del-leeloo261 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Auteur Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Surely! Other way, I have my english D-Day on june 3th cryin My english teacher sent us a tape where he recorded some dialogue in english, I hope it would help me.
chtitelili Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 hello everybody! I'd like to join you on msn or on the forum but I'm still waiting for my results.... it's too long! I wanted to add that you must say "I'm impressed" for "impressionné"... I don't know if you did it on purpose That's all folks :P
Lili Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Pour leelo... Est ce que tu pourrais me dire où se trouve le post d'allemand dont tu parles et qui semble si bien... Je te remercie. Lili
rockette Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 with such perfect levels in english speaking (and writing!!) you will impress the jury as well!!!!! :P let's show them how fluent we are!!! the show must go on!! (yes, I like english and american songs also!! it helps very much, believe me!!) B) yééééééééaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! I would be reallu interested in speaking with all of you on msn!! And I support those who don not have their results yet!!! SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.................. TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!! :P see you soon
Etoile Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 It would be a pleasure for me to talk with you ! Maybe some of you will be ready to chat with me next week-end, when I'll have my results... Do not forget to check the latest BBC news on
Marie-Claire Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 i am interested for speaking english with you, on the forum or on the MSN. for the moment i wait for the results of Aix Marseille, it is too late !!!
moby Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 when I'll have my results... Never ever "will" after "when" You should have written "When I have my results"
del-leeloo261 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Auteur Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 What a such of people waiting for their results! Good luck every body (c-_-v) (c-_-v)
moby Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Ooops just this little message for Etoile, what I wrote is not meant to hurt you _bl_sh_ , just a little help.
del-leeloo261 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Auteur Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 when I'll have my results... Never ever "will" after "when" You should have wriiten "When I have my results" Yes, yes, you're right. Etoile you have to say "When I have". When some of us make a mistake, it would be interesting to correct him/her in order to not make this mistake on D-Day :P
moby Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Thanks a lot miss Leeloo, I did not want you and the others to think I was showing off! for it is really not the case.. Anyway, if you want some pieces of advice, it would be a great pleasure for me to help you.
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