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hello ,

In a first time , I correct my mistakes :

Thank you for answering me Milla (pas de have ?) .

So , I wait to your link !! :P

good night


ps: and thanks for correcting my mistakes (pas de have non plus ?)!!

And It's ok for me, i'll try to sum up this text this week ( i hope i 'll remember my english quickly !!).

see later,


(ps: we have until day = nous avons jusqu'a demain ?)

Oups , I mean sunday ;)

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Hi everybody :)

It's been a long time since I came on this thread :blush:

but now my son has his "rythm" I'll try to be more present and to make the next summary ;) thank you for the link Milla :wub:

Fanny welcome in the group ;)

see you girls :wub:


Hello everybody

I will try to work with you to improve my poor english, so be indulgent please ;)

i'll try to make the text of this week, and give you my summary

I hope i will not seem too weak compared to you, but i am decided to progress.

i stop here for not having so much mistakes :P

see you soon

thanks Milla to correct my mistakes ;)


Welcome Bebedesiles :):wub:

And please make some mistakes because it is the better way to learn and to improve your english ;)

i'll try to show (to make?) the text of this week, and give you my summary

I esper (hope) i will not seem too weak compared to you, but i am decided to progress.

Ludi : so glad to see you again :wub::blush:

Ludi : so glad to see you again :wub::blush:


welcome bebedesiles ;)

I'm working on the text while my son is sleeping :wub:

I try to put my summary here today ;)


Here is my summary

This text is extracted from "News VAO. com", is entitled "U.S. Releases Yearly report on Human Rights Around the World" and was written by Nancy Steinbach.

The first Report regarding Human Rights Practises came out in 1977 and concerned 82 countries. Nowadays, there are more than two times (twice ?) as many countries.

This report is usefull for american policies, diplomacy and aid that USA can propose to other countries.

The Human Rights, that are examined, are individual, civil, political, worker rights but also treatments subjected by people like tortures and arbitrary inprisonment.

Some countries are often quoted like North Korea or Iran. These countries even represent, according to that Report, a threat for other societies.

Most of violation's problems are caused by wars like the ones that exist in Darfur or in Chechnya.

The journalist also argues with the countries that do not respect freedom of the press, freedom of though.

On the other hand, this Report recognizes some countries efforts for democracy and Human Rights in 2005 like Iraq, Afghanistan or Liberia.

Only the chinese government reacts to this Report and reminds USA of its high murder rate and its own violation of Human Rights in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay.

Thank you for reading :)


Hi !

I'm a new comer on the forum and as I need to improve my english, I would be happy to join your group if you agree.

Thank you for answering



Thank you for answering so quickly , Milla.

Let me introduce me to the group : I'm 33 and I work hard to have my certificate this year but it is not easy with my two kids and I'm studying alone.

I studied english at university but that was 13 years ago and I have not practice my english ever since. That's why I need some "refreshing"!

I've just finished my work on the text.



Here is my summary ;)

This document is an article from VOA nexs, written by Nancy Steinbach in march 2006, it's titled U.S. Releases Yearly Report on Human Rights Around the World.

This article deals with united States views on Human Rights in the world. Every year the State Department makes a report which is useful for "American officials".

Those reports are indeed needed to develop policies or even to see which countries need aid or assitance. The first report appeared in 1977 and began with 82 countries now, 196 countries are concerned.

The reports underline the rights of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and also add freedom from torture, cruel punishment... and everyting which harms human stuffiness.

Most of the time, the disrespect of human rights is due to wars.

The State department refers on examples of countries which have turned to democracy such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine...

The report of this year underlines the fact that many countries made progress on the political system but unfortunattely the human rights have not progressed the same way.

Those reports are citicised by the Chinese goverment because the United States made some mistakes during the Iraq war on Iraqi prisoners.


Here is my summary :

This article, written by Nancy Steinbach in March 2006, deals with reports released by the American government on Human Rights practices in a certain number of countries.

The aim of these reports is to carry out diplomacy and eventually give assistance to these countries. These reports are based on the United Nations Universal declaration of Human rights.

The last report, released about two weeks ago, points out that violations occur most of the time in countries ruled by a single person or a small group. It also reveals that most serious violations take place during armed conflicts. The violations concern killings, kidnappings, laws against the media and non governmental organizations, elections.

It is interesting to note that the Chinese government reacted to American criticism by denouncing certain American weaknesses.

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