del-leeloo261 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Auteur Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 In my little Harrap's dictionary: concours >>> competitive examination Moby, is it the good traduction?
Flo54 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 So wonderful ! People writing in English on this forum !! Let me know when you organize a chat in English (I can connect on MSN too), because I'd be quite interested in having a conversation with you all ! I'm not very available these days, because of my job....but I hope we'll be able to find a moment... Flo
Flo54 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Moby, is it the good traduction? You meant "translation" Leeloo ?!? :P
téchiney Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Thank you Leeloo.By the way, you speak about Worthing in one of your last messages:what about it?I don't know this city.Where is it located?
coradaïs Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Wow, I'm impressed les filles ! Moby, how fluent your English is !! I'm waiting for the results in Bordeaux on Friday the 28th, and not very optimistic ! cryin but I will be very pleased to talk with all of you in English on the forum (I don't have MSN). I haven't practised English for 4 years (except the last 6 month of course !) so it's quite difficult for me to find the exact words to express what I want to say ! I'm sure most of you see what I mean ... Good luck to those who have their results this week (to me as well !), and please Moby, Flo54 and every one with such a good level, keep on writing in english on this post, we learn a lot reading you. Thanks Nath
Flo54 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Don't worry so much Coradaïs !! You have a few weeks left to practice and improve your English ! :P
moby Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Wow, I'm impressed les filles ! Moby, how fluent your English is !! I'm waiting for the results in Bordeaux on Friday the 28th, and not very optimistic ! cryin but I will be very pleased to talk with all of you in English on the forum (I don't have MSN). I haven't practised English for 4 years (except the last 6 month of course !) so it's quite difficult for me to find the exact words to express what I want to say ! I'm sure most of you see what I mean ... Good luck to those who have their results this week (to me as well !), and please Moby, Flo54 and every one with such a good level, keep on writing in english on this post, we learn a lot reading you. Thanks Nath Well, your english is excellent!I hope you will pass your written exams, thus you will show off to the english one :P (c-_-v) (c-_-v) And I would just add something: the oral exam in english is not so difficult, all you have to do is to speak, even if what you say seems to have nothing to do with the proper subject you have to go on speaking. Ooops I forgot: Do not worry for the accent for many students are in the same situation
Christou Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 What a good idea ! I am interested in speaking with you. I think I'll have a lot of difficulties for the exam I'm looking forward to speaking with you Hear you soon.
Aquitanaise33 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Hi everybody! I will be very happpy to speak with you on msn. I'm waiting for Bordeaux results (28th). My english accent is not very good but my comprehension is not bad. I have a hope! And I'm agree with rockette when she says "the songs help me". I have seen a lot of Friends episode in english (I have seen the 10th season and the final episode --> wonderful, amazing!!!!! B) But I never gone in United States or in England... See you soon!
ananas Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 I'd like to join the group... my D-day is june 10th. I won't be a chatter box tonight because I'm tired, but I'll come tomorrow..
mamette Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 I would like to add that's very interesting to read this post. I learnt english at school seven years but it was thirty years ago and I'd never went in England neither spoken with english people. As you can sea in reading these few words, I can only progress reading you. I have no exam, I don't teach english to my pupils because they're very young but I like to learn even it's free for me. Good luck for you! Carry on working on this post, it's wonderful for me trying to understand you!
karinemai Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 moi aussi je serai interesse mais apres mes resultats qui sont le 29
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