tiGwen Posté(e) 25 mai 2009 Posté(e) 25 mai 2009 pour les jours à suivre : sujet : http://www.crdp.ac-lyon.fr/a/ConcoursEdu/2...V_Anglais14.pdf
Krokinette Posté(e) 25 mai 2009 Posté(e) 25 mai 2009 Merci beaucoup!!!! j'essaie de le faire demain ou mercredi si c'est bon pour toi??? vraiment super sympa!
zem Posté(e) 26 mai 2009 Posté(e) 26 mai 2009 Je me lance pr la 1ère fois .... je ne suis pas du tout douée, 4/20 l'année dernière, alors j'attends vos critiques ! j'ai d'ailleurs eu un peu de mal avec le texte ms bon, il faut se lancer .... The text is untitled " discipline to go beyond school gate ". It's an article, written by A.Asthana, an education correspondent. It was published on Sunday the 5th of 2006 on The Observer. In a first time I will summarize this text and the, I will give you my opinion. The author reveals in this text that teachers in England will be given the new right to discipline. Actually, they can restrain pupils with reasonable force and confiscate inappropriate items. Sir Alan Steer, head of a School in London, thinks adult behaviour is very important. They must show the good behaviour to children. The general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders said that A school's reputation can be lost through bad behaviour on the buses. But the problem is the right of teachers to punish children is unclear. So the Schools Minister, Jacqui Smith, will propose ti strengten teacher's authority.* I think teachers mustn't do the discipline outside the school gates. They must do to learn and to work pupils in school. They are not officers. In France, teachers are not allowed to punish pupils on buses after school.
tiGwen Posté(e) 26 mai 2009 Auteur Posté(e) 26 mai 2009 à une courageuse... je regarde demain et je mets mon résumé demain
Krokinette Posté(e) 27 mai 2009 Posté(e) 27 mai 2009 Ça y est je me lance même si je voulais attendre qu'une amie me corrige: This article is untitled "discipline to go beyond chool gate". It's published in the Observer, a famous paper, on Sunday February 5, 2006 by A. Asthana. This text deals with teacher's authority outside school gates, for example on buses or train. Firstly, one of the government's key advisers on discipline thinks that some pupils have a get rich quick culture. But teachers must have to right to discipline and could restrain pupils. Secondly, Sir Allan Steer says that children are as nice now as they ever were but they need limits. Then John Dunford assert that behave's pupils could be bad for school reputation. Right to discipline must be clarifyed outside school. And parents are questionning about the headteacher authority. For this reason, J. Dunford is undoubtedly. Finally, Jacqui Smith, the schools Ministers, explain account for the move takes only handful of poorly pupils to make life difficult for teachers and disrupt other pupils. I don't agree with this idea because behave children must be thought by the parents and not by teachers. If it happened, it means that parents are totally disculped their authority and teachers are agent of the order. Each play another role. I know that it's unsuffisant but i don't see what add. Can you help me please???
vinette4073 Posté(e) 27 mai 2009 Posté(e) 27 mai 2009 i think we can developp with the evolution of the situation between the past and today... In the past discipline was just respect. Children were not allowed to respond... nowadays the situation is not the same, because shcool has to do the educacation and the instruction. the situation isn't clear, that's why governement needs to clarify what is exactly discipline. parents and teachers have to work in the sama way, with the same ideas: co-education is necessary for children to succeed. they have to become responsible, good citizen. And because pupils are not adults, they need discipline. on an other side: teacher's authority is unclear nowadays: the education minister has to developp clearly the teacher's rights. We can compare england and france: X. Darcos, in his new programms explains that authority is necessary for pupils, because they need to see what is the good way to become a good citizen. and because school and parents are now working together, it's important for the both to understand what is the position of each other: parents and teachers educate children. so the most important, to my mind, is the respect: in other words, teacher has to respect parents, and parents have to respect teachers décision... Can you look at my mistakes please????????????
tiGwen Posté(e) 27 mai 2009 Auteur Posté(e) 27 mai 2009 bon en fait, j'ai lu mais pas franchement compris et donc flemme mais juste pour vous dire zem et krokinette qu'il faut que vous soyez plus détacher du texte pq vous citer trop, essayer davantage de paraphraser et introduire des idées à vous (autre que dans conclu), comparer avec système français comme vinette - attention krokinette aux "s" de la troisième personne que tu oublies dans ton résumé - vinette : responsible avec un "i" et "to discipline = to punish" aussi pas seulement discipliner
vinette4073 Posté(e) 27 mai 2009 Posté(e) 27 mai 2009 bon en fait, j'ai lu mais pas franchement compris et donc flemme mais juste pour vous dire zem et krokinette qu'il faut que vous soyez plus détacher du texte pq vous citer trop, essayer davantage de paraphraser et introduire des idées à vous (autre que dans conclu), comparer avec système français comme vinette- attention krokinette aux "s" de la troisième personne que tu oublies dans ton résumé - vinette : responsible avec un "i" et "to discipline = to punish" aussi pas seulement discipliner
schwa Posté(e) 29 mai 2009 Posté(e) 29 mai 2009 Bon je n'était pas très concentrée, c'est très mauvais je sais ce que je veux dire, mais ça ne ressemble finalement à rien... enfin bon We are going to talk about an article entitled "Discipline to go beyond school gate". This article was written by Anusha Asthana, an Education Correspondent, and published in The Observer, a British weekly, on February, 5th, 2006. This article deals with pupil's behaviour out of the school and the future authority of teachers? The journalist wrote that in England teachers are going to give discipline to children outside the school, because their behaviour, especially in buses ans trains, is less and less acceptable. Teachers will be able to punish and to confiscate stuffs to pupils if juged inappropriate. Sir Alan Steer said that not only children but also adults's behaviour matter, because they are models ; children look at them and act like them. Actually, children are naturally really nice, idealist and altruist, but as they're young, they don't know how to act and react, so they copy their pareints's behaviours. So, parents have to be good models ; they have to learn how children have to behave, and to fix limits. John Dunford added that teachers would approve this "extension" of power and that the bounds of this power woulde be more clear (ou clearer ?? comme c'est un adj à une seule syllabe.. Oo). Finally, Jacqui Smith, the Scools Minister, made a conference on February, 8th, to announce this novelty, and she said that teachers would be able to be more confident in front of all type of bad behaviours. In my point of view, giving the right to teachers to punish pupils outside the school is not a good thing, because, first I don't think that the limits would be more clear (I'ld thought the contrary !) ans second there will bo no more difference between school and life outside where parents are then responsible of their children. The 2 different worlds can't interfere because there is school's education and parent's education, and they sometimes are really different, particularly to people of another culture. Plus, until where teacher's power will be extended ? What if it's against the parents's believes ? I disagree. School lessons are in school, and outside, it's to parents to bring up well their children. If children are bad, it's a shame, but teachers can't do everything. They teach how to have a great behaviour, and it's up to pupils to behave correctly outside the school. They have all the cards in their hands (oui bon ! je sais, les expressions françaises ne se traduisent pas comme ça, mais j'avais prévenu que c'était mauvais !!)
schwa Posté(e) 30 mai 2009 Posté(e) 30 mai 2009 Remarque pour tous : on dit bien entitled et non pas untitled pour dire intitulé, si si !!
tiGwen Posté(e) 30 mai 2009 Auteur Posté(e) 30 mai 2009 Remarque pour tous : on dit bien entitled et non pas untitled pour dire intitulé, si si !! oups autant pour moi, dsl à ceux et celle que j'ai induit en erreur alors... ça doit être pq je le prononce mal
schwa Posté(e) 31 mai 2009 Posté(e) 31 mai 2009 tiGwen, sur quel sujet as-tu été interrogée l'an dernier (ou l'année d'avant) ? car j'ai vu un ancien sujet où tu disais que tu étais tombée sur qq chose dont tu n'avais jamais entendu parler avant et que tu n'avais parlé que 30 sec du coup. je n'arrive pas à retrouver le sujet, mais je voulais faire des recherches sur ça. C'était quoi ? (désolée de te replonger dans les mauvais souvenirs !) édit : c'est bon, j'ai trouvé, c'était Boxing day. je vais chercher ce que c'est !
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