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Hi :)

I made this summary yesterday with this text :,,2-2187696,00.html

This article is taken from the Times website which was issued on May, the 19th 2006. It is entitled "Trainers ask : Do you really needs heads ?". The main topic of this text written by Tony Halpin who is also an education editor is that scools do not need their own head teacher but that one leader could run a group of schools.

This article could be divided into three parts :

- the first one, at the beginning, which exposes the issue.

- the second one in which the journalist explains the way the government organizes the training of these new heads and

- the third one which explains the controversy that is going to rise with this decision.

According to the National College for School Leadership (NCSL) a head teacher is not necessary for each school of the country. The NCSL states that a single leader or even a married couple could be in charge of a group of schools. They will be train by an organization : "Sandhurst for Sirs" and this idea could be the solution for having less heads than nowadays.

The National Association of Head Teachers stands against that proposition. They consider that the Government has found this idea to refuse to increase the number of people who work in schools which is completely rejected by Ministers.

OK , but is it long enough ? Couldn't you have added a few personal ideas ? do you know how headmasters are appointed in the UK .. and what their role is ?

FIVE MINUTES ! You need to talk for 5 mn !!!!

Practise your reading too .

Imagine questions that could be asked about the text ...and find answers

Bye for now ..

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I'll have a look on your text.

(de mon coté) i tried to work on a text that i found a bit difficult to understand. i would need some help of all of you.

here is my summary :

Voici le lien pour la lecture du texte :

The article we will talk about is named « parental choice is an illusion » and has been published in the BBC NEWS the 29th march of 2005.

In this text we have 2 different conceptions about children who don’t succeed at school because of parental difficulties.

The person who talks in this article tries to show that decisions or meanings told by the government causes a problem : it’s mr sinnott, the secretary of NUT, the leader of britain’s biggest teachers.

He talks about remarks that have been said by the education secretary , ruth Kelly and the government about this problem.

The government would persuade people that the problem is in the hands of the parents, that they have choice and power.

Mr Sinnott disagrees and says that all the parents don’t have the choice , and moreover, they don’t have enough information or money to make a good choice for their children.

The education secretary says, on another side, that the government makes a lot for disadvantaged children : he gives them an access to books, computers, personnal tuitition, and helps to make visits, to eat at school and tutoring.

He says that these measures try to restore equality between pupils.

But Mr Sinnott opposed that in saying that there is a hierarchy between schools and that the policy of the government won’t change that .

To end, researchs conclude that the best thing that can happen to disadvantaged pupils is that parents are involved in the children’s education. If this happens, children can improve a lot.

We can compare the situation described in this text to the situation in france.

There are a lot of debates about this and how to help the better these children.

In france, also, we try to retablish equality but the government faces to the fact that parents with money take their children out of the public system, as in England.

And the policy is questioned too, because public money doesn’t help these pupils enough.

From one hand, people think more help is needed, and from another hand, people think that personnal help would be better. But all of these need a lot of money.

I was not very good in my summary because I didn’t understand the text very well.

Can you help me?

I had problems to understand the sense of this text

And a lot of words caused me a problem : I had to look for them in a dictionary

And I didn’t understand the point of view of each group also

Was it difficult for you?

What does mean deprivation ?

Voici le lien pour la lecture du texte :

The article we will talk about is named « parental choice is an illusion » and has been published in the BBC NEWS the 29th march of 2005.

In this text we have 2 different conceptions about children who don’t succeed at school because of parental difficulties.

The person who talks in this article tries to show that decisions or meanings told by the government causes a problem : it’s mr sinnott, the secretary of NUT, the leader of britain’s biggest teachers.

He talks about remarks that have been said by the education secretary , ruth Kelly and the government about this problem.

The government would persuade people that the problem is in the hands of the parents, that they have choice and power.

Mr Sinnott disagrees and says that all the parents don’t have the choice , and moreover, they don’t have enough information or money to make a good choice for their children.

The education secretary says, on another side, that the government makes a lot for disadvantaged children : he gives them an access to books, computers, personnal tuitition, and helps to make visits, to eat at school and tutoring.

He says that these measures try to restore equality between pupils.

But Mr Sinnott opposed that in saying that there is a hierarchy between schools and that the policy of the government won’t change that .

To end, researchs conclude that the best thing that can happen to disadvantaged pupils is that parents are involved in the children’s education. If this happens, children can improve a lot.

We can compare the situation described in this text to the situation in france.

There are a lot of debates about this and how to help the better these children.

In france, also, we try to retablish equality but the government faces to the fact that parents with money take their children out of the public system, as in England.

And the policy is questioned too, because public money doesn’t help these pupils enough.

From one hand, people think more help is needed, and from another hand, people think that personnal help would be better. But all of these need a lot of money.

I was not very good in my summary because I didn’t understand the text very well.

Can you help me?

I had problems to understand the sense of this text

And a lot of words caused me a problem : I had to look for them in a dictionary

And I didn’t understand the point of view of each group also

Was it difficult for you?

What does mean deprivation ?

Sorry , I haven't enough time to read and comment the text...

Try to find other words for : "say"

"deprivation : privation /carence ( to deprive of sth)

Bon courage ;-)


Hi :happy:

I've chosen the text on smokers in the UK; thanks goldenmiss for the link ;)

Good work , Oblivion

Have you timed yourself ? make sure it lasts long enough !

What about the others ? COME ON ! Get back to work ....

Have you got your written results yet ? Please let me know as I have spent quite a long time with you and I feel I know you !

All the best :wub:

Hi !

I've passed too ! Thanks for asking ! How do you say "youpiiiii ! " in english ? :P :D

At the moment, I'm a little busy with sport but I will come back soon...



HELLO everybody,

i had problems to understand my text (see 3 messages sooner)

if some of you could read the text and try to help me, it would be great


HELLO everybody,

i had problems to understand my text (see 3 messages sooner)

if some of you could read the text and try to help me, it would be great


Hi Bigotna !

I don't have a very good level, but I can try to help you. Which text don't you understand ? If you send me the link by "MP", I will perhaps be able to tell you which is the topic... I will answer you by "MP" too.

Keep courage !

Se you sonn


HELLO everybody,

i had problems to understand my text (see 3 messages sooner)

if some of you could read the text and try to help me, it would be great


Hi Bigotna !

I don't have a very good level, but I can try to help you. Which text don't you understand ? If you send me the link by "MP", I will perhaps be able to tell you which is the topic... I will answer you by "MP" too.

Keep courage !

Se you sonn

here is my summary :

Voici le lien pour la lecture du texte :

The article we will talk about is named « parental choice is an illusion » and has been published in the BBC NEWS the 29th march of 2005.

In this text we have 2 different conceptions about children who don’t succeed at school because of parental difficulties.

The person who talks in this article tries to show that decisions or meanings told by the government causes a problem : it’s mr sinnott, the secretary of NUT, the leader of britain’s biggest teachers.

He talks about remarks that have been said by the education secretary , ruth Kelly and the government about this problem.

The government would persuade people that the problem is in the hands of the parents, that they have choice and power.

Mr Sinnott disagrees and says that all the parents don’t have the choice , and moreover, they don’t have enough information or money to make a good choice for their children.

The education secretary says, on another side, that the government makes a lot for disadvantaged children : he gives them an access to books, computers, personnal tuitition, and helps to make visits, to eat at school and tutoring.

He says that these measures try to restore equality between pupils.

But Mr Sinnott opposed that in saying that there is a hierarchy between schools and that the policy of the government won’t change that .

To end, researchs conclude that the best thing that can happen to disadvantaged pupils is that parents are involved in the children’s education. If this happens, children can improve a lot.

We can compare the situation described in this text to the situation in france.

There are a lot of debates about this and how to help the better these children.

In france, also, we try to retablish equality but the government faces to the fact that parents with money take their children out of the public system, as in England.

And the policy is questioned too, because public money doesn’t help these pupils enough.

From one hand, people think more help is needed, and from another hand, people think that personnal help would be better. But all of these need a lot of money.


Hey, Bigotna,

When you put your summary on line again, you could at least correct the mistakes I underlined in your first one !!!(see message n°531)

(NUT : the biggest Teachers' Union)


sorry, teacher, i didn't see it (the color, i think, vu mon grand age, ma vue n'est pas trés bonne)


sorry, teacher, i didn't see it (the color, i think, vu mon grand age, ma vue n'est pas trés bonne)


All is forgiven, Bigotna ! ;-)

(despite your age, I hope you can read this ! but let me know if this is not big enough ! )


Hello !

I'm back after having taken sport yesterday. I'll take the english examination on the 22th :cry:

So, here is my summary about "parental choice is an illusion".

This text is a newspaper article, which dates from the 29th of March.

It deals with deprivation and school or social success. As a matter of fact, these both notions are closely linked. As a result Steve Sinnott, who's the main educational union secretary, has asked for funds to tackle the problem of inequality. Indeed, school tries to make children equal, but teachers need to be helped to arrive.

However, the Government to be more worried about economy than education. That's right that parents can choose the school they want for their children. But that's not so true in facts, because if they're poor, they can't put their children into the best schools. Besides, this system is creating or reinforcing a concurrence between schools. So, unions inform against current policies and say that the most important point is parents involvment in their children education. As a matter of fact, research prooved that children are successful at school or in life, only if their parents are interested on their education.

Thanks for correcting...

Hello !

I'm back after having taken sport yesterday. I'll take the english examination on the 22th :cry:

So, here is my summary about "parental choice is an illusion".

This text is a newspaper article, which dates from the 29th of March.

It deals with deprivation and school or social success. As a matter of fact, these both notions are closely linked. As a result Steve Sinnott, who's the main educational union secretary, has asked for funds to tackle the problem of inequality. Indeed, school tries to make children equal, but teachers need to be helped to arrive.

However, the Government to be more worried about economy than education. That's right that parents can choose the school they want for their children. But that's not so true in facts, because if they're poor, they can't put their children into the best schools. Besides, this system is creating or reinforcing a concurrence between schools. So, unions inform against current policies and say that the most important point is parents involvment in their children education. As a matter of fact, research prooved that children are successful at school or in life, only if their parents are interested on their education.

Thanks for correcting...

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