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hey mamette very glad to speak in english with you!!! you really have the teaching mind : you always want to learn more and I'm impressed!! :P

we will speak with you with great pleasure!!! and I think you already have a good level! ;):)

A last time a say a big SSS....................TTTTTTTTTTT for tomorrow (does someone can tell me what is the translation of our french "MMMMMMMM.................."??? ;)

good night to everybody

and see you soon

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it's really interesting this post! i am very impressed by your level in english: i am very averaged(?) compared to you

it risks to be very funny the D-day ; besides the last year i felt like laughing so hilarous was the situation

but finally i passed rather well this (épreuve) since i obtained thirteen on twenty

so everything is possible, isn't it?

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I think so, hmvl.I took an english exam a few days ago and it was no so difficult as I thought.So be confident.

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thanks a lot téchiney for your support ;)

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I see that you've been looking to this post for a few minutes:have you finished working for today?

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i think i've a bad level in english so i'm affraid!!!!!!!!

i take my exam june 4th and i'm not ready?what about msn have you a mail msn to speak in live?

and i m looking for someone who take his exam in saint germain en laye in78 to meet maybe or by phone to speak english

are you interested???

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Hey, it's time to go to bed :D

My dreams would be in english tonight :P

It is very interesting to speak with evrery one.

Tomorrow, we would have an exchange about school in US or england...wouldn't you? (j'ai voulu faire du conditionnel mais je crois que ça a foiré <_< , je voulais dire "Demain, nous pourrions avoir un échange autour du thème de l'école aux US et en Agleterre, non?")

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ok tomorrow i 'll come to the forum after my job and i'll participate at the conversation

so good night

seen you soon

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Tomorrow, we would have an exchange about school in US or england...wouldn't you? (j'ai voulu faire du conditionnel mais je crois que ça a foiré <_<  , je voulais dire "Demain, nous pourrions avoir un échange autour du thème de l'école aux US et en Agleterre, non?")

I think you should have said" we could talk about..." ;)

That's all folks :P :D

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I'm interested to join the English chat group as well..

As some of you did, I used to live abroad. I spent a year in Coventry (England) for my studies and really enjoyed it!

Tomorrow is D-day for me as i'll finally know if it's OK or not to take the oral exams in poitiers...

I'd enjoy to take part in the conversation about GB and US schools but I don't use msn much... and I don't have your nicks to add you to my list...

I'll be on the forum anyway and I'll have a look at this subject...

Sweet dreams girls and see you on here tomorrow afternoon!!

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