tif38 Posté(e) 15 juin 2006 Posté(e) 15 juin 2006 coucou je suis passée cette apres midi! -jury sympa -ne donne pas de mots de vocabulaire sujets en rapports avec les enfants en général honnetement: abordable pour un niveau bac voici un extrait de mon texte(il faut payer pour l'avoir en entier: Teens wear their hearts on their blog Web diaries that let kids interact put them at risk [FINAL Edition] USA TODAY - McLean, Va. Author: Janet Kornblum Date: Oct 31, 2005 Abstract (Document Summary) It's not just a handful of kids. At least 8 million teens blog, according to the Pew Internet & American Life Project, which plans to release a report on teens and blogging on Wednesday. Those statistics were collected a year ago, and the numbers might be higher if you factor in not just blogs but the world of social websites, especially the booming MySpace, a hybrid site that allows people to post their personal interests, write blogs, put up video and set up ways to communicate with their friends. That site has exploded to 34 million users in just two years -- and is dominated by 14- to 34-year-olds. When she was younger, Rypkema made nearly everything public. These days, she uses a popular blogging feature that allows her to restrict her LiveJournal blog to friends. But most blogs are out there for anyone to read. *Teens under 13 should only blog with constant supervision. --- What's a parent to do? Want to know whether your teen is blogging? Ask her. Experts say parents should tell their teens that they're going to read their blogs before doing it. bon courage!
gaëlle Posté(e) 15 juin 2006 Posté(e) 15 juin 2006 il est court non ??? les questions étaient abordables ? comment réagissent-ils quand tu ne sais pas répondre ? merci
tif38 Posté(e) 15 juin 2006 Auteur Posté(e) 15 juin 2006 il est court non ??? les questions étaient abordables ? comment réagissent-ils quand tu ne sais pas répondre ? merci c'est un EXTRAIT que j'ai trouvé sur le net, le reste est payant!!(cf usa today) question sur le net et sur mon exposé, tres en lien avec le sujet on a sondé un peu et visiblement pas de questions de dida style: comment aborderiez vous ce sujet avec votre classe désolée, je ne peux répondre à ta dernière question (j'ai donné une reponse à toutes les questions) voilou!
marcuse Posté(e) 15 juin 2006 Posté(e) 15 juin 2006 Ca doit être l'article complet. Quelle partie ont-ils selectionné? Teens wear their hearts on their blog By Janet Kornblum, USA TODAY Millions of teens who grew up with a mouse in one hand and a remote control in the other now pour out their hearts, minds and angst in personal online diaries. At Myspace.com, 34 million users, mostly ages 14 to 34, post their interests, write blogs and set up ways to chat with friends. And anyone with a connection — including would-be predators — can have a front-row view of this once-secretive teenage passion play. (Related item: What's a parent to do?) Welcome to teen America — on display at your nearest computer. Unprecedented numbers of teens are using blogs — Web logs — to do what they once did through personal diaries, phone conversations and hangout sessions: cementing friendships with classmates, seeking new friends, venting, testing social limits, getting support and getting all emo ("highly emotional" in blog-speak). "Blogs are basically reality TV for the Web," says Pete Blackshaw, with marketing analysis firm Intelliseek "This is the new way kids interact," adds Paul Saffo of the Institute for the Future in Menlo Park, Calif. "Fifty years ago, they borrowed their parents' phones or made their own phones out of string and Dixie cups. Today they have their own cellphones, and they have their own computer accounts and Web pages and they have their own blogs. "It's part of life in the cyber age." And it's not just a handful of kids. At least 8 million teens blog, according to Intelliseek. The Pew Internet & American LifeProject, which plans to release a report on teens and blogging on Wednesday, estimates 4 millionteen bloggers. Those statistics were collected a year ago, and the numbers might be higher if you factor in not just blogs but the world of social websites, especially the booming MySpace, a hybrid site that allows people to post their personal interests, write blogs, put up video and set up ways to communicate with their friends. That site has exploded to 34 million users in just two years — and is dominated by 14- to 34-year-olds. Blogs and social sites are so popular that many schools have banned them. Just last week a private school in New Jersey took it a step further, telling students to dismantle their personal Internet diaries or face suspension. (Related item: School orders students to remove blogs) Scroll through teen pages on sites such as LiveJournal, Xanga and MySpace and see firsthand what the fuss is. Teens complain about parents and homework, using language that would make Tony Soprano blush. They share daily dramas, post songs from the latest bands, display pictures of themselves, sometimes wearing next to nothing or taking bong hits. They write angst-ridden poetry, detail supposed sexual exploits and complain about each other or offer support. But mostly they simply relay the details of their daily lives. Teens are ecstatic, hooked and hopeful about the medium. Law enforcement officials are wary. There have been cases where predators have found kids who posted too much information about themselves. And parents — those who actually know what their kids are doing online — are "freaked," says Parry Aftab, executive director of online child safety site WiredSafety. "Parents look at this and see the kids are talking about how they got drunk last weekend, how they had sex last weekend, and using language that's unbelievable." Parents should be concerned, especially when it comes to monitoring what kind of personal information teens post, Aftab says. They regularly reveal everything from where they go to high school to where they live, work, play and study — all big no-no's. But she says parents also should put what teens are doing in context. Teens have always strayed outside boundaries; it's what they do. It's just that before the Net, they did it in private. "I'm 54 years old," Aftab says. "When I was 14, if my mother had the technology to put a video camera on my shoulder and found out what I did when she wasn't around, I would still be grounded." Says Saffo: "Every new medium offers new nightmares for the parents of teenagers. We all forget that once upon a time parents were alarmed about their children reading dime-store novels." But the Internet is different from any other technology before it and creates a whole set of unknowns: Do blogs isolate teens who have serious problems such as depression, for instance? Should parents read their kids' online journals just because they can? Girls, who dominate blogging, use it especially to talk about personal feelings. Cassie Lealamanu'a, 19, a Lewis & Clark College student living in Portland, Ore., says her online friends "become almost like a kind of psychologist. Instead of paying to go to a shrink, you just log onto your blog and see what your friends say about things." Teens like to be out there "Teens are so exhibitionist," adds Jenny Rypkema, a sophomore at Brandeis University in Waltham, Mass. At 19, she has been blogging for four years. "They are having huge identity problems, so they like to put out some front to the world. They want to be out there." Rypkema uses her blog to communicate with friends and as "a way to pour out my emotions." When she was younger, Rypkema made nearly everything public. These days, she uses a popular blogging feature that allows her to restrict her LiveJournal blog to friends. But most blogs are out there for anyone to read. While famous political bloggers have thousands of readers, the reality is that most personal blogs are read only by a handful of people — usually a tightly knit group of friends, says Amanda Lenhart of Pew Research. Rypkema has about 120 readers — an unusually large amount for a personal blog — and has actually met about a third of them. Still, Rypkema was surprised — and angry — when her younger sister saw their dad reading the blog. "I feel like family and close friends shouldn't be reading my diary in secret," she says. "They have an obligation to tell me. I would do the same for them. I don't snoop on their journals without telling them." "If it had been a paper diary, I would never have opened it," says her father, Chris Rypkema, 53, a project manager in Seattle. But he adds, "Let's face it: You put something out on the Web with expectations that even complete strangers are going to come by and read it. Why be surprised if your parent is going to take an interest in you as an individual and wants to know more about you?" Chris Rypkema says at first he was just interested in safety but came to enjoy his daughter's writings, especially when she went to college. "Her blog was a way I could keep in touch with her," he says. "Nobody gave me permission to look at it. But nobody said I couldn't." Since his daughter asked him to stop reading, he respects her wishes. But he misses it. Experts are divided about whether and how parents should treat the journals — especially when it comes to teens over 13. Some say that if the journal is open online, it should be available to parents. Others argue that reading journals is no different from eavesdropping on their kids. Some argue that it's a question of safety. The vast majority of those online are simply seeking entertainment or friendship. But occasionally strangers have something else in mind. Last month, for instance, a 16-year-old girl in Port Washington, N.Y., was molested after a man with whom she exchanged a few online messages tracked her down because she had listed her workplace on her MySpace profile, says Port Washington Det. Sgt. Paul Gros. Police arrested a 37-year-old man, who he has been released on bail. But Gros says this incident, among others, should serve as a wake-up call. "As great a tool as (the Internet) is, there are a lot of risks that go along with it," he says. "Your freedom — and anonymity — isn't what people really believe it is when they use it. People may say it's not happening all the time. Just be the victim of it once. Then it happened too many times." While kids and parents should take precautions, most experts say banning teens from blogging is as enforceable as keeping them from their friends. Launching a new site takes as little as five minutes. "Unless you deal with it, it's going up someplace tomorrow," Aftab says. And taking away the world of personal sites might be akin to taking away their friends; the Internet is sometimes the only social gathering place for teens who aren't allowed to hang out in public spaces because of safety reasons, says Danah Boyd, a social researcher at Yahoo Research Berkeley. "They're not allowed to go into the physical world," she says. "They're not allowed to go out at night. (Their) mobility is so restricted. It is really replacing physical interaction." It all comes down to trust Regardless of the reason, with 87% of all teens online, according to Pew's latest numbers, the Internet is as much a part of teen life as cars, TV or music. And with video gaining popularity online, "forget it," Aftab says. "Your kids are going to have their own television shows." Saffo predicts kids and parents will "work it out. It's going to be the usual round of kids getting grounded or getting their schools (angry) at them. But that's not so different than what's happened in the past. I'm more concerned about parents overreacting than about kids making huge mistakes." Adds Boyd: "My advice to parents is you need to work on trust-building. Trust-building will get you through."
tif38 Posté(e) 15 juin 2006 Auteur Posté(e) 15 juin 2006 Ca doit être l'article complet. Quelle partie ont-ils selectionné? Teens wear their hearts on their blog By Janet Kornblum, USA TODAY Millions of teens who grew up with a mouse in one hand and a remote control in the other now pour out their hearts, minds and angst in personal online diaries. And anyone with a connection — including would-be predators — can have a front-row view of this once-secretive teenage passion play. Welcome to teen America — on display at your nearest computer. Unprecedented numbers of teens are using blogs — Web logs — to do what they once did through personal diaries, phone conversations and hangout sessions: cementing friendships with classmates, seeking new friends, venting, testing social limits, getting support and getting all emo ("highly emotional" in blog-speak). "This is the new way kids interact," adds Paul Saffo of the Institute for the Future in Menlo Park, Calif. "Fifty years ago, they borrowed their parents' phones or made their own phones out of string and Dixie cups. Today they have their own cellphones, and they have their own computer accounts and Web pages and they have their own blogs. Blogs and social sites are so popular that many schools have banned them. Just last week a private school in New Jersey took it a step further, telling students to dismantle their personal Internet diaries or face suspension. (Related item: School orders students to remove blogs) Teens complain about parents and homework, using language that would make Tony Soprano blush. They share daily dramas, post songs from the latest bands, display pictures of themselves, sometimes wearing next to nothing or taking bong hits. They write angst-ridden poetry, detail supposed sexual exploits and complain about each other or offer support. But mostly they simply relay the details of their daily lives. But the Internet is different from any other technology before it and creates a whole set of unknowns: Do blogs isolate teens who have serious problems such as depression, for instance? Should parents read their kids' online journals just because they can? voila, c'etait un extrait de cet article effectivement! merci marcuse je l'ai tranché...je vous laisse l'article comme je l'ai eu! cool de lire le reste de l'article, ca correspond aux question du jury...et mes réponses étaient proches de l'article non franchement je me repete mais c'etait abordable!! c'est difficile de destresser malgres ce que les gens disent ( jury sympa, texte pas difficile...) mais il faut essayer d'en prendre un peu(c'est toujours bon :P ) =>ca va bien se passer!!!!
tif38 Posté(e) 15 juin 2006 Auteur Posté(e) 15 juin 2006 au fait, j'allais oublier, une copine est tombée sur un texte qui parlait des enfants qui ne respectaient pas les rules (regles) à l'école par contre désolée j'ai pas la référence!
caro74 Posté(e) 15 juin 2006 Posté(e) 15 juin 2006 coucou merci bcp de mettre ton sujet ca permet vraiment de bien reviser... est ce que le jury t'a repris ton texte quand t'es sortie??? courage pour le reste...
genepi Posté(e) 15 juin 2006 Posté(e) 15 juin 2006 Merci Tif38; c'est sympa Tu peux nous écrire des exemples (grosso modo) de questions que t'as eu sur le sujet ?
matiapuce Posté(e) 15 juin 2006 Posté(e) 15 juin 2006 Merci pour ce témoignage, parcontre doit on vraiment lire un passage ou pas? personne ne semble en parler. Et combien sont ils dans le jury?
tif38 Posté(e) 15 juin 2006 Auteur Posté(e) 15 juin 2006 -membre du jury:2 -ils reprennent ton texte et tu dois jetter ton brouillon dans la poubelle devant eux -la lecture, ben une fois ton exposé fait, ils enchainent directement sur la lecture -exemples de question:elles portaient sur le texte donc.... =>est-ce que seulement les ado ont des blogs, qui? =>pourquoi un blog? =>aspects positifs des blogs =>expliquer 1mot de voc:predatorsdans le contexte =>pourquoi les ado ecrivent des trucs privés sur leurs blogs =>et les parents dans tout ca? =>le coté paradoxal: ado ecrivent des trucs secrets mais tout le monde peut lire les blogs sur le net(dont les parents qui sont curieux) voila en gros...ca tournait donc sur le texte et ce que je pouvais dire!
kiki74 Posté(e) 16 juin 2006 Posté(e) 16 juin 2006 je suis passée ce matin avec le jury 6 : texte assez facile sur "after school activities" avec comme question centrale : doit-on pousser les enfants à pratiquer sports, activités artistiques ... en plus de devoirs à la maison ou leur permettre de souffler et de profiter un peu de ce qu'ils ont envie de faire. Le sujet était assez simple ainsi que les questions, mais tout la difficulté de cette épreuve est de préparer un truc cohérent dans un minimum de temps, tout en essayant d'utiliser le vocabulaire le plus riche possible. Quant aux questions, pas trop le temps de réfléchir à la meilleure structure quand ça ne coule pas naturellement. Bref, difficile de juger de ma prestation, est-ce que l'accebt, la prononciation, le vocabulaire, la compréhension était au niveau attendu ? Très difficile à dire, tout ce que je peux dire, c'est que j'ai compris ce que me disait le jury et que j'ai pu lui répondre (ce qui est déjà pas mal !) Bon courage pour la suite!
patenrond Posté(e) 16 juin 2006 Posté(e) 16 juin 2006 A 6-and-a-half-hour day may not seem long to an adult but at 12 it can feel arduous and at 8, endless. Most children also have homework. Children and teenagers - just like adults - need time to chill out. How would you feel if every minute of your spare time was planned for you by someone else? Nor is a little boredom anything to be afraid of - it can be a great spur to creative thinking. On the other hand, sports and the arts tend to be squeezed under the pressure of national curriculum, so after-school clubs can help fill those gaps. Most secondary schools offer a range of extras but primaries are more variable. Base decisions about which activities to take up - and how many - on your child's interests and talents. Pressuring an indifferent child to learn the violin because her elder sister loved it isn't advisable. However, if your child develops an obsession with ballet, it would be sad not to encourage it, if the family can afford it. The obsession may not last, but your child is sure to gain something from the experience. Many arts subjects complement academic subjects. Drama, for example, adds a vital dimension to English Literature, while music is thought to have strong links with mathematics. Encouraging your child to persevere with sports is more important than in the past. Research shows that children are less physically active than ever before and childhood obesity is climbing toward US levels. 'Sport' need not mean team games; swimming, cycling, skating, gymnastics and dance are excellent, enjoyable exercise. Be realistic - will your child have time for football, tennis, swimming, drama and homework? And consider how much private tuition are you prepared to pay for, bearing in mind the costs of sports equipment, dance gear, musical instruments etc. Are you happy to act as a free children's taxi service in the evenings? It's easy to be pressured into feeling that your child ought to be doing extras, especially when your friend's daughter is learning 2 languages plus ballet, and she's only 6! Apart from having different talents, children also have different requirements for stimulation. If a child is physically active and energetic, after-school activities are a must after a day of sitting at school. But if your child escapes into books or computers, or is simply happier alone, respect the need for personal space. je suis aussi passée sur ce sujet ce matin, voici le texte...intéressant et on pouvait facilement broder sur plein d'autres choses...je suis passée sur le jury 4...j'ai pas d'avis...
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