leather waistcoat, cowboy-style shoelace tie and handlebar moustache, spluttered: "This country is a dictatorship! When people were sick of their kings, they cut off their heads." Was he anticipating a smokers' revolt? "No," he said calmly. "People will respect it. I'll do what I did at school. I'll smoke in the toilets." Bonjour, Je sais que tu peux avoir beaucoup de sujets de l'académie de Lyon. Je crois me souvenir que pour y accéder, il faut aller sur le site educ.gouv puis vers les rapports de jury par académie. Bonne chance. Caroline.
artifice Posté(e) 14 février 2009 Auteur Posté(e) 14 février 2009 Bonjour, Je sais que tu peux avoir beaucoup de sujets de l'académie de Lyon. Je crois me souvenir que pour y accéder, il faut aller sur le site educ.gouv puis vers les rapports de jury par académie. Bonne chance. Caroline. Oui merci beaucoup. Il y a en effet pas mal de sujets disponibles. De quoi me mettre au travail !
drey79 Posté(e) 14 février 2009 Posté(e) 14 février 2009 Voilà l'adresse précise ! Bon courage ! Audrey
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