floridelph Posté(e) 15 mai 2009 Posté(e) 15 mai 2009 Bonjour, j'ouvre un post pour tout le week end car j'ai constaté que le week end dernier il n'y avait pas grand monde... Comme ça là, plus d'excuses !! Ca n'a pas l'air très facilem ais en meme temps, ça m'étonnerait qu'on nous en propose un isn't it ? http://www.crdp.ac-lyon.fr/a/ConcoursEdu/2...LV_Anglais7.pdf
bibaloo Posté(e) 15 mai 2009 Posté(e) 15 mai 2009 Bonjour, j'ouvre un post pour tout le week end car j'ai constaté que le week end dernier il n'y avait pas grand monde...Comme ça là, plus d'excuses !! Ca n'a pas l'air très facilem ais en meme temps, ça m'étonnerait qu'on nous en propose un isn't it ? http://www.crdp.ac-lyon.fr/a/ConcoursEdu/2...LV_Anglais7.pdf J'ai lu le texte, à la fois simple et compliqué... Simple car on connaît tous plus ou moins l'histoire de Peter Pan, compliqué car y'a de sacrés mots de vocab !! (merci mon ami le dico !) Si j'ai la motivation la semaine prochaine je le traiterai ; là je révise le qcm d'admission pour demain et ensuite we coupure. Je serai de retour lundi... Je verrai où vous en serez !
Krokinette Posté(e) 15 mai 2009 Posté(e) 15 mai 2009 On a jusqu' à quand pour donner le résumé? dimanche?
smileco Posté(e) 15 mai 2009 Posté(e) 15 mai 2009 this text is an extract from the book "Peter Pan" written by James M Barrie in 1904. It tells the meeting between Wendy and Peter PAn. It's a dialogue between the two children. Wendy wants to know his name, his adress... she asks him a lot of questions and Peter Pan answers her very naturely. Wendy seems atonished by the answers of Peter. c'est un début mais je dois arrêter là pour aujourd'hui.
tiGwen Posté(e) 15 mai 2009 Posté(e) 15 mai 2009 On a jusqu' à quand pour donner le résumé? dimanche? tu le donnes quand tu veux dans le wend, ou même lundi si tu veux, car par ex bibaloo ne le mettra en ligne que lundi
krystel777 Posté(e) 16 mai 2009 Posté(e) 16 mai 2009 On a jusqu' à quand pour donner le résumé? dimanche? tu le donnes quand tu veux dans le wend, ou même lundi si tu veux, car par ex bibaloo ne le mettra en ligne que lundi Salut, Je viens d'imprimer le texte, je le travaille demain et mettrai en ligne ma proposition en soirée. J'ai trouvé ça dans un groupe de travail, il y a pas mal de compliment dessus; j'en prends connaissance ce soir. En attendant voici le lien http://www.crdp.ac-lyon.fr/a/ConcoursEdu/2...LV_Anglais7.pdf Autre chose rien à voir avec l'anglais, comment vous préparez-vous à l'oral prépro? à l'art visuel? au sport? Je m'explique: je suis salariée à temps plein, j'ai un p'tit bout de chou depuis Octobre et je ne suis inscrite nulle part pour la formation... seulement des souvenirs de l'IUFM (2005) et des lectures . Bonne soirée! Krystel777
tiGwen Posté(e) 17 mai 2009 Posté(e) 17 mai 2009 On a jusqu' à quand pour donner le résumé? dimanche? tu le donnes quand tu veux dans le wend, ou même lundi si tu veux, car par ex bibaloo ne le mettra en ligne que lundi Salut, Je viens d'imprimer le texte, je le travaille demain et mettrai en ligne ma proposition en soirée. J'ai trouvé ça dans un groupe de travail, il y a pas mal de compliment dessus; j'en prends connaissance ce soir. En attendant voici le lien http://www.crdp.ac-lyon.fr/a/ConcoursEdu/2...LV_Anglais7.pdf Autre chose rien à voir avec l'anglais, comment vous préparez-vous à l'oral prépro? à l'art visuel? au sport? Je m'explique: je suis salariée à temps plein, j'ai un p'tit bout de chou depuis Octobre et je ne suis inscrite nulle part pour la formation... seulement des souvenirs de l'IUFM (2005) et des lectures . Bonne soirée! Krystel777 tu peux t'entraîner ou simplement échanger avec d'autres edpiens sur les autres post en OP, on tâche de traiter un sujet par jour pdt la semaine EPS, certains mettent leur expo en ligne fouille dans "concours du crpe" tu trouveras surement des réponses à tes questions moi aussi j'essaie de mettre mon résumé en ligne ds la soirée
tiGwen Posté(e) 17 mai 2009 Posté(e) 17 mai 2009 This text is an extract of a famous novel : Peter Pan. This novel was published in 1904 and written by James Matew Barrie. So, the story deals with a boy who (au choix : ) doesn't /didn't want to grow up. Then, he (has) escaped from adult future taking refuge in an imaginary and marvellous world. But, in order to come back at this text, it's espacially a dialogue between 2 main characters. There are Peter and Wendy when, I suppose, they met. Reading this extract, we learn (est-ce le bon temps? ) their names. Contrary to Wendy whose de full mane is Wendy Moira Angela Darling, Peter has got a short name : Peter Pan and that's all. Moreover, we learn Peter address. He said he lives, I quote, "second to right and then straigth on till morning". So, we can say it's not a typical place, like Santa Claus address... Besides, Wendy didn't seem convinced by this address because, her (pour dire : elle!), she lives in the actual world. Maybe Wendy thought Peter joked/was joking (tjs au choix...). In her opinion, it's not an address is written on letters. Then, questionning Peter, Wendy (has ) learnt Peter hasn't got mother. However, Peter doesn't/didn't miss a mother. He was/id more worried about his shadow he didn't succeed to catch. To sum up, in my point of view, this sotry is between the reality represented by Wendy and the dream world embodied by Peter Pan. Furthermore, I think many children know Peter Pan, but unfortunately mainly the Disney version. Indeed, Peter Pan became a Walt Disney cartoon in 1953. And often, children know the cartoon before the written version which is the first version. To conclude, as the author was british, perhaps this novel is part of english heritage like in France we have got Perrault tales, for example : Little Red Riding Hood. Personnaly, I don't really know Peter Pan but I know there is a movie called "Hook". It's because captain Hook is the bad character of the novel. It will be interesting to imagine a literature work. For instance, children can compare written and Disney versions saying what is different and what is the same. bon, vous l'aure compris, je suis perdue lorsqu'on doit parler d'un texte comme cet extrait de roman, doit-on mettre au présent simple, au passé? et quel passé? à moins qu'il ne faille utiliser le présent en be+-ing... help, n'hésitez donc pas à corriger...
vinette4073 Posté(e) 17 mai 2009 Posté(e) 17 mai 2009 personnaly, i think you can use present, or preterit, as you want, the most important is that you use the same during all your text??? it's a very difficult text for me, so i won't speak five minutes!!!! i try: this document is an extract taken from a novel, written by James M Barrie, the last century, and more especially in 1904. It's name is Peter Pan. Everybody knows Peter Pan, the little child who doesn't want to grow up. This text is a dialogue between the hero, Peter Pan, and another little child, wich name is Wendie. The both characters have to present himself, because this is the first time they meet. it's Peter Pan who ask the first question: he wants to know what is her name. she answers her name: wendie moira angela darling! it's a long name, so peter pan is surprised. When she asks him the same question she's surprised by the answer. Then it's the same reactions with the adress: Peter pan gives her a strange adress... he hasn't got mother, and the narrator explains us that he does'nt want to have a mother: i don't read the novel, but i think the scene can take place at the beginning of the novel, because we learn many things about the heroe to my mind this is important to read this kind of novel because it's a classical novel. to my mind, pupils need to read this novel, because it represents their fear to be abandonned. This extract represent difference they can meet in their own life when they're talking with others children. it's an universal novel, so they must know peter pan's life. that's all!!! what kind of questions can we have with this kind of text? please correct my mistakes............
tiGwen Posté(e) 17 mai 2009 Posté(e) 17 mai 2009 personnaly, i think you can use present, or preterit, as you want, the most important is that you use the same during all your text???it's a very difficult text for me, so i won't speak five minutes!!!! i try: this document is an extract taken from a novel, written by James M Barrie, the last century, and more especially in 1904. It's name is (ça me fait bizarre) this novel/book is untitled Peter Pan. Everybody (or almost) knows Peter Pan, the little child who doesn't want to grow up. This text is a dialogue between the hero, Peter Pan, and another little child, wich name is Wendie. The both characters have to present/ introduce (himself) themselves , because this is the first time they meet. it's Peter Pan who asks the first question: he wants to know what is her name. she answers her name/she's called (pour éviter "name"): wendie moira angela darling! it's a long name, so peter pan is surprised. When she asks him the same question she's surprised by the answer. Then it's the same reactions with the adress: Peter pan gives her a strange adress... (pour étoffer tu peux la citer comme je l'ai fait) he hasn't got mother, and the narrator explains us that he does'nt want to have a mother: i don't read the novel, but i think the scene can take place at the beginning of the novel, because we learn many things about the hero to my mind this is important to read this kind of novel because it's a classical novel. to my mind/ in my opinion/ in my point of view (éviter les répétitions), pupils need to read this novel, because it represents their fear to be abandonned. This extract represents differences they can meet in their own life when they're talking (with) to others children. it's an universal novel, so they must know peter pan's life. that's all!!! what kind of questions can we have with this kind of text? please correct my mistakes............
floridelph Posté(e) 18 mai 2009 Auteur Posté(e) 18 mai 2009 Questions about this text : What do you think about this novel : is it to grow up or to dream ? Do you know some other stories that is in the dream ? And of course, some other questions that we can't anticiped or imagine !
krystel777 Posté(e) 18 mai 2009 Posté(e) 18 mai 2009 personnaly, i think you can use present, or preterit, as you want, the most important is that you use the same during all your text???it's a very difficult text for me, so i won't speak five minutes!!!! i try: this document is an extract taken from a novel, written by James M Barrie, the last century, and more especially in 1904. It's name is (ça me fait bizarre) this novel/book is untitled Peter Pan. Everybody (or almost) knows Peter Pan, the little child who doesn't want to grow up. This text is a dialogue between the hero, Peter Pan, and another little child, wich name is Wendie. The both characters have to present/ introduce (himself) themselves , because this is the first time they meet. it's Peter Pan who asks the first question: he wants to know what is her name. she answers her name/she's called (pour éviter "name"): wendie moira angela darling! it's a long name, so peter pan is surprised. When she asks him the same question she's surprised by the answer. Then it's the same reactions with the adress: Peter pan gives her a strange adress... (pour étoffer tu peux la citer comme je l'ai fait) he hasn't got mother, and the narrator explains us that he does'nt want to have a mother: i don't read the novel, but i think the scene can take place at the beginning of the novel, because we learn many things about the hero to my mind this is important to read this kind of novel because it's a classical novel. to my mind/ in my opinion/ in my point of view (éviter les répétitions), pupils need to read this novel, because it represents their fear to be abandonned. This extract represents differences they can meet in their own life when they're talking (with) to others children. it's an universal novel, so they must know peter pan's life. that's all!!! what kind of questions can we have with this kind of text? please correct my mistakes............ A mon tour, This document is an extract from Peter Pan, a novel written for children by JAMES M BARRIE, in 1904. This passage deals with the first time Peter and Wendy met. To begin with, I'll um up this passage and, lastly I'll explain how I may use such a text in a clas. Firstly, Peter and Wendy introduced themselves. 3 aspects of Peter's life are pointed out in this dialogue: - his name is rather short compared to her's - his adress is quite strange - Peter doesn't have any relative that is the reason why he doesn't receive any letters. Wendy felt sad when she is told Peter doesn't have a mother. Now, Il'll draw your attention to the difference between Wendie's feelings and Peter's reaction. Indeed she has the impression Peter was crying because he suffers from the absence of a mother. However this is not the case, he simply has difficulties with his shadow. The reader understands that eventhough Peter was really crying he was not about admitting it. Of course, Peter is a boy and boys never cry! Finally, this extract is very interesting for a study in class because it deals with the way English-speaking people introduce themselves. Indeed the French Ministère de l'Education Nationale expects children to be able to introduce themselves. It is completely part of children' skills. Je n'ai pas vraiment d'idée pour la 2nde partie. Sinon, j'aime bien tes rapprochements, Tigwenn, avec : disney cartoon, English heritage and the literature work to do in class. C'est bien ce dernier aspect qui aurait pu compléter ma référence aux programmes. Bonne organisation de l'exposé je trouve. On se fait un autre texte jeudi? J'ai parcouru le doc que j'ai mis en ligne et il y a qqes astuces intéressantes pour la présentation, la prononciation... Krystel777
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