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Here is my summary :

This texte was written by nancy steinbach but it's steve ember who speak in "in the news" .

he explain that the USA draw up a report all years about

the Human Rights Practices in the world and that it is useful for taking politique decision .

since thirty years, more and more countries are listed in it.

According to him, this report denouce countries which violate the human rights

and in which people are not free.

the americains say that countries which no respect their own people is very dangerous

for the others.

on the other hand, steve ember explain that the report congratulate countries in which there was

democratic elections .

apparently, the chinese government doesn't agree with this report and decided to make one about the

united states. this one expose the violence of the USA ; in particular the crimes between americains

and the prisoners in irak or others countries.

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Hi everybody :)

Here is my summary :

This texte was written by nancy steinbach but it's steve ember who speak in "in the news" .

he explain that the USA draw up a report all years about

the Human Rights Practices in the world and that it is useful for taking politique decision .

since thirty years, more and more countries are listed in it.

According to him, this report denouce countries which violate the human rights

and in which people are not free.

the americains say that countries which no respect their own people is very dangerous

for the others.

on the other hand, steve ember explain that the report congratulate countries in which there was

democratic elections .

apparently, the chinese government doesn't agree with this report and decided to make one about the

united states. this one expose the violence of the USA ; in particular the crimes between americains

and the prisoners in irak or others countries.

Fanny don't forget to put the "-s" on the third person of singular ;)


thank you for your welcoming, i'm doing my summary at this time, so be sure that i'll put it here as soon as possible.


Here is my summary ;)

This document is an article extracted from « VOA Special English ». It was written by Nancy Steinbach on March 2006. It is entitled “U. S. Releases Yearly Report on Human Rights around the World.

The text deals with the point of view of the Americans on Human Rights in the world.

Every year since 1997, congress asks the State Department for a Human Rights report in few countries. There were eighty two countries witch was concerned at the beginning while the number of countries has been fold in two nowadays.

The report takes care about several rights witch are extracted from the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The government uses that report for American policies and allows some countries to receive aids.

Some countries are often pointed out as human rights violators like North Korea and Iran for example.

As a general rule, it seems that the most important violations of human rights are observed during wars.

Moreover, the report passes a positive judgement about countries witch have organized some elections, because it means a real progress about democracy. The report wants to encourage those countries to haunt their efforts.

However, the article tries to show us that this report is criticized by Chinese government because of some violence acts of American people. In fact, there are also much violence through murders and barbarian acts on some prisoners.

I'm happy that's be finish :P

Have a good evening

Hi everybody :)

Here is my summary :

This texte was written by nancy steinbach but it's steve ember who speaks in "in the news" .

he explains that the USA draw up a report all years about

the Human Rights Practices in the world and that it is useful for taking politique decision .

since thirty years, more and more countries are listed in it.

According to him, this report denouces countries which violate the human rights

and in which people are not free.

the americains say that countries which no respect their own people is very dangerous

for the others.

on the other hand, steve ember explain that the report congratulate countries in which there was democratic elections .

apparently, the chinese government doesn't agree with this report and decided to make one about the

united states. this one exposes the violence of the USA ; in particular the crimes between americains and the prisoners in irak or others countries.

Fanny don't forget to put the "-s" on the third person of singular ;)

Oups !!

Thanks !!


Hi everybody :)

This is the text that we have to sum up and may be also comment this week. It is an extract from "Oliver Twist" written by Charles Dickens. You may think that it is a difficult exercice but we can have this sort of text so I think that it is interesting to work on it.

Chapter I

Treats of the place where Oliver Twist was born, and of the circumstances attending his birth.

Among other public buildings in a certain town, which for many reasons it will be prudent to refrain from mentioning, and to which I will assign no fictitious name, there is one anciently common to most towns, great or small: to wit, a workhouse; and in this workhouse was born; on a day and date which I need not trouble myself to repeat, inasmuch as it can be of no possible consequence to the reader, in this stage of the business at all events; the item of mortality whose name is prefixed to the head of this chapter.

For a long time after it was ushered into this world of sorrow and trouble, by the parish surgeon, it remained a matter of considerable doubt whether the child would survive to bear any name at all; in which case it is somewhat more than probable that these memoirs would never have appeared; or, if they had, that being comprised within a couple of pages, they would have possessed the inestimable merit of being the most concise and faithful specimen of biography, extant in the literature of any age or country.

Although I am not disposed to maintain that the being born in a workhouse, is in itself the most fortunate and enviable circumstance that can possibly befall a human being, I do mean to say that in this particular instance, it was the best thing for Oliver Twist that could by possibility have occurred. The fact is, that there was considerable difficulty in inducing Oliver to take upon himself the office of respiration,- a troublesome practice, but one which custom has rendered necessary to our easy existence; and for some time he lay gasping on a little flock mattress, rather unequally poised between this world and the next: the balance being decidedly in favour of the latter. Now, if, during this brief period, Oliver had been surrounded by careful grandmothers, anxious aunts, experienced nurses, and doctors of profound wisdom, he would most inevitably and indubitably have been killed in no time. There being nobody by, however, but a pauper old woman, who was rendered rather misty by an unwonted allowance of beer; and a parish surgeon who did such matters by contract; Oliver and Nature fought out the point between them. The result was, that, after a few struggles, Oliver breathed, sneezed, and proceeded to advertise to the inmates of the workhouse the fact of a new burden having been imposed upon the parish, by setting up as loud a cry as could reasonably have been expected from a male infant who had not been possessed of that very useful appendage, a voice, for a much longer space of time than three minutes and a quarter.

As Oliver gave this first proof of the free and proper action of his lungs, the patchwork coverlet which was carelessly flung over the iron bedstead, rustled; the pale face of a young woman was raised feebly from the pillow; and a faint voice imperfectly articulated the words, "Let me see the child, and die."

Have a good day ;)

you work a text by week, isn't it ?

if you are agree, is it possible to tell me which text must be make this week ?

And i will try to resume it.

thank you


for information: I didn't make english since 6 years :o and so sorry for my english :blush: !!!

Hi Fanny,

I see Milla is taking over my correcting job ( well done , Milla ;-) )

one or two errors have been left uncorrected : "since " est précedé d"un present perfect ( Have + p.P)

mais ici " since " n'est pas correct il aurait fallu utiliser "for"

I haven't done any English for 6 years

-which text must be made(part Passé ) mais niveau vocab ' make ' n'est pas formidable ; peut -être 'study / studied ?

- by week : a week ou per week

Bon courage à tous/toutes .

Welcome back Ludi

OK, Two more minutes with you . I have just quickly read your comments on the VOA text .

A couple of errors :

-There is / there are

- attention aux formes verbales négatives ( no respect* / don't respect)

- other countries ( other ,ici, est adjectif donc invariable)

Sorry , I can't stay any longer . Bye for now

Here is my summary ;)

This document is an article extracted from « VOA Special English ». It was written by Nancy Steinbach on March 2006. It is entitled “U. S. Releases Yearly Report on Human Rights around the World.

The text deals with the point of view of the Americans on Human Rights in the world.

Every year since 1997, congress asks the State Department for a Human Rights report in few countries. There were eighty two countries witch was concerned at the beginning while the number of countries has been fold in two nowadays.

The report takes care about several rights witch are extracted from the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The government uses that report for American policies and allows some countries to receive aids.

Some countries are often pointed out as human rights violators like North Korea and Iran for example.

As a general rule, it seems that the most important violations of human rights are observed during wars.

Moreover, the report passes a positive judgement about countries witch have organized some elections, because it means a real progress about democracy. The report wants to encourage those countries to haunt their efforts.

However, the article tries to show us that this report is criticized by Chinese government because of some violence acts of American people. In fact, there are also much violence through murders and barbarian acts on some prisoners.

I'm happy that's be finish :P

Have a good evening

I see you are on line , BBdesiles so...

A few mistakes to be corrected . Up to you !!!

Be careful : "witch" is ' sorcière' !

As for " want" , maybe the verb " aim " would more correct

Hi Fanny,

I see Milla is taking over my correcting job ( well done , Milla ;-) )

one or two errors have been left uncorrected : "since " est précedé d"un present perfect ( Have + p.P)

mais ici " since " n'est pas correct il aurait fallu utiliser "for"

I haven't done any English for 6 years

-which text must be made(part Passé ) mais niveau vocab ' make ' n'est pas formidable ; peut -être 'study / studied ?

- by week : a week ou per week

Teacher, Thanks a lot for reading :wub:

I'll try to remember that !!

See you


Hello everybody,

Can I come with you and practise my english? I need exercice!!

I've just sum up the extract of "Oliver Twist". It was difficult for me, especially the vocabulary. So, here is my summary, I hope there aren't so many mistakes:

This text cames from the book « Oliver Twist » written by Charles Dickens. This extract, taken from the first chapter of the book, talks about the difficult bitrth of Oliver Twist. The author didn’t want to give us the name of the town and the date when Oliver was born. He created a particular atmosphere as we are not sure if this story is real or not even if he wrote the idea that this book is a biography of the child.

Anyway, the introduction explains that Oliver was born in a workhouse where his mother was living. It seems to be a very poor world. His birth was very difficult and he was lucky to not die as soon as he was born because of his incapacity to breathe. T help him a surgeon takes place near him but without compassion and only because of his contract, and an old woman, described as an alcoholic. As reader, we have the impression that the pain of the baby was very long, we learn at the end that it took tree minutes and a quarter. Dickens didn’t write about his mother, only to precise that’s she’s dying at the end of the passage. It’s the beginning of the Oliver Twist’s life, as a poor orphan.

Thank you to read my hard work... :P :blush:


Welcome Scot :)

I can't read your summary now because I did not make mine yet but I will after.


Here is my summary ;)

This document is an article extracted from « VOA Special English ». It was written by Nancy Steinbach on March 2006. It is entitled “U. S. Releases Yearly Report on Human Rights around the World.

The text deals with the point of view of the Americans on Human Rights in the world.

Every year since 1997, congress asks the State Department for a Human Rights report in few countries. There were eighty two countries which was concerned at the beginning while the number of countries has been fold in two nowadays.

The report takes care about several rights which are extracted from the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The government uses that report for American policies and allows some countries to receive aids.

Some countries are often pointed out as human rights violators like North Korea and Iran for example.

As a general rule, it seems that the most important violations of human rights are observed during wars.

Moreover, the report passes a positive judgement about countries which have organized some elections, because it means a real progress about democracy. The report aims to encourage those countries to haunt their efforts.

However, the article tries to show us that this report is criticized by Chinese government because of some violence acts of American people. In fact, there is also much violence through murders and barbarian acts on some prisoners.

Have a good evening

I see you are on line , BBdesiles so...

A few mistakes to be corrected . Up to you !!!

Be careful : "witch" is ' sorcière' !

As for " want" , maybe the verb " aim " would more correct

thanks for your adwices Teacher. I wasn't on line any more when you finished to write your comments ;)

have a nice day

I'll try to work on the new text before the end of the week


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