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Lilli, I wanted to tell you : your english is far from being bad. I don't worry about your oral exam....

You'll make it :)

Good luck again :clover:

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Lilli, I wanted to tell you : your english is far from being bad. I don't worry about your oral exam....

You'll make it :)

Good luck again :clover:

Thank you very much for your encouragements ! I will try to make shorter sentences with the next summary.

Congratulations for the baby ! Take a good rest for him (or her) !

See you soon


Hi everybody :)

I have chosen the text on Da vinci Code, not because I like the book (I did not even read it) but because I think it could be a possible subject.

This text deals with the movie which was made from the Dan Brown's novel "The Da vinci Code". This article taken from The, is entitled "The Da Vinci Code Mystery Revealed!" and dates back to May 2006, the 16th.

The journalist seems to talk ironically about the movie and give his opinion. He do not like it.

At the beggining he askes for a lot of question (as "is Jesus had a girlfriend ?") and one about the interest of the movie in ecclesiastical way. To all these questions, his answer is no.

The film has great representants as Ron Howard the film maker or the superstar and actor Tom Hanks. It made and makes lots of covers of magazines. All the places when the movie has been filmed are explaining what happened during the shooting or at the contrary keep the secret. It has a huge publicity like the Michael Moore 's movie "Farenheit 9/11" in Cannes in 2004.

As a conclusion the journalist adds that the movie is long and boring.

I know "The Da Vinci Code" novel because I heard a lot about it but I did not read it. It has been sold in millions copies and the movie that has been taken from it, was produced in a high secret.

Thank you for reading ;)



I'm sorry, I didn't find the time to make the last summary. :( But I'm working on an article found this morning on BBC, about the school meals in England : the link

I'm sending my summary and maybe the text about the Da Vinci code'one tomorrow :)



I need an advice for my talk in literacy children.

I want to present "Le Bon Gros Géant" of Roald Dahl.

The original title is "The Big Friendly Giant".

But i disagree with the translation.

For me the giant is not big and friendly.

He is only very(big) friendly.

What do you think of that ?

Thank you


Cosinus : I don't have a clue, I don't know this book, sorry :(

Milla : be careful :

He doesn't like it ! The commission might really not like this kind of basic grammar mistake.

He asks a lot...

I check out few more things and tell you later :)

Good luck, your summary is very good too :)


I need an advice for my talk in literacy children.

I want to present "Le Bon Gros Géant" of Roald Dahl.

The original title is "The Big Friendly Giant".

But i disagree with the translation.

For me the giant is not big and friendly.

He is only very(big) friendly.

What do you think of that ?

Thank you

I am sorry but I am not sure I understand your problem

The big friendly giant..... it means that the creature which is a giant is big ( tall) and friendly ( a nice creature , not a dangerous giant )

Are you saying that the giant in R. Dahl 's novel is only friendly and not big ? ( well a giant is always big , otherwise he wouldn't be called a giant ! ;-)

the French translation "le bon gros géant" underlines the feelings brought out by the giant .

Honestly I don't understand your problem . Can you explain ?

Hi everybody :)

This text deals with the movie which was made from the Dan Brown's novel "The Da vinci Code". This article taken from The, is entitled "The Da Vinci Code Mystery Revealed!" and dates back to May 2006, the 16th.

The journalist seems to talk ironically about the movie and give his opinion. He do not like it.

At the beggining he askes for a lot of question (as "is Jesus had a girlfriend ?") and one about the interest of the movie in ecclesiastical way. To all these questions, his answer is no.

The film has great representants as Ron Howard the film maker or the superstar and actor Tom Hanks. It made and makes lots of covers of magazines. All the places when the movie has been filmed are explaining what happened during the shooting or at the contrary keep the secret. It has a huge publicity like the Michael Moore 's movie "Farenheit 9/11" in Cannes in 2004.

As a conclusion the journalist adds that the movie is long and boring.

I know "The Da Vinci Code" novel because I heard a lot about it but I did not read it. It has been sold in millions copies and the movie that has been taken from it, was produced in a high secret.

Thank you for reading ;)


Hi :happy:

Back in this thread after the written exams.

Here is my summary of the text about animal testing :) :

Hello , Oblivion !

Is your oral English as good as your written one ? :applause:

Good evening !

Here is my summary of the text about Tony Blair... I think my text presentation is a little short, but I've had some problems in understanding :cry: . So, I did what I was able...

I thank you in anticipation for correcting.

This text is a very recent newspaper column (it dates from the 14th May). It sets out to explain why the popularity of Prime Minister Tony Blair is making sickly.

Firstly, this article reminds that Tony Blair, who has just been elected again, has become the most unpopular Labour's minister since the second World War. Indeed, a large part of people think that he should have left his office since a long time. As he represents the New Labour Party, all this party is slumping everywhere in Great Britain. So, the Blair's fall benefits to his opponents (the Conservative Party and Liberal Democrats).

Even if Tony Blair has announced he will leave the Parliament, it won't be before 2009, though the reporter to write that : " half of voters want him to go by the end of the year; 36% say immediately".

For fighting against public opinion, the Prime Minister tries to remind what progresses have been done owing to the Labour Party, for instance about health in Britain. But it isn't enough because of his loss of credibility. Tony Blair's compared with George W. Bush – said "his friend across the Atlantic" by the author -because of the politics led about the war in Iraq. In addition, a Tory revival with Cameron is appearing. It's a further threat for Tony Blair and his New Labour Party.

But nowadays, he's still Prime Minister and we can wonder how he's going to run this crisis to be again in favour. Only time will tell ..

Up to you to correct your mistakes !

all the best


This text deals with the movie which was made from "The Da vinci Code" : a novel written by Dan Brown. This article taken from The, is entitled "The Da Vinci Code Mystery Revealed!" and dates back to May 2006, the 16th.

The journalist seems to talk ironically about the movie and give his opinion. He does not like it.

First he asks for a lot of questions (as "did Jesus have a girlfriend ?") and one about the interest of the movie in ecclesiastical way. To all these questions, his answer is no.

The film has great representatives as Ron Howard the film maker or the superstar and actor Tom Hanks. It made and makes lots of covers of magazines. All the places where the movie has been filmed explained what happened during the shooting or at the contrary keep the secret. It has a huge publicity like "Farenheit 9/11", the movie that produced Michael More, in Cannes in 2004.

As a conclusion the journalist adds that the movie is long and boring.

I know "The Da Vinci Code" novel because I heard a lot about it but I did not read it. It has been sold in million copies and the movie that has been taken from it, was produced and kept secret.

I have corrected my mistakes. I made a lot but as the results of the "admissibilité" will just be known next monday and because I think that I failed my exam, I am not as motivated than at the beginning but I still work :blush:

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