tiGwen Posté(e) 21 mai 2009 Posté(e) 21 mai 2009 on continue, on ne se relâche pas... http://www.crdp.ac-lyon.fr/a/ConcoursEdu/2...V_Anglais11.pdf
bouliecr Posté(e) 21 mai 2009 Posté(e) 21 mai 2009 Cela fait plusieurs jours que je regarde ce que vous proposez Cette fois, je vais essayer de le faire !! La motivation est plus forte que jamais !!
bouliecr Posté(e) 21 mai 2009 Posté(e) 21 mai 2009 je me lance, mais j'ai eu bcp de mal malgré une bonne compréhension du texte. J'arrive pas à reformuler. J'arrive plus facilement à donner mon avis ... This article entitled "texting slang aiding children's language skills" was published in 2006. It was written by Alexandra Smith and extracted from a web site "EducationGuardian". It's a quality paper because the investigation was realize by researchers. It deals with the impact of texting about language skills. Firtly the article begin with an example of texting which means "see you later" but this spelling is totaly different. The new research prouves that there is no damage about spelling skills even if we write on texting when we send a message. In fact, despite what we think texting can be positive with literacy achievement. So the main question es to know if the use of texting causes damage about child's ability to use standard English. Moreover, children answered to a quizz to know how they use their phone : if they sens message or if they phone. The result shows they send message. But it doesn't have evidence which shows the use of texting is negative. On the contrary, children who use phone to send text message can be the better spellers and writers. So the researchers are interested about this practice and the children who have difficulties. The texting can be a way to practice language skills. To conclude, I think this article is ery interesting because more and more children use phone to communicate. But they don't respect grammar and spelling. We can see they use the same vocabulary at school. So it's important to correct them before they use so much. I don't know if the use of texting is positive about language skills but we can't stop their. Children have to do the difference between school and recreation.
dhaiphi Posté(e) 21 mai 2009 Posté(e) 21 mai 2009 Children have to do the difference between school and recreation. Incredible !
tiGwen Posté(e) 21 mai 2009 Auteur Posté(e) 21 mai 2009 this document is an article extracted from EducationGuardian. It was published on Sept. the 11th in 2006, 3 years ago. And it was written by Alexandra Smith. This article is untiled "texting..." As the journalist focuses on surprising in people mind saying "contrary to popular belief". Why is it amazing? Firstly, I will explain the main ideas of the text underlining the different opinions about this matter of common concern. Then, in a second part, I will give us my point of view on text ùmessaging and the use of mobile phobne in general. to begin, I'm going to answer the question : what is the text messaging ? there is texting mpessages on mobile phone you can send to your friends or to your family. As nowadays the society ask us to hurry, the aim is writing speed. So, the solution is cutting words using only phonetic values of letters and figures. An example is given at the top of text. It is CU L8R. And you have to understand "see you later". The difference between both is in the first case you only use 6 block letters against 13 in the second case (with spaces) Consequently, people believe using text message abreviations prevent children from mastering standard English. Nevertheless, researchers at Coverty university and Beverly Plester and Clare Wood have lead a study that prove the contrary. Indeed, these researchers have shown that children abilities are improved regarding standard English. Furthermore, to sum up Mrs Plester point of view, more children send text messages and better they are in English writing and spelling. However, English examiners criticize text messaging because according to them this practice generates basic errors from bright pupils. So they condemn texting slang. Finally, there are still opposite opinions about this issue. I don't know if we have the same results in France. But, in my point of view, I'm against mobile phone for young children. I agreee that mobile phone reasure parents who have got teenagers when they go out but children are so young. Moreover, at school, we learn us vocabulary and how words are written. Besides, the french language system is very difficult because is not mainly phonetical : you don't write words as you heard them. So I don't recommand this practice to my pupils. On the other side, texting slang will be a funny way to discover a different language. For instance, we can use it to create poems. indeed, I think there is more freedom with poetry, it allowed you to play with speaking. But i haven't got example of poems with this kind of joke.
tiGwen Posté(e) 21 mai 2009 Auteur Posté(e) 21 mai 2009 je me lance, mais j'ai eu bcp de mal malgré une bonne compréhension du texte. J'arrive pas à reformuler. J'arrive plus facilement à donner mon avis ...This article is untitled "texting slang aiding children's language skills" . It was published in 2006. It was written by Alexandra Smith and extracted from a web site "EducationGuardian". It's a quality press because the investigation was realised by researchers. It deals with the impact of texting about language skills. Firstly the article begins with an example of texting which means "see you later" but this spelling is totaly different. The new research prouves that there is no damage about spelling skills even if we write on texting when we send a message. In fact, despite what we think texting can be positive with literacy achievement. So the main question (es?) is to know if the use of texting (causes) creates damage about child's ability to use standard English. Moreover, children answered to a quizz to know how they use their phone : if they send message or if they phone. The result shows they send message. But it doesn't have evidence which shows the use of texting is negative. On the contrary, children who use phone to send text message can be the better spellers and writers. So the researchers are interested about this practice and the children who have difficulties. The texting can be a way to practice language skills. To conclude, I think this article is ery interesting because more and more children use phone to communicate. But they don't respect grammar and spelling. We can see they use the same vocabulary at school. So it's important to correct them before they use so much. I don't know if the use of texting is positive about language skills but we can't stop their. Children have to do the difference between school and recreation. you have forgotten the English examiners' opinion : they are against because they met basic errors in the pupils copies
bouliecr Posté(e) 22 mai 2009 Posté(e) 22 mai 2009 it's good !!!! thinks, you help me because I hadn't idea for this text as you can see ... Sinon, je crois que pour les temps il y a des erreurs : il me semble que lorsqu'on traduit en français au passé composé, il faut écrire en anglais au preterit... non ? Merci pour m'avoir corriger !!
tiGwen Posté(e) 22 mai 2009 Auteur Posté(e) 22 mai 2009 it's good !!!! thinks, you help me because I hadn't idea for this text as you can see ...Sinon, je crois que pour les temps il y a des erreurs : il me semble que lorsqu'on traduit en français au passé composé, il faut écrire en anglais au preterit... non ? Merci pour m'avoir corriger !! alors là tu es tombée sur la mauvaise personne concernant les temps en anglais, de souvenir preterit : c'est quand un évènement est passé, clos et ne dure pas encore auj, have+ed : lorsque qqch est arrivé dans le passé mais est tjs valable auj
tiGwen Posté(e) 22 mai 2009 Auteur Posté(e) 22 mai 2009 bah alors, y'a pas plus de gens que ça qui participent ? bibaloo, kristel777, vous êtes passé où ? oui je sais l'anglais c'est que coeff 1.. mais quand même :wub: je me demande si je lance un autre sujet pour ce wend...
Krokinette Posté(e) 24 mai 2009 Posté(e) 24 mai 2009 Vous arrêtez les sujets??? je n'en ai fait qu'un mais franchement ce serait bien si pour la semaine prochaine on s'y remettait non?? en même temps je pense que tous ceux qui ont déjà eu les résultats ont peut être commencer à passer les épreuves et sont donc moins dispo. Quoiqu'il en soit bon courage à tous!
krystel777 Posté(e) 26 mai 2009 Posté(e) 26 mai 2009 bah alors, y'a pas plus de gens que ça qui participent ?bibaloo, kristel777, vous êtes passé où ? oui je sais l'anglais c'est que coeff 1.. mais quand même :wub: je me demande si je lance un autre sujet pour ce wend... Salut, désolée de ne pas avoir donné signe de vie mais j'ai du mal à trouver du temps en ce moment. Ma priorité était d'avancer sur mes exposés car je n'ai rien préparé pour les épreuves d'admissibilité. Jeudi, je passe ce fameux 1500m! en soirée, je me défoulerai sur un texte en anglais et rien d'autre je crois. Pour ce qui est du week-end, je ne suis pas dispo, j'ai un mariage. Lundi, je ferai peut-être un autre sujet si vous avancez. Bon courage à tous!
tiGwen Posté(e) 27 mai 2009 Auteur Posté(e) 27 mai 2009 bah alors, y'a pas plus de gens que ça qui participent ?bibaloo, kristel777, vous êtes passé où ? oui je sais l'anglais c'est que coeff 1.. mais quand même :wub: je me demande si je lance un autre sujet pour ce wend... Salut, désolée de ne pas avoir donné signe de vie mais j'ai du mal à trouver du temps en ce moment. Ma priorité était d'avancer sur mes exposés car je n'ai rien préparé pour les épreuves d'admissibilité. Jeudi, je passe ce fameux 1500m! en soirée, je me défoulerai sur un texte en anglais et rien d'autre je crois. Pour ce qui est du week-end, je ne suis pas dispo, j'ai un mariage. Lundi, je ferai peut-être un autre sujet si vous avancez. Bon courage à tous! ok déjà dans les épreuves alors que moi j'ai même pas encore reçu ma convoc... courage et à très vite
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