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Bonjour Ti-Gwen et les autres compagnons de route,

J'ai eu un week-end assez mouvementé avec le mariage de ma cousine ce week-end, tout près de Limoges. Mais ça c'est de la bonne "fatigue".

J'ai perdu un couple d'amis dans la catastrophe aérienne ce week-end, ils rentraient de vacances. J'ai surtout une très forte pensée pour leur fille, Tatiana, qui est maintenant sans ses parents. Je ne peux imaginer sa peine et celle de sa famille tellement j'ai du mal à réaliser, moi-même, ce qui se passe.

Enfin, ma vie continue... et heureusement, j'ai mon p'tit bout qui m'aide à voir le bonheur que j'ai d'être ici! et j'ai ce concours! Alors je me remets au boulot.

Je viens à la rescousse de Tig'wen qui nous a proposé des sujets ces derniers jours!

A mon tour, je vous propose de plancher sur un sujet d'actualité.

Je viens de découvrir la partie Learning English du site et je dois dire qu'elle est très intéressante.

Il y a des liens vers une leçon (vocabulaire, prononciation, grammaire ....)

N'imprimez pas, vous allègerez votre bilan carbone! Bonne lecture!


krystel777, je suis navrée pour tes amis, j'ai appris qu'il y avait un couple dans cet avion qui vivaient dans ma commune, et bien que je ne les connaisse pas, ça fait bizarre, heureusement (ou malheureusement qq part), leurs enfants n'étaient pas en leur compagnie...

pour revenir à l'anglais ces derniers temps je l'ai complètement lassé de côté, mais je ne le passe que le 23 juin... donc je me concentre sur le reste


this document is an article written by G. Dudeney the last year. This article was downloaded (?) on the BBC (Bristish Broadcasting Corporation) website and it is entitled "keep you english up to date carbon footprint".

It deal with our action on environment, a common concern at the present time.

So to bigin, I will sum up the main ideas of the article and in a second time, I will propose you school activities to improve the environmental conscience.

Firstly, the journalist tells us that certain airlines sell their flight ticket more expensive than other because of our carbon footprint. What does footprint mean ? The author explains us it's the print made by a foot, as the word indicate us. Now, what carbon footprint is ? First, everybody has a carbon. The journalit give us the meaning, I quote : it's the amount of carbon dioxide we produce with any action or activity. So our carbon footprint have an impact on the environment.

Dudeney adds small footprints are not dangerous but he warn us if footprints are big, there are negative effects on the planet.

That's why we must offset it. I think it's the same phenomenon, I talk about the case of the France, when we buy a washing-machine, a television or a fridge, their price comprise an environmental amount.

In the two last paragraphs, the author tries to become us aware on the different ways to reduce negative effects of our carbon footprints.

For example, we can use green fuels or using bike rahter than cars. It's important recycling, (or to recycle??) or planting (to plant??) trees like big pop groups every time they do a tour.

We shouldn't print every time because we gasp papers.

There gestures are or should learnt at school. In order to practice it, we can imagine an environmental plan. Pupils discover the selection of refuse (=déchets), for example, in the green dustbin, we put glass bottle (bouteille en verre???), in the yellow one, you put paper...

To conclude, it's very important to be conscious about our actions, because our planet future depends of it.


Salut Ti-Gwen,

Ouf, je me demandais si tout allait bien de ton côté. C'est pareil pour moi, les épreuves arrivent à la vitesse grand V, je me suis concentrée sur mes exposés, il me reste la conclusion à rédiger pour l'EPS et tout à faire pour les AV.

Je laisse ce post du boulot, je te donne grosso modo mon plan car je n'ai pas en tête mon développement

1/ presentation

2/ foot print: evolution of the word due to the evolution of society

3/ foot print and environmental issue.

4/ clo avec sensibilisation des élèves sur la gestion du papier et des forêts.


Tu as pris quelle option?

Je te laisse, je passe l'épreuve d'anglais demain. N'héistes pas à me contacter si tu veux que je te lise. Je te dirai demain soir su quel thème je suis tombée.


this document is an article written by G. Dudeney last year. This article was downloaded (?) on the BBC (Bristish Broadcasting Corporation) website and it is entitled "keep you english up to date carbon footprint".

It deals with our action on environment, a common concern at present time.

So to bigin, I will sum up the main ideas of the article and in a second time, I will propose you school activities to improve the environmental conscience.

Firstly, the journalist tells us that certain airlines sell their flight tickets more expensive than others because of our carbon footprint. What does footprint mean ? The author explains us it's the print made by a foot, as the word indicates us. Now, what carbon footprint is ? First, everybody has a carbon. The journalit gives us the meaning, I quote : it's the amount of carbon dioxide we produce with any action or activity. So our carbon footprint has an impact on the environment.

Dudeney adds small footprints are not dangerous but he warns us if footprints are big, there are negative effects on the planet.

That's why we must offset it. I think it's the same phenomenon, I talk about the case of France, when we buy a washing-machine, a television or a fridge, their price includes an environmental amount.

In the two last paragraphs, the author tries to become us aware on the different ways to reduce negative effects of our carbon footprints.

For example, we can use green fuels or using bikes rahter than cars. It's important to recycle or plan to plant trees like big pop groups every time they do a tour.

We shouldn't print every time because we gasp papers.

These gestures are or should be learnt at school. In order to practice it, we can imagine an environmental plan. Pupils discover the selection of refuse (=déchets), for example, in the green dustbin, we put glass bottles in the yellow one, you put paper...

To conclude, it's very important to be conscious about our actions, because the future of our planet depends on it.

Si on peut s'entraider en se corrigeant :).


merci à toi Ljubljana

merci à toi Ljubljana

De rien :) : ça m'a fait réfléchir sur "glass bottles". J'aurais peut-être dit "all that is made up of glass".

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