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Hello :)

here is my summary for the second text :

This article, entitled "France faces fresh day of protest", is taken from the BBC News and it dates back to tuesday, 4 april 2006.

The journalist tackles with the large demonstrations in the whole France which have been brought by the CPE (Contrat Première Embauche which we can translate by : "First Job Contract"(?)). Because of that contract, more than one million of people, supported by a lot of french trade unions and the left-wing politics, have demonstrated their refusal to negociate the withdrawnal of the CPE.

The rallies took place in many towns like Marseille, Nantes and Bordeaux; There were not many disruptions in the french metro nor in the trains. the transport strikes affected 32 towns. On the other hand, a large part of french school was closed.

A lot of policemen and members of riot police have been called to prevent the huge problems that happened last week with rioters.

This problem is not only a social problem, it is also a political problem. Dominique de Villepin, the Prime Minister who was very pouplar, wanted the CPE's creation to answer to the unemployment. Jacques Chirac suggested new dispositions of this contract but as this measure was completly rejected by french youth and national trade unions, Nicolas Sarkosy seemed to appear as the one who can save the situation.

This problem highlights the competition between two men : de Villepin and Sarkosy as the 2007 presidential elections approached.

Pfffffiou, I almost made my summary without dictionnary so I am not really happy but I have done the best that I can.

Thank you for reading, I 'll try to comment this text but now, I am going to eat ;) .

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Well, here is my comment :

The CPE has been created because of the high rate of youth unemployment. Previously, another contract had been voted : the CNE (for people who are 25 years old and more). But reactions were stronger when the government decided to vote the CPE. Students completely rejected this contract because of its forms : during two years, young people could be fired anytime and employers would not have to give any reason for that.

A lot of universities are on strike since the beginning of february and demonstrations are getting bigger and bigger.

I have a lot to say but as I try to work without dictionnary, it is a little bit difficult (for the moment ;) ) to not make mistakes.

Good night :)

Hey, baby ! You won't have a dictionary on D Day :P

Hi everybody :)

Here is my summary and comment for the article you put here Milla ;)

This article, France faces fresh day of protest deals with the french current events. Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin created a new contract for young people to decrease unemployment.

This contract named CPE doesn't suit to sudent who will be concerned by it.

It doesn't guarentee them a sure employment as the employer can lay off his employee during( after ?) a period of two years. The main revendication of young people is the fact that they won't be allowed to boroww [/color]some money or to buy a flat whith this kind of contract.

So, these events lead to various strikes. First of all students blocked universities to show their discontentment and then various trade unions folow them. Big cities are the first concerned strikes blocked transports...( ?)

The situation doesn't seem to change. President Chirac gives his support to his Prime Minister and didn't revoke the CPE he only mentionned on a public speech that some adjustments will be made: for instance shorten from two years to one the period in which young people could be fired.

This modification didn't suit to unions and strike went on.

This restore the conflict between Sarkosy and the Prime Minister who are in competition : it gives a taste of the next presidential election.

see you ;)


Hi everybody !

I would like to work with you if it's still possible. I don't have a good level in english, and I have lessons with a particular teacher, but vocabulary is difficult to learn for me. I think your group is a very good initiative. If I've well understood, you sum up one text in a week ? Exactly ?

Could I join to you ?


Welcome Lilli :)

This week I haven't given a link because I was really busy but I will give one next sunday and correct my mistakes too ;)

Welcome Lilli :)

This week I haven't given a link because I was really busy but I will give one next sunday and correct my mistakes too ;)

Ok... Thanks for your reception !

I don't know if I'm allowed to correct posts, but I think you made a mistake in your answer. You said : "this week, I haven't given a link"... But, when you speak about a thing established in time or space, you have to use the preterit ("This week, I didn't give") But, perhaps it's me who make a mistake... If anybody can confirm ???

See you soon


Hi everybody!!!

May I join your group?

My level in English is very poor....I don't have many vocabulary and I think that's what I have to practise most.

Working on a text each week is a very good idea.

See you!!

Hi everybody!!!

May I join your group?

My level in English is very poor....I don't have many vocabulary and I think that's what I have to practise most.

Working on a text each week is a very good idea.

See you!!

Welcome...but as far as vocabulary is concerned , you need to learn by heart . Make lists and LEARN them ! ;)

Sorry , I haven't much time to correct the other messages but I noticed a few errors .

All the best, all of you !

  • 2 semaines plus tard...


I found your post only today. I understand the object of this post.

For instance, I understand too that we must wait an other link of Milla before write a summary.

Milla, I hope that you're not so busy. I want to join your group if it's possible. If you're so busy, I can understand too.

See you soon


I found your post only today. I understand the object of this post.

For instance, I understand too that we must wait an other link of Milla before write a summary.

Milla, I hope that you're not so busy. I want to join your group if it's possible. If you're so busy, I can understand too.

See you soon

Hi, Mistral and welcome....ANYBODY can choose a text and post it .

Bigotna did it at the beginning, then Milla ...

It can be someone else's turn now !!

All the best , everyone ;-)

  • 2 semaines plus tard...

Hi everybody :) ,

Are you ready to continue our work ?

I don't know if I pass my exam but until the 29th, I will keep on working (and I really hope after too).

So here are the new links : (on animal tests)

and (on Keith Richards)

We have until thursday to sum up one of them (or the two if you want ;) ) and I (or someone else) will put two others to sum up until next sunday because I think that it is good for us to work more than before and to practise a lot.

Welcome to all who want to join us.

See you :)



nice to see you again and to be back

i agree with you about working more

and i also hope to continue until the end of june, but at marseille, the results will be given on the 3rd of june.

late, but it's like that. South peope need more time to correct us between the sea and the sun...!

bye bye


ps : i'll try to do the hard work you'v given

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