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Alike Maya, I think it's better to wait questions from examinators. Moreover, my teacher from Forprof says that we mustn't give our opinion in the presentation. Also, I take lessons with a particular teacher : he says me to talk about text details for increase my speech time. It's difficult, but it's an help. I hope it will be useful for you to.


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Hi everybody !

Here is my summary about "Washington Teacher Helps Immigrant Parents Learn English".

Thank you for reading and corrections...

This text is a newspaper column which dates from March. So, it's rather recent.

It describes an initiative from an association in literacy promotion. This initiative is particularly turned towards immigrant families. Indeed, it's very difficult to integrate a foreign society when you can't obviously speak or understand its language. For children, it's easier because they attend school, and can learn speaking, reading and writing. Moreover, culture and customs become theirs because they grow up in this country. For parents, it's a problem. If nobody helps them , they can't have a decent job, and hope accessing to a good standard of living. Marc Faloni is a primary school teacher aware about these difficulties. So, he has created an association in 1989 in order to allow these families to improve their english and their skills in I. T. Owing to his perseverance and despite of a few difficulties to begin, this association is nowadays well established and lots of parents – "most are Hispanic" says the text- call for it. Concretely, parents go back to school in the same time than their children. Several mornings a week and in all sorts of weather, they take time to attend school. They learn english and how to use a computer. They explain that it's often complicated for them to commute, but they have a real motivation, so they do. They know it's very useful for present and future and for help their children in their studies, in addition, they really appraise lessons from Marc Faloni. Furthermore, their children are very pride, what's ever a recognition.

For his work, Marc Faloni has just received the 2006 Toyota Family Literacy Teacher of the Year award. It's a pleasure for him to be rewarded, but he says that his best award is cultural and intellectual enrichment, and sharing with all these families. It's a very fine example of campaign against exclusion. Besides, alike the author says, it's a very fine example of pedagogy...

Hi everybody :)

Here is my summary, I have chosen the first text.

This text is an article from the VOA (Voice of America) website which dates back to march, the 24th 2006. It is entitled "Washington Teacher Helps Immigrant Parents Learn English" and it was written by Faiza Elmasry.

This article highlights an idea that have had a non-profit organization "the Adult Learning Program" in 1989. The teacher Mark Faloni wanted to build "immigrant parents'skills and self-esteem".

First at all, he went from door to door, looking for students in every places he thought they could be (appartements, hopistals...) but now, his group is so well known that many organizations send him their clients.

These imigrant students learn english for a lot of reasons. The first one is to be able to really communicate in english but they also want to learn how to use a computer for the work world. Helping their children for their homeworks is really motivating.

They are so implicated in what they learn that whatever the weather is, they try to never miss a class.

Their situations are not easy because some of them work, some have very little children. But they manage to come each morning.

The class takes place in a school where children of immigrant students are learning. Instead of being embarrased by their parents, they are very proud of them. They can understand how learning is so important.

As a conclusion, the teacher explains that he was very honored to received the 2006 Toyota Family Literacy Teacher of the Year award. With that award, he feels being recognized for his work. But he adds that even if he is very proud of what he does each day, he also learn a lot from his students, from their culture, their life experience.

Reading this article reminds me a lot of memories. When I started to work after studying, I teach some persons to read and write. It was an wonderful experience. As the journalist says in this text, they were so motivated. They just wanted to learn for reading tickets in a supermarket, reading a newspaper, being able to watch if their children had done their homeworks... So many things that we do each day and that we are used to do but that we do not notice anymore. Besides, it is true that exchanges were strong about culture, life experience...

I think that it is a very enriching experience.

Thank you for reading ;)

and as Lillie said : welcome to all :)

Attention à l'expression du but : in order to / so as to / to + base verbale

They learn TO be able to communicate

Pas d'inversion Sujet/ verbe ( an idea which a non-profit org. had )

Alike Maya, I think it's better to wait questions from examinators. Moreover, my teacher from Forprof says that we mustn't give our opinion in the presentation. Also, I take lessons with a particular teacher : he says me to talk about text details for increase my speech time. It's difficult, but it's an help. I hope it will be useful for you to.


expression du but :

he tells me to give details TO INCREASE....

(in order to/ so as to/ to + base verbale)

ou bien

so that + proposition


I thank you in advance for correction.

This text is a very recent newspaper column (it dates from the 14th May). It sets out to explain why the popularity of Prime Minister Tony Blair is making sickly.

Firstly, this article reminds that Tony Blair, who has just been elected again, has become the most unpopular Labour's minister since the second World War. Indeed, a large part of people think that he should have left his office for a long time. As he represents the New Labour Party, all this party is slumping everywhere in Great Britain. So, the Blair fall favoures his opponents (the Conservative Party and Liberal Democrats).

Even if Tony Blair has announced he will leave Parliament, it won't be before 2009, though the reporter to write that : " half of voters want him to go by the end of the year; 36% say immediately".

For fighting against public opinion, the Prime Minister tries to remind what progresses have been done owing to the Labour Party, for instance about health in Britain. But it isn't enough because of his loss of credibility. Tony Blair's compared with George W. Bush – called "his friend across the Atlantic" by the author -because of the politics led about the war in Iraq. In addition, a Tory revival with Cameron is appearing. It's a further threat for Tony Blair and his New Labour Party.

But at present, he's still Prime Minister and we can wonder how he's going to run this crisis to be again in favour. Only time will tell ..

Thanks for correction ! There are two points I don't understand :

- "for fighting against public opinion" (I wanted to translate "pour combattre l'opinion publique") Am I wrong with the verb choice or with gerund ?

-"though the reporter to write" (I wanted to translate the idea of "alors même que le journaliste écrit"). I don't now how to do and I need your help...

Thank you very much !

You don't say ' thank you in advance for correction' , but Thank you for correcting

-For fighting ...: TO fight ... ( expression du but à revoir ;-) )

-though the reporter to write : Though the reporter wrote/ writes /has written ( faut conjuguer les verbes quand même ! :P )

Bon courage


As Maya, I think it's better to wait for questions from examinators. Moreover, my teacher from Forprof says that we mustn't give our opinion in the presentation. Also, I take lessons with a private teacher : he tells me to give details to increase my speech time. It's difficult, but it's a help. I hope it will be useful for you too.


expression du but :

he tells me to give details TO INCREASE....

(in order to/ so as to/ to + base verbale)

ou bien

so that + proposition

Thank you very much, teacher !


I noticed earlier you were discussing the oral part of your exam . here are the official texts again :

Définition de l'épreuve

Référence : arrêté du 10 mai 2005 fixant les modalités d’organisation des concours de recrutement de professeurs des écoles.

Deuxième épreuve d’admission : une épreuve orale de langue vivante étrangère sans programme

« L’épreuve s’appuie sur un texte d’une vingtaine de lignes dans la langue choisie par le candidat. L’épreuve débute par une présentation orale dans la langue des grandes lignes du texte, d’une durée de 5 minutes. Le candidat doit ensuite lire à haute voix quelques lignes du texte choisies par le jury. Cette lecture est suivie d’un entretien dans la langue avec le jury, qui permet au candidat de faire la preuve de sa compétence d’interaction orale. L’ensemble de l’épreuve se situe au niveau B2 du cadre européen commun de référence, correspondant à un utilisateur dit « indépendant ».

Les candidats doivent indiquer au moment de leur inscription la langue étrangère choisie parmi les six langues suivantes : allemand, anglais, arabe, espagnol, italien et portugais. »

Durée de l’épreuve :

- préparation : 30 minutes ;

- épreuve : 20 minutes incluant les 5 minutes de la présentation orale.

Coefficient : 1.

La note 0 à l’épreuve orale de langue vivante étrangère sans programme est éliminatoire.

Programme de l'épreuve

Référence : note de service n°2005-083 du 16 mai 2005 relative aux programmes permanents des concours de recrutement de professeurs des écoles ( B.O.E.N. n° 21 du 26 mai 2005).

L’épreuve orale de langue vivante etrangère ne comporte pas de programme.

Note de commentaires

Référence : note du 16 mai 2005 de commentaires des épreuves des concours de recrutement de professeurs des écoles ( B.O.E.N. n° 21 du 26 mai 2005).

La note de commentaires vise à apporter des précisions sur les objectifs et les modalités d’évaluation des différentes épreuves ainsi que sur certaines modalités d’organisation.

« L’épreuve se fonde sur un texte situé au niveau B2 du cadre européen commun de référence (article sur des questions contemporaines, texte actuel en prose).

Elle doit permettre de vérifier chez le candidat :

1. l’aptitude à comprendre un texte et en dégager les grandes lignes ;

2. l’aptitude à communiquer avec un degré de spontanéité et d’aisance suffisant ;

3. l’aptitude à s’exprimer de façon claire et détaillée sur une gamme de sujets variés et à développer une argumentation sans chercher ses mots de manière évidente.

Le texte sur lequel s’appuie l’épreuve ne doit pas avoir de connotation trop littéraire ni faire appel à des notions techniques.

L’entretien peut porter aussi sur la vie de la classe.

L’évaluation prend particulièrement en compte la fluidité de l’expression et la qualité, notamment phonologique, de la langue. »

Précisions relatives au niveau B2 du cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECRL) :

Le niveau B2 désigne le niveau de compétence en langue vivante étrangère attendu des élèves à la fin des études du second degré.

« Au niveau B2, un candidat peut comprendre le contenu essentiel des sujets concrets ou abstraits dans un texte complexe, y compris une discussion technique dans sa spécialité. Il peut communiquer avec un degré de spontanéité et d’aisance tel qu’une conversation avec un locuteur natif ne comporte de tension ni pour l’un ni pour l’autre. Il peut s’exprimer de façon claire et détaillée sur une grande gamme de sujets, émettre un avis sur un sujet d’actualité et exposer les avantages et les inconvénients de différentes possibilités. Il peut aussi lire des articles sur des questions contemporaines et des textes littéraires contemporains en prose. »

(décret n° 2005-1011 du 22 août 2005 relatif à l’organisation de l’enseignement des langues vivantes étrangères dans l’enseignement scolaire, à la réglementation applicable à certains diplômes nationaux et à la commission académique sur l’enseignement des langues vivantes étrangères)

Eléments de cadrage

Le texte proposé par le jury, d'une vingtaine de lignes (soit autour de 2000 signes), doit présenter une richesse suffisante. Il peut s'agir d'un extrait de roman, de nouvelle, d'article de journal, éventuellement de textes documentaires pour la jeunesse, etc… et présenter un récit, un dialogue, une documentation, une argumentation sur une question donnée. La source est évidemment précisée sur le sujet, de même que la date du texte.

Le candidat doit en présenter les grandes lignes en cinq minutes environ, en explicitant le type de texte, la situation, les informations, les questions et les arguments. Il présente, le cas échéant, les alternatives d'interprétation.

L'indication du passage à lire à haute voix est donnée au candidat à la fin de la présentation orale.

L'entretien prend appui, dans un premier temps, sur la présentation orale. Il peut, par exemple, être demandé au candidat d'expliciter tel ou tel aspect de sa présentation, de justifier ce qu'il a retenu comme élément essentiel du texte, sans pour autant qu'il lui soit demandé de procéder à un commentaire de texte.

L'entretien s'élargit ensuite au thème abordé par le texte et éventuellement à la vie de la classe, le candidat pouvant être amené à s'exprimer sur la présentation en classe d'un fait culturel qui serait évoqué dans le texte.

Cet entretien vise à évaluer la compréhension précise d'un texte écrit et la capacité à dialoguer dans la langue concernée, c'est-à-dire à saisir les questions du jury et à y répondre, à développer une argumentation en s'exprimant clairement, avec aisance, dans une langue fluide et de qualité.

Si la présentation orale du texte par le candidat est inférieure aux 5 minutes prévues, le temps non utilisé sera employé par la commission d’interrogation pour approfondir la phase d’entretien suivante, dans la limite de la durée maximale de l’épreuve (20 minutes).

Hi everybody !

Here is my summary about "Washington Teacher Helps Immigrant Parents Learn English".

This text is a newspaper column which dates from March. So, it's rather recent.

It describes an initiative from an association in literacy promotion. This initiative is particularly turned towards immigrant families. Indeed, it's very difficult to integrate a foreign society when you can't obviously speak or understand its language. For children, it's easier because they attend school, and can learn speaking, reading and writing. Moreover, culture and customs become theirs because they grow up in this country. For parents, it's a problem. If nobody helps them , they can't have a decent job, and hope accessing to a good standard of living. Marc Faloni is a primary school teacher aware about these difficulties. So, he has created an association in 1989 in order to allow these families to improve their english and their skills in I. T. Owing to his perseverance and despite of a few difficulties to begin, this association is nowadays well established and lots of parents – "most are Hispanic" says the text- call for it. Concretely, parents go back to school in the same time than their children. Several mornings a week and in all sorts of weather, they take time to attend school. They learn english and how to use a computer. They explain that it's often complicated for them to commute, but they have a real motivation, so they do. They know it's very useful for present and future and for help their children in their studies, in addition, they really appraise lessons from Marc Faloni. Furthermore, their children are very pride, what's ever a recognition.

For his work, Marc Faloni has just received the 2006 Toyota Family Literacy Teacher of the Year award. It's a pleasure for him to be rewarded, but he says that his best award is cultural and intellectual enrichment, and sharing with all these families. It's a very fine example of campaign against exclusion. Besides, alike the author says, it's a very fine example of pedagogy...


The theme of the article is politic, it talks about the wish of british people to see Tony Blair leaving the government, but it seems that he doesn’t want to go now.

The first paragraph describes the situation for why people wants him to go.

- first of all, he has been here for a too long time, 9 years

- although the Labour party has been reelected a year ago, people don’t want to see him any more

The second paragraph tells us that he has become impopular : her party is only the third on the political scene, and her score of popularity is the most little one since the second war.

In the third paragraph, some details are given to us about the date where T B could go. He personnaly didn’t give a date, or later in 2009 whereas members of her party would prefer he let his place to his successor Gordon Brown. Indeed he doesn’t help her party to have a good rate and he would rather leave now.


Scandal and doubt about her honesty (especially during the iraq war) cut her popularity.


I stopped here my study of this article

I think it’s really an actual question in England and it could be the source of questions.

I’ll try to do better last time.

The theme of the article is politic, it talks about the wish of british people to see Tony Blair leaving the government, but it seems that he doesn’t want to go now.

The first paragraph describes the situation for why people wants him to go.

- first of all, he has been here for a too long time, 9 years

- although the Labour party has been reelected a year ago, people don’t want to see him any more

The second paragraph tells us that he has become impopular : her party is only the third on the political scene, and her score of popularity is the most little one since the second war.

In the third paragraph, some details are given to us about the date where T B could go. He personnaly didn’t give a date, or later in 2009 whereas members of her party would prefer he let his place to his successor Gordon Brown. Indeed he doesn’t help her party to have a good rate and he would rather leave now.


Scandal and doubt about her honesty (especially during the iraq war) cut her popularity.


I stopped here my study of this article

I think it’s really an actual question in England and it could be the source of questions.

I’ll try to do better last time.

Ma petite Bigotna, tu n'as pas l'air très en forme .. Anything I can do ? Cheer up

Hi everybody!

Here is my summary about the third text : Junk food banned in school meals

This text in an article extract of BBC news published on the nineteenth of May. The title of this article is “Junk food banned in school meals”. It deals with the nutrition guide written by the England’s Education Secretary, Alan Johnson.

By this nutrition guide, he wants to improve the quality of school dinners because he thinks pupils eat meals too high in salt and fat. It can involve healthy problems like obesity.

This new nutrition guide contains two main parts.

The first part concerns fruit and vegetables.

From September, with every meal, pupils will have a minimum of two portions of fruit and vegetables whereas they’ll only be allowed to get two portions of deep-fried food per week. These healthy balanced meals will give them all they need to learn and play.

Moreover, Alan Johnson would like school teachers to teach their pupils about skills in diet and nutrition in order to change their bad food habits.

The second part is about the nutrients.

From 2008 for primary schools and from 2009 for secondary schools, schools’ll have to impose more nutrients in their school dinners.

That’s why certain food will be banned from vending machines, confectionery or snack sales.

But if you want to offer healthful meals, you have to spend much money in ingredients.

So, in primary school, you have to spend a minimum of 50p per head and in secondary school, a minimum of 60p per head for a healthful meal.

The problem is that some schools still spend as little as 41p per head per meal so it can’t be a healthy balanced meal!

Therefore, the number of young obese or overweigh has been increasing since recent years

The article ends by studying plans elsewhere in the UK.

We can see that anywhere in United Kingdom, schools try to fight against junk food.

Thanks for reading :)

See you soon :P

attention de ne pas trop reprendre les mots / phrases du texte.

Bon courage

LISEZ TOUS/TOUTES un maximum de textes même sans les résumer ...recherchez les mots inconnus ..

vous pouvez trouver des textes de février/mars/avril, ...c'est à peu près à ce moment-là que les textes ont été choisis! Pensez aux livres pour "enfants" à la mode ( Harry Potter /Lord of the rings / oliver Twist/ Charlie and the Chocolate factory ...)


Hi everybody!

Here is my summary about the third text : Junk food banned in school meals

This text in an article extracted of BBC news published on the nineteenth of May. The title of this article is “Junk food banned in school meals”. It deals with the nutrition guide written by the England’s Education Secretary, Alan Johnson.

By this nutrition guide, he wants to improve the quality of school dinners because he thinks pupils eat meals too high in salt and fat. It can involve healthy problems like obesity.

This new nutrition guide contains two main parts.

The first part concerns fruit and vegetables.

From September, with every meal, pupils will have a minimum of two portions of fruit and vegetables whereas they’ll only be allowed to get two portions of deep-fried food per week. These healthy balanced meals will give them all they need to learn and play.

Moreover, Alan Johnson would like school teachers to teach their pupils about skills in diet and nutrition in order to change their bad food habits.

The second part is about the nutrients.

From 2008 for primary schools and from 2009 for secondary schools, schools’ll have to impose more nutrients in their school dinners.

That’s why certain food will be banned from vending machines, confectionery or snack sales.

But if you want to offer healthful meals, you have to spend more money in ingredients.

So, in primary school, you have to spend a minimum of 50p per head and in secondary school, a minimum of 60p per head for a healthful meal.

The problem is that some schools still spend as little as 41p per head per meal so it can’t be a healthy balanced meal!

Therefore, the number of obese or overweigh teenagers has been increasing since recent years

The article ends by studying plans elsewhere in the UK.

We can see that anywhere in United Kingdom, schools try to fight against junk food.

Thanks for reading :)

See you soon :P

attention de ne pas trop reprendre les mots / phrases du texte.

Bon courage

LISEZ TOUS/TOUTES un maximum de textes même sans les résumer ...recherchez les mots inconnus ..

vous pouvez trouver des textes de février/mars/avril, ...c'est à peu près à ce moment-là que les textes ont été choisis! Pensez aux livres pour "enfants" à la mode ( Harry Potter /Lord of the rings / oliver Twist/ Charlie and the Chocolate factory ...)

Thank you teacher for correction and for your advice. I'm waiting for the examination results...

I've corrected my mistakes. :wub:

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