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Hi everybody

Here is the text that we have to sum up this week (I hope that you'll find it ok) :

Good luck :)

Hi Milla,

It's Dana, It was hard but I finally succeed in finding where you were posting ur messages.

If its ok for averyone in this group, i'd like to join and improve my english level.

Could u please Milla explain me what to do and how to do it in order not to disturb the ongoing work.

Moreover, i'm very interested in any help your teacher is willing to provideconcerning my mistakes...


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Hi :)

Here is my sumary of that text :

This text is an article taken from the BBC news. It deals with the level of primary school in England and the way it can change with the years.

Schools are judged on their results. Their pupils have to sit for an examination and the Department for Education and Skills makes public the result of each school and the list of the 100 schools which have the most improved over the past four years.

So a school can be on the top a year and the following, on the bottom. Nicola Roth, head teacher of Eastborough Junoir Infant and Nuresry, who have lived that experience, has a critical mind toward that system of classification. He really wants that it does not exist because of the hurtful of the tables.

Barbara Jones who is the head teacher of Combe Church of England Primary, one of the schools which have a maximum scores since the last four years, explains this succes. According to her, her little school (4 classes) is not a modern school but people want to be in. They can not accept more pupils because the school is fulled. She stands against the synthetic phonics that is supposed to be the new and the better way to learn how to read. She is convinced that both, synthetic and normal, phonics can be used to teach english.

She values parents and teachers supports. And she warns against the idea that 5 years old children can read fluently. It can not be.

This text was really difficult for me because I do not understand that system of classification of school. I think it is like our system of assessment. But in my opinion, the results of a such classment is not the same in the two countries. In France, it is to evaluate the level of the children and readjust the teaching but the parents are not so concerned. In England, it seems to be a way to punish some schools.

Phew !

Thank you for reading and have a good week :)

Oh, I almost forget, this is two texts for this week :


Hi everybody

Here is the text that we have to sum up this week (I hope that you'll find it ok) :

Good luck :)

Hi Milla,

It's Dana, It was hard but I finally succeed in finding where you were posting ur messages.

If its ok for averyone in this group, i'd like to join and improve my english level.

Could u please Milla explain me what to do and how to do it in order not to disturb the ongoing work.

Moreover, i'm very interested in any help your teacher is willing to provideconcerning my mistakes...



succeed : le temps ?

explain me : construction ( explain to me)

your teacher : I am nobody's teacher but only someone giving some help and encouragement !

Hi :)

Here is my sumary of that text :

This text is an article taken from the BBC news. It deals with the level of primary school in England and the way it can change with the years.

Schools are judged on their results. Their pupils have to sit for an examination and the Department for Education and Skills makes public the result of each school and the list of the 100 schools which have the most improved over the past four years.

So a school can be on the top a year and the following, on the bottom. Nicola Roth, head teacher of Eastborough Junoir Infant and Nuresry, who have lived that experience, has a critical mind toward that system of classification. He really wants that it does not exist because of the hurtful of the tables.

Barbara Jones who is the head teacher of Combe Church of England Primary, one of the schools which have a maximum scores since the last four years, explains this succes. According to her, her little school (4 classes) is not a modern school but people want to be in. They can not accept more pupils because the school is fulled. She stands against the synthetic phonics that is supposed to be the new and the better way to learn how to read. She is convinced that both, synthetic and normal, phonics can be used to teach english.

She values parents and teachers supports. And she warns against the idea that 5 years old children can read fluently. It can not be.

This text was really difficult for me because I do not understand that system of classification of school. I think it is like our system of assessment. But in my opinion, the results of a such classment is not the same in the two countries. In France, it is to evaluate the level of the children and readjust the teaching but the parents are not so concerned. In England, it seems to be a way to punish some schools.

Phew !

Thank you for reading and have a good week :)

Oh, I almost forget, this is two texts for this week :

Quelques erreurs que j'ai surlignées . (temps avec SINCE? vocab...)

Nicola is a woman / Nicholas is a man

Do you want to try and correct them first ?

Best of luck

This text is an article taken from the BBC news. It deals with the level of primary school in England and the way it can change with the years.

Schools are judged on their results. Their pupils have to sit for an examination and the Department for Education and Skills makes public the result of each school and the list of the 100 schools which have the most improved over the past four years.

So a school can be on the top a year and the following, at the bottom. Nicola Roth, head teacher of Eastborough Junoir Infant and Nuresry, who have lived that experience, has a critical mind toward that system of classification. She really would like that it did not exist because it is hurtful to be classed in these tables.

Barbara Jones who is the head teacher of Combe Church of England Primary, one of the schools which has had a maximum scores since the last four years, explains this succes. According to her, her little school (4 classes) is not a modern school but people want to be in. They can not accept more pupils because the school is full. She stands against the synthetic phonics that is supposed to be the new and the better way to learn how to read. She is convinced that both, synthetic and normal, phonics can be used to teach english.

She values the support of the parents and the teachers. And she warns against the idea that children who are five years old can read fluently. It can not be.

This text was really difficult for me because I do not understand that system of classification of school. I think it is like our system of assessment. But in my opinion, the results of a such classment is not the same in the two countries. In France, it is to evaluate the level of the children and readjust the teaching but the parents are not so concerned. In England, it seems to be a way to punish some schools.

I hope that my text is now correct but Teacher, I did not understand why you underline "5 years old children" . I change it but ...

Anyway, thank you a lot for being here :)

[quote name='Milla'

I hope that my text is now correct but Teacher, I did not understand why you underline "5 years old children" . I change it but ...

-I am 5 yearS old .

John is a five-year-old boy ( tu le mets en position adjectivale donc pas de S)

-WANT se construit avec TO + base verbale ( would like aussi !)

I want to go to Paris...I would like to go to Paris

I want John /him to take me to Paris..I would like John to take me to Paris

-une autre erreur que j'avais laissé passer : "tables" , tu veux dire " grids" ( tableaux ")?

But you're doing well . All the best



Thank you Teacher for your explanations and your support :)

Selon tes explications, je dois mettre "She really would like that to not exist because..." ?

Pour ce qui est de "tables" qui est fréquemment utilisé dans le texte original, je l'avais traduit par "classements, listes".

Talk to you soon :)


Just a little message for Ludi : congratulations :sorcerer:

Zacharie ( I saw his pictures ;) is really beautiful :)

Just a little message for Ludi : congratulations :sorcerer:

Zacharie ( I saw his pictures ;) is really beautiful :)

thank you Milla :wub:

I saw you gave us two links for two texts, I'll try to summarize one... ;)

see you ;):wub:

Thank you Teacher for your explanations and your support :)

Selon tes explications, je dois mettre "She really would like that to not exist because..." ?

Pour ce qui est de "tables" qui est fréquemment utilisé dans le texte original, je l'avais traduit par "classements, listes".

Talk to you soon :)

She would like it not to exist

For "tables" , why not "lists "?

Well done for all your hard work Milla!

And... Ludi, Congratulations :applause:

Hello :)

This week we (?) can work on the thexts I gave the last week because my kids are on holidays and I am so busy that I can not work as I would.

I write the links again and be ready for next sunday :

Thank you again Teacher for your support :blush: because sometimes I feel a little lonely ;)

Milla , I understand that you are feeling lonely ..WHERE ARE ALL THE OTHERS ? are you still meeting on the " chat" ?

i am sorry the others have given up : you were all improving so much.

Well, it's up to everybody to decide what they want .

la semaine dernière : last week ( pas de "the")

bye for now and all the best :applause:

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