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Nouveau sujet... mmmh... I don't know... Le réchauffement de la planète!!!!

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Membres les plus actifs

  • Yoake


  • lenig2




  • laure18


Membres les plus actifs


Ben je dois reconnaitre qu'avec ma méthode je suis un peu longue à faire mes phrases, mais bon...

Nouveau sujet... mmmh... I don't know... Le réchauffement de la planète!!!!

Ok, let's work on global wraming!

Well, We more and more hear talking about it, everyday we can wacth Tv programms about it.

In fact, everybody is worried about this phenomenon, but people dont' seem to be conscious that WE are the first responsible.

if we take the exemple of cars:Automobile exhaust contribute to environmental degradation. But we are forced to use our cars, even if we can share the same car with someone else, to go to work for instance, but it is not always easy.

That's why I think that the government is also responsible.

legislation should be passed to limit the use of cars or others source of energy could be found.

many times I have seen, people throwing their papers or elses on the roads, in the see...

I can't bare this bahaviour! It is not difficult to find a garbage can

so as to put it in!

people have to develop ecological behaviors! that 's why, at school, a special subject should be dedicated to environmental policy.

j'en peux plus là :lol: j'arrète pas pour aujourd'hui, demain on continue comme ça si tu veux? car là après une journée de boulot je peux plus... :blink:


The global warming is one of the most important international subject at this moment.

This warming is due to carbon dioxyde from the industries, some communication mediums as car and lorry which use fuel. In addition to that, the amazonia forest, well knowm as the "lung of the earth" is ravaging by men. It seems that the majority of men have a big unconsciouness of what they are doing.

Many states as states of the European Union, the United States, the Japan have signed the Kyoto treaty (???) and engaged them to take measures to protect the world. Many countries have soon adopt organic way of life, notably the countries from from the north of Europe. Indeed, in Finland, for instance, the house built now are mainly organic, the cars work (???) with biofuel (???) ...

Bon j'arrête le massacre pour aujourd'hui!! :sleep:

Merci de corriger mes erreurs!!!! :cry:


Hello yoake!

How are you today?

Do you want to do the same as yersterday? I mean working on either a text or a topic we choose at random.

As you want!

(but rather in the afternoon, because this morning I work on vocabulary)

Yesterday evening, I found a good mean to learn and to practise english: i went on a tchat! you can try! (but it becomes interseting only when people stop to ask you: are you sexy or else!!!!) :lol:

Hello yoake!

How are you today?

Do you want to do the same as yersterday? I mean working on either a text or a topic we choose at random.

As you want!

(but rather in the afternoon, because this morning I work on vocabulary)

Yesterday evening, I found a good mean to learn and to practise english: i went on a tchat! you can try! (but it becomes interseting only when people stop to ask you: are you sexy or else!!!!) :lol:


Excuse moi, je t'ai encore fait faux bon, aujourd'hui, ce n'est pas l'ordi mais les maux de tête... donc, je ne vais pas abuser de l'ordi... Si ça va ce soir, je me connecterai peut-être... Dis, tu vas sur quel chat? Si j'ai moins la tête dans le brouillard, ça m'intéresserai de venir!!! Tu peux me donner l'adresse? Sinon, on pourra aussi débattre de sujets si tu veux!!!

A bientôt!

Hello yoake!

How are you today?

Do you want to do the same as yersterday? I mean working on either a text or a topic we choose at random.

As you want!

(but rather in the afternoon, because this morning I work on vocabulary)

Yesterday evening, I found a good mean to learn and to practise english: i went on a tchat! you can try! (but it becomes interseting only when people stop to ask you: are you sexy or else!!!!) :lol:


Excuse moi, je t'ai encore fait faux bon, aujourd'hui, ce n'est pas l'ordi mais les maux de tête... donc, je ne vais pas abuser de l'ordi... Si ça va ce soir, je me connecterai peut-être... Dis, tu vas sur quel chat? Si j'ai moins la tête dans le brouillard, ça m'intéresserai de venir!!! Tu peux me donner l'adresse? Sinon, on pourra aussi débattre de sujets si tu veux!!!

A bientôt!

Oulala! t'inquiète , j'ai également extrèmement mal au crâne :cry: , du coup là je fais autre chose (ménage, courses :blink:)


Is there anobody here????

Lenig2 Are you one youre chat or not????


Bonjour à tous!!! Good morning!!!

Je passe demain en anglais, et du coup il serait peut être temps que je m'intéresse aux grands éléments de civilisation anglaise et américaines...

Je me demandais, comment dit-on "grands électeurs" en anglais? Have you any idea?

Bonjour à tous!!! Good morning!!!

Je passe demain en anglais, et du coup il serait peut être temps que je m'intéresse aux grands éléments de civilisation anglaise et américaines...

Je me demandais, comment dit-on "grands électeurs" en anglais? Have you any idea?

Personnaly I would say the lectoral college but I'm not so sure !

Bonjour à tous!!! Good morning!!!

Je passe demain en anglais, et du coup il serait peut être temps que je m'intéresse aux grands éléments de civilisation anglaise et américaines...

Je me demandais, comment dit-on "grands électeurs" en anglais? Have you any idea?

Personnaly I would say the lectoral college but I'm not so sure !

Is there somebody who would be sure about this translation?

Bonjour à tous!!! Good morning!!!

Je passe demain en anglais, et du coup il serait peut être temps que je m'intéresse aux grands éléments de civilisation anglaise et américaines...

Je me demandais, comment dit-on "grands électeurs" en anglais? Have you any idea?

Personnaly I would say the lectoral college but I'm not so sure !

Is there somebody who would be sure about this translation?


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