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Messages recommandés

Yeeees !! It's a very good idea !!

During the week, i prefer in the evening, at 22h...

And during the week end, in the evening also or during the journey of Sunday.

i'm not a mother too.

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Membres les plus actifs

  • Nanou92


  • crika


  • eva


  • Etoile


Membres les plus actifs seems to be difficult to satisfy everybody's preferences. :huh:

So what we can do is suggesting a few moments and then everybody will choose the appointment which better suits him/her.

For those who prefer to chat during the week, we can suggest monday evening around 22.00.

For those who prefer the week-end, we could chat on saturday afternoon around 14.00 or on saturday evening around 21.00.


Or, if you prefer, and I begin to think this could be the easier way to chat, when somebody wants to, he goes to the chat and lets a message in the forum to inform the others he is here to speak in english. :)

Easy, isn't it ?

If you have a clever idea, don't hesitate to suggest it !!

Many thanks !

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It's a very good idea!!

I can "chat" the evening...

I haven't got childs..., but i'm working...

See you soon!!!

Audinelle :blink::blink::blink:

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Ok it seems to be good !

Everybody will find a solution :P and so we could "chat" in english as soon as there'll be somebody on it ;)

Could I suggest that we "chat" on the room "crpe 2004" to not disturb the others persons ?

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Even better : "english crpe 2004".

No problem for me.

Today, I think I'll be on the chat around 21.00 so if someone wants to join me...

Read you soon ! ;)

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crika, pas besopin de "" pour "chat" en vient de l'anglais et ca veut dire bavarder..


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I'm a mother and I'm OK to chat with everybody around 21.00 the week-end and in the beginning of afternoon the week .

I have too an SMS address : so you can talk with you when you want !

big kisses !

Eva qui a des progrès à faire en anglais

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Bonjour à toutes

Je n'ai pas lu tous les messages mais j'ai relevé qq erreurs interressantes.

D'abord pour toutes si vous voulez vous mettre à fond dans l'anglais il faut vous faire aussi au système d'horaire : pm ou am et ne plus parler de 22h :P

Marie-claire : journey veut dire voyage (pas journée :) )

Audinelle : children (pas childs :D )

Bon je me permet de critiquer alors que je suis pas fichue de vous poster le message en anglais :P m'en voulez pas :(

I'll try next time B)


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