del-leeloo261 Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Auteur Posté(e) 23 mai 2004 Thanks Chitelili, we have an argue with my man abouth that and he had the right answer but I wouldn't tell him :P Tomorrow I have my last English class so it will be the last advice before D-Day, I will tell you what my teacher will say to us (que de traduction lttérale my god!). So, now, I go to my bed with some papers about geography to have good europeans dreams See you tomorrow for a conversation and for Poitier results, I cross my fingers! (c-_-v) (c-_-v)
Caro71 Posté(e) 24 mai 2004 Posté(e) 24 mai 2004 Hello everybody, It will be a pleasure for me to speak with you. I don't speak fluently but I try to speak the better than I can. Please, could you correct me when I make mistakes ! My vocabulary is restricted a little bit. I often try to find my words... and my sentences are very easy. Nevertheless, I think it's a good thing to speak all together... Now, I just leave you because my baby is crying...I will come later See you soon ! Carole ps : My results are foreseen the 26 may ! (Dijon)
lolo21 Posté(e) 24 mai 2004 Posté(e) 24 mai 2004 So, what about the chat???? Would it be to late to organise it for tonite??? I have to work on sports and "Oral Pro" now but i'll be available from 9 pm... Waiting for answers...
caro-la-bricol Posté(e) 24 mai 2004 Posté(e) 24 mai 2004 Hi I'd be interested in speaking english too.... But does i need a microphone or do you want to write on msn? I just had the date for english exam..... june, th14th..... It seems very near.... Comment on dit aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarg en anglais? cryin
moana Posté(e) 24 mai 2004 Posté(e) 24 mai 2004 If I can I'd like to join you in your echanges. I really need to practice. It makes a very long time that I didn't speak english. I hope we'll help each other. See you soon!
del-leeloo261 Posté(e) 24 mai 2004 Auteur Posté(e) 24 mai 2004 Yes, as Lolo21, I have some works to do in history and geography now but tonight it woulb be easier for me to have a conversation on msn or on the forum. Have a nice afternoon, leeloo
lolo21 Posté(e) 24 mai 2004 Posté(e) 24 mai 2004 I'll try to correct something... We usually dont say It makes a very long time but "It is a long time..."Hope you won't take it personal, just trying to help... Ok for me in the evening... i'm going back to my work...
coradaïs Posté(e) 24 mai 2004 Posté(e) 24 mai 2004 Hello ! I just have a question, how do you proceed for the chat ? :o Do you use EDP chat or something else (I don't have MSN) ? and is it a written chat or do you talk to all together using a microphone ? Sorry for my lack of experience using TICE ! _bl_sh_ Nath
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