tiGwen Posté(e) 18 mai 2009 Posté(e) 18 mai 2009 voilà un sujet pour les 2 jours à suivre : http://www.crdp.ac-lyon.fr/a/ConcoursEdu/2...V_Anglais10.pdf
floridelph Posté(e) 18 mai 2009 Posté(e) 18 mai 2009 Merci, comme je n'ai du temps quasiement que le lundi, je démarre !! This text, written by Anushka a, an education correspondant, was published in the Observer on Sunday January 28, 2007. With the title, we can understand that it’s deals with homeworks that didn’t works. First, I will sum up this article and, in a second part, I’d like to explain my opinion. In a first time, the autor explain the life of a nine-year-old girl, that come back home at 6H20 after school and after-school club, and that must still make her homework. Her mother, that works full time, doesn’t want to fight with her to make her homework during the little time she spend with her daugther. It is just a study that said that homework has a bad effect on familly tension. The text explain that teire is no study to show a benefice to homeworkbefore high school.Nevertheless, the departement of education think that it’s important from five years because it’s help childrens to become independant and successful. However, a professor, Susan Hallam, says that it’s not good for pupills if they made it only because the professor and the school want them to do it. John Peck say that they are a lot of teachers that suspected that it wasn’t good for pupills and that it was only to reasure theire parents. In France, teachers can’t take homework for young children in primary school. They have to teach all the programm in school-days. It’s a good idea because pupuills have to do someting else with their parents or friends. But it’s sometimes difficult because it’s hard to remember multiplication table for exemple without reciting at home. In my work experience, I sow some teachers that made a little paper with “if you want,you can do....” but I never see teachers that give any homework ! Homework is difficult to do in a journey that is alrady very busy. The school must works with parents and a lot of parents want to have some homework for their childrens, especially on hollidays. We can imagine to give some on hollidays but not during the week spend in school. That' all !!!! Good night !
bibaloo Posté(e) 18 mai 2009 Posté(e) 18 mai 2009 Eh bien Floridelph t'es motivée !!! C'est bien !! Désolée de vous avoir laissées tomber pour Peter Pan, pas le courage de faire de l'anglais, j'ai préféré me concentrer sur l'OP. Je tente ce nouveau sujet demain ou après-demain (faut que je me fasse un petit planing pour demain !!) Bonne soirée !
tiGwen Posté(e) 19 mai 2009 Auteur Posté(e) 19 mai 2009 let's go!!! this text was published on the magazine The Observer it is dated from 2007 and written by A.A it deals with education and particularly with homework as the text is untitled "why homework isn't working" it's a matter of common concern because on the one side, there are people who defend homework, and on the other side, people who condemn it so, the question is : have we to give homework to children at the Primary school ? (pas sûre de la syntaxe là) to begin, I will show the different opinions about it, then, in a second part, I will speak about the case of France Firstly,the journalist AA strats her article by a mother worry from her daughter's homework. the girl is nine and her homework takes much of her time. Her mother is worried because the girl has to work in many matters. For example, I'm going to cite "numeracy, literacy, spelling" It becomes a real chore, that's a negative effet of homework for young children. the journalist focuses on this debate. the Dpartment for Education and Skills (DES) defend homework as an essential part of education explaining it helps children to develop their skills and attitudes. However, according to the author of a new book whose name isn't known in the text, there is useless to give homework before high school. But the DES specifies "a well-organised homework" is beneficial. Moreover, Susan Hallam, a profesor at the Institute for education in London, doesn't seem against the idea of homework provided that homework makes sense for children. At the opposite, some headteachers like John Peck, agree with the (mysterious) author saying homework is not beneficial for the children in Primary school. Besides, John Peck adds homework is done more for parents than for children. This last sentence allow me to link with the french case. Because in FRance, a part of homework is forbidden. In theory, written work is not allowed at home. But, in order to reassure parents who demand it, lessons are permitted. I'm going to explain that : written homework is banned because og equality between children who receive help at home and others who don't. So, only lessons are given like learning vocabulary, poems, or a History lesson. However, actually, it's difficult ti not give ( ) homework, mainly to children who begin learning to write, to read and to count. Indeed, they need to make exercices o integrate school learnings. to conclude, people are and will still divide about homework...
tiGwen Posté(e) 19 mai 2009 Auteur Posté(e) 19 mai 2009 Merci, comme je n'ai du temps quasiement que le lundi, je démarre !!This text, written by Anushka a, an education correspondant, was published in the Observer on Sunday January 28, 2007. With the title, we can understand that it’s deals with homeworks that didn’t works. First, I will sum up this article and, in a second part, I’d like to explain my opinion. In a first time, the autor explains the life of a nine-year-old girl, that comes back home at 6H20 after school and after-school club, and that must still make her homework. Her mother, that works full time, doesn’t want to fight with her to make her homework during the little time she spend with her daugther. It is just a study that said that homework has a bad effect on familly tension. (The text) the author explains that there is no study to show a benefice to homeworkbefore high school.Nevertheless, the departement of education think that it’s important from five years because it’s help childrens to become independant and successful. However, a professor, Susan Hallam, says that it’s not good for pupills if they made it only because the professor and the school want them to do it. John Peck says that they are a lot of teachers that suspected that it wasn’t good for pupills and that it was only to reasure their parents. In France, teachers can’t take homework for young children in primary school. They have to teach all the programm in school-days. It’s a good idea because pupuills have to do someting else with their parents or friends. But it’s sometimes difficult because it’s hard to remember multiplication table for exemple without reciting at home. In my work experience, I sow some teachers that made a little paper with “if you want,you can do....” but I never see teachers that give any homework ! Homework is difficult to do in a journey that is already very busy. NO! day # journey = voyage The school must works with parents and a lot of parents want to have some homework for their childrens, especially on hollidays. We can imagine to give some on hollidays but not during the week spend in school. That' all !!!! Good night ! good! à part des "s" oubliés par endroit et en trop à d'autres... there = it # their (leur)
Breizhine Posté(e) 19 mai 2009 Posté(e) 19 mai 2009 bonsoir, est-ce que je peux me joindre à vous ?, je suis comment dire une vraie quiche en anglais 4/20 l'an dernier Je trouve votre idée intéressante En plus des textes, on pourrait se poser deux trois questions sur chaque thème :wub: Merci
floridelph Posté(e) 19 mai 2009 Posté(e) 19 mai 2009 Merci tigwen, j'aimerais bien voyager en ce moment ça doit être un lapsus !! (enfin bon, mon premier en anglais alors...) Je ne me sens pas assez forte pour corriger le tien Breizhine, c'est une bonne idée les questions : vas-y je t'en prie
Breizhine Posté(e) 19 mai 2009 Posté(e) 19 mai 2009 bon je ne sais pas si tu as lu je suis nulle en anglais Quand le lis vos résumés, j'angoisse, je sui loin d'écrire auusi facilement Alors petite question What do you think of homeworks in the house ,, (pas sur de la construction) Iagree to say that the homework can serve for reassuring the parents The days for chilren are long, and the homeworks for some children can be a real suffering Bouh j'arrête la torture pour moi
krystel777 Posté(e) 20 mai 2009 Posté(e) 20 mai 2009 let's go!!!this text was published on the magazine The Observer it is dated from 2007 and written by A.A it deals with education and particularly with homework as the text is untitled "why homework isn't working" it's a matter of common concern because on the one side, there are people who defend homework, and on the other side, people who condemn it so, the question is : have we to give homework to children at the Primary school ? (pas sûre de la syntaxe là) to begin, I will show the different opinions about it, then, in a second part, I will speak about the case of France Firstly,the journalist AA strats her article by a mother worry from her daughter's homework. the girl is nine and her homework takes much of her time. Her mother is worried because the girl has to work in many matters. For example, I'm going to cite "numeracy, literacy, spelling" It becomes a real chore, that's a negative effet of homework for young children. the journalist focuses on this debate. the Dpartment for Education and Skills (DES) defend homework as an essential part of education explaining it helps children to develop their skills and attitudes. However, according to the author of a new book whose name isn't known in the text, there is useless to give homework before high school. But the DES specifies "a well-organised homework" is beneficial. Moreover, Susan Hallam, a profesor at the Institute for education in London, doesn't seem against the idea of homework provided that homework makes sense for children. At the opposite, some headteachers like John Peck, agree with the (mysterious) author saying homework is not beneficial for the children in Primary school. Besides, John Peck adds homework is done more for parents than for children. This last sentence allow me to link with the french case. Because in FRance, a part of homework is forbidden. In theory, written work is not allowed at home. But, in order to reassure parents who demand it, lessons are permitted. I'm going to explain that : written homework is banned because og equality between children who receive help at home and others who don't. So, only lessons are given like learning vocabulary, poems, or a History lesson. However, actually, it's difficult ti not give ( ) homework, mainly to children who begin learning to write, to read and to count. Indeed, they need to make exercices o integrate school learnings. to conclude, people are and will still divide about homework... I'm back! I'm going to print the text, I'll do it tomorrow morning. As for Ti'gwen's work. I have to say you've done a good introduction as usual! Your second part is really interesting with the comparision (not sure?) of the two systems. Just a few remarks: so, the question is : have we to give homework to children at the Primary school ? (pas sûre de la syntaxe là) I think Can or Should would be more appropriate: Should we give homework to children at the Primary school? strats her article what does it mean? there is useless to give homework it is useless to ... there is no point... Have a good day!
tiGwen Posté(e) 20 mai 2009 Auteur Posté(e) 20 mai 2009 I'm back! I'm going to print the text, I'll do it tomorrow morning.As for Ti'gwen's work. I have to say you've done a good introduction as usual! Your second part is really interesting with the comparision (not sure?) of the two systems. Just a few remarks: so, the question is : have we to give homework to children at the Primary school ? (pas sûre de la syntaxe là) I think Can or Should would be more appropriate: Should we give homework to children at the Primary school? strats her article what does it mean? there is useless to give homework it is useless to ... there is no point... => pas compris ce que tu veux dire là ? Have a good day! thank you very much krystel777, it's interesting to answer me in english, but I think I haven't got enough courgae to do same so : ok pour "should" (jte dis moi et les modaux... faut vraiment que je les révise) oups c'était to START (et non stRat) bon et sinon, I'm happy because i'm "admissible"
Krokinette Posté(e) 20 mai 2009 Posté(e) 20 mai 2009 Bonjour à tous! Je n'avais pas pu faire le sujet ce week end donc j'essaie pour celui là: This article untitled "Why homework isn't working" was published in The Observer on Sunday January 28, 2007 by Anushka Asthona. In this text there are different thoughts of homework for children before high school. Each person express his point of view. For example Department for education and skills official thinks that homework helps children to developp the skills and attitudes. The others are less sure of the benefit for the children. Some parents are effrayed that the time they spend together become unpleasant, Susan Hallam thinks wrong type of work is a waste of time, and John Peck thinks that sometimes homework is done for the parents. I learn from this text that since nine years homework in UK is obligatory for five year old, contrary to France where homework is forbidden. To conclude, i want to shair my opinion about homework. In differents countries there are different conception for the homework because there are different approaches to education system. Voilà je ne sais pas si c'est suffisant mais c'est un début.
bibaloo Posté(e) 20 mai 2009 Posté(e) 20 mai 2009 bon et sinon, I'm happy because i'm "admissible" Congratulations !!!!!!!
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