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nice to see you again and to be back

i agree with you about working more

and i also hope to continue until the end of june, but at marseille, the results will be given on the 3rd of june.

late, but it's like that. South peope need more time to correct us between the sea and the sun...!

bye bye


Really pleased to see you are all back ... I was starting to worry about the lack of work .

COME ON ...let's get on with it .

The more , the merrier So please everybody, join Bigotna and Milla .

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Bigotna, Teacher, so glad to read you :)

So here is my summary, I just looked for a few words (but a very few ;) )

This article is taken from BBC news and is entitled "PM critised over animal testing". It dates back to april 2006, the 14th and it tackles with a very controversial issue.

In that newspaper article, the journalist explains the problem that exists between organizations who fight against animal testing and the Prime Minster : Tony Blair who seems to deny their opinions and who supports all the societies which test experimentations on animals.

These societies and the Prime Minister think that sort of experience are necessary to develop new medicines and to improve human health and well-being. Moreover Tony Blair adds that these companies, while researching, create a lot of jobs.

This ideas are completely rejected by all the animal testing opponents. They are dead against that sort of research and are convinced that other solutions exist. They react against the animals suffering and out-moded science. One of the representative of these organizations reports that experiences have rosen since 1997 when the Labour Party came to power.

Roger Gale, president of an anti-vivisection movement and also conservative member of parliament explains that Tony Blair refused to consider alternative methods.

The journalist also intends to point out the threats that people who work for labotories or animal testing societies are subjected to : intimidation, threatening letters, grave-robbing... The Prime Minister has already asserted that these companies directors or share-holders will be more protected, keeping their adresses secret for example.

This article is really interessant because in our country we do not have this opposition. Some people are against animal testing and sone do not but in England it seems to be a politic problem too. I remember for example the hunt of foxes which has been forbidden one or two years ago in Great Britain and all the articles between those who are for that interdiction and those who denied it.

Teacher : Could you tell me, I wanted to say "T. B. seems not to want to listen to them" is that correct or is it : "T. B. seems to not want to..." or "T. B. seems to not wanting..." I never remember if it is : verb + not to or verb = to not...

Thank you for reading :)


Hi! :P

I'm so glad to see that the group is going on!

I chose the text about Keith Richards, so here is my summary:

This text is an article from BBC news, published on the twelveth of May of 2006. This is in the column "Faces of the week" and deals with Keath Richards, the Rolling Stones guitarist, who recently left the hospital after he fell out of a coconut tree in Fiji.

In the first part of the article, we learn why Keith Richards is "indestructible" by his way of life "sex, drugs and rock'n roll". Then, in the second part , we're going to know if he's always a rebel.

1) On this occasion, the journalist mentions all the events in the Keith Richards' life which make him indestructible, especially his drugs' problems in the 1970s. Keith Richards was an heroin addict during about a decade.

He had another addiction : the alcohol. Besides, once, he appeared on TV, driving whisky!

Moreover, he knew a lot of dangerous situations. For exemple, when he accidentally set fire to himself or when he crashed his car into his garden shed...and now the coconut event!

This is why we can think that Keith Richards is industructible.

2)Nowadays, Keith Richards is 62 but he always sees himself as a rebel.

Of course, he's now retired, he is a family man but he always against aristocratic things.

For example, his Rolling stones'friend, Mike Jagger, has become a knighthood recently.

On the contrary, Keith Richards doesn't want to do that. He thinks it's ridiculous and very hypocritical towards them if we remember the 1967's affair, when Mike Jagger and him were convicted on drugs charges.

For all this reasons, the journalist concludes that Keith Richards remains the essence of the cool attitude.

Thank you for reading and sorry for my mistakes! ;)

See you soon :P

Bigotna, Teacher, so glad to read you :)

This article is taken from BBC news and is entitled "PM critised over animal testing". It dates back to april 2006, the 14th and it tackles with a very controversial issue.

This ideas are completely rejected by all the animal testing opponents. They are dead against that sort of research and are convinced that other solutions exist. They react against the animals suffering and out-moded science. One of the representative of these organizations reports that experiences have rosen since 1997 when the Labour Party came to power.

This article is really interessant because in our country we do not have this opposition. Some people are against animal testing and sone do not but in England it seems to be a politic problem too. I remember for example the hunt of foxes which has been forbidden one or two years ago in Great Britain and all the articles between those who are for that interdiction and those who denied it.

Teacher : Could you tell me, I wanted to say "T. B. seems not to want to listen to them"

la négation se place avant ' to + base verbale '

ou bien TB doesn't seem to be wanting to listen to them

autre chose déjà corrigée ( je pense) : to tackle sth / to deal with sth

Hi! :P

I'm so glad to see that the group is going on!

I chose the text about Keith Richards, so here is my summary:

This text is an article from BBC news, published on the twelveth of May of 2006. This is in the column "Faces of the week" and deals with Keath Richards, the Rolling Stones guitarist, who recently left the hospital after he fell out of a coconut tree in Fiji.

In the first part of the article, we learn why Keith Richards is "indestructible" by his way of life "sex, drugs and rock'n roll". Then, in the second part , we're going to know if he's always a rebel.

1) On this occasion, the journalist mentions all the events in the Keith Richards' life which make him indestructible, especially his drugs' problems in the 1970s. Keith Richards was an heroin addict during about a decade.

He had another addiction : the alcohol. Besides, once, he appeared on TV, driving whisky!

Moreover, he knew a lot of dangerous situations. For exemple, when he accidentally set fire to himself or when he crashed his car into his garden shed...and now the coconut event!

This is why we can think that Keith Richards is industructible.

2)Nowadays, Keith Richards is 62 but he always sees himself as a rebel.

Of course, he's now retired, he is a family man but he is always against aristocratic things.

For example, his Rolling stones'friend, Mike Jagger, has become a knighthood recently.

On the contrary, Keith Richards doesn't want to do that. He thinks it's ridiculous and very hypocritical towards them if we remember the 1967's affair, when Mike Jagger and him were convicted on drugs charges.

For all this reasons, the journalist concludes that Keith Richards remains the essence of the cool attitude.

Thank you for reading and sorry for my mistakes! ;)

See you soon :P

This article is taken from BBC news and is entitled "PM critised over animal testing". It dates back to april 2006, the 14th and it tackles a very controversial issue.

In that newspaper article, the journalist explains the problem that exists between organizations who fight against animal testing and the Prime Minster : Tony Blair who seems to deny their opinions and who supports all the societies which test experimentations on animals.

These societies and the Prime Minister think that sort of experience are necessary to develop new medicines and to improve human health and well-being. Moreover Tony Blair adds that these companies, while researching, create a lot of jobs.

These ideas are completely rejected by all the animal testing opponents. They are dead against that sort of research and are convinced that other solutions exist. They react against the animals suffering and out-moded science. One of the representatives of these organizations reports that experiences have risen since 1997 when the Labour Party came to power.

Roger Gale, president of an anti-vivisection movement and also conservative member of parliament explains that Tony Blair refused to consider alternative methods.

The journalist also intends to point out the threats that people who work for labotories or animal testing societies are subjected to : intimidation, threatening letters, grave-robbing... The Prime Minister has already asserted that these companies directors or share-holders will be more protected, keeping their adresses secret for example.

This article is really interesting because in our country we do not have this opposition. Some people are against animal testing and some are not but in England it seems to be a political problem too. I remember for example the hunt of foxes which was forbidden one or two years ago in Great Britain and all the articles between those who are for that interdiction and those who denied it.

Thank you Teacher :) I correct my mistakes. Only the last one, let me :huh:

By the way no news from Ludi ? (I hope you and Zaccharie are well :wub: )


Hi everybody! :)

This article is taken from BBC news and is entitled "PM critised over animal testing". It dates back to april 2006, the 14th and it tackles a very controversial issue.

In that newspaper article, the journalist explains the problem that exists between organizations who fight against animal testing and the Prime Minster : Tony Blair who seems to deny their opinions and who supports all the societies which test experimentations on animals.

These societies and the Prime Minister think that sort of experience are necessary to develop new medicines and to improve human health and well-being. Moreover Tony Blair adds that these companies, while researching, create a lot of jobs.

These ideas are completely rejected by all the animal testing opponents. They are dead against that sort of research and are convinced that other solutions exist. They react against the animals suffering and out-moded science. One of the representatives of these organizations reports that experiences have risen since 1997 when the Labour Party came to power.

Roger Gale, president of an anti-vivisection movement and also conservative member of parliament explains that Tony Blair refused to consider alternative methods.

The journalist also intends to point out the threats that people who work for labotories or animal testing societies are subjected to : intimidation, threatening letters, grave-robbing... The Prime Minister has already asserted that these companies directors or share-holders will be more protected, keeping their adresses secret for example.

This article is really interesting because in our country we do not have this opposition. Some people are against animal testing and some are not but in England it seems to be a political problem too. I remember for example the hunt of foxes which was forbidden one or two years ago in Great Britain and all the articles between those who are for that interdiction and those who denied it.

Thank you Teacher :) I correct my mistakes. Only the last one, let me :huh:

By the way no news from Ludi ? (I hope you and Zaccharie are well :wub: )

Milla :wub: we're fine ;) thx

I'll try to do my summary today ;)

see you


Hi! :P

I'm so glad to see that the group is going on!

I chose the text about Keith Richards, so here is my summary:

This text is an article from BBC news, published on the twelfth of May of 2006. This is in the column "Faces of the week" and deals with Keath Richards, the Rolling Stones guitarist, who recently left the hospital after he fell out of a coconut tree in Fiji.

In the first part of the article, we learn why Keith Richards is "indestructible" by his way of life "sex, drugs and rock'n roll". Then, in the second part , we're going to know if he's a rebel yet.

1) On this occasion, the journalist mentions all the events in the Keith Richards' life which make him indestructible, especially his drugs' problems in the 1970s. Keith Richards was an heroin addict during about a decade.

He had another addiction : alcohol . Besides, once, he appeared on TV, and he was driving whisky!

Moreover, he faced several dangerous situations. For exemple, when he accidentally set fire to himself or when he crashed his car into his garden shed...and now the coconut event!

This is why we can think that Keith Richards is industructible.

2)Nowadays, Keith Richards is 62 but he sees himself as a rebel yet .

Of course, he's now retired, he is a family man but he is always against aristocratic things.

For example, his Rolling stones'friend, Mike Jagger, has become a knight recently.

On the contrary, Keith Richards doesn't want to do that. He thinks it's ridiculous and very hypocritical to them if we remember the 1967's affair, when Mike Jagger and him were convicted on drug charges.

For all these reasons, the journalist concludes that Keith Richards remains the essence of the cool attitude.

Thank you for reading and sorry for my mistakes! ;)

See you soon :P

Thank you Teacher :wub:

I correct my mitakes,but I have a problem with "yet" and "always". You can't use "always" to translate "encore"?

Thanks for your help, and see you soon!! :P



Hi! :P

Thank you Teacher :wub:

I correct my mitakes,but I have a problem with "yet" and "always". You can't use "always" to translate "encore"?

Thanks for your help, and see you soon!! :P

...if he is still a rebel... pour " encore/ toujours "

ex : he is always late for his appointments ( toujours : c'est une caractéristique). He has always been late and today as usual he is still late ( encore une fois /comme toujours)

has he arrived yet ? no, he hasn't arrived yet ( déjà / pas encore)


Thank you very much teacher. Now, it's clear for me. :)


Hi everybody !

I just see the links given by Milla, and I'm not in time to do a summary... I will do the next, but I've a question : I found text about animal tests very hard to understand. Do you think the level is as elevated as that ? Or, is it me who haven't the level for this exam ? In that case, I've a big problem...

Teacher, do you ave any advices to give us if we pick up a difficult text the day of the exam ?

Thank you very much


Hi everybody :)

One day late I made my summary :blush:;)

I've chosen Keith Richards :P

This document is an article form the BBC news. It deals with "the face of the week" which is Keith Richards the rolling stones' guitarist. He has been chosen to be the face of the week because he had an accident in fidji where he fell out of a coconut tree.

Once more Keith Richards proved he was unbreakable. All his life he has experienced many dangerous situations. He had been heroin addict for a decade, he also had problems with alcohol, he had accidentaly set fire on himself ... all these situation made him an indestructible man!

Even he is now a grandfather he stills see himself as a rebel. His behaviour gave him more public support than Mick Jagger. Moreover he stayed faithfull to his course of action while Mick has drastically changed: he became knight which is seen has hypocrisy by Keith Richards, bringing back the Wormwood Scrubs episode.

However, this opposition between the two men, concrening their personalities, has been creatively fertile.

see you :wub:

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