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Hello !

I'm back after having taken sport yesterday. I'll take the english examination on the 22th :cry:

So, here is my summary about "parental choice is an illusion".

This text is a newspaper article, which dates from the 29th of March.

It deals with deprivation and school or social success. As a matter of fact, both of these notions are closely linked. As a result Steve Sinnott, who's the main educational union secretary, has asked for funds to tackle the problem of inequality. Indeed, school tries to make children equal, but teachers need to be helped to succeed in.

However, the Government seems to be more worried about economy than education. That's right that parents can choose the school they want for their children. But that's not so true in facts, because if they're poor, they can't put their children into the best schools. Besides, this system is creating or reinforcing a concurrence between schools. So, unions inform against current policies and say that the most important point is parents involvment in their children education (???) . As a matter of fact, research proved that children are successful at school or in life, only if their parents are interested in their education.

Thanks for correcting...

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  • teacher


  • Milla


  • bigotna


  • Oblivion


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[ their children education (???) . 3] in

children's education


[ their children education (???) . 3] in

children's education



Hi everybody...

when do you all sit your oral exam ?

I think Versailles ' or Créteil 's candidates have had theirs already.

let me know.

All the best to all of you . :clover:

Hi everybody...

when do you all sit your oral exam ?

I think Versailles ' or Créteil 's candidates have had theirs already.

let me know.

All the best to all of you . :clover:

Hi Teacher !

I think I'm the last one having my oral exam. I'll take it on next Thursday... :cry:

Hi everybody...

when do you all sit your oral exam ?

I think Versailles ' or Créteil 's candidates have had theirs already.

let me know.

All the best to all of you . :clover:

mine is wednesday the 21st

i am now workig on pronounciation

thanks for all

see you a bit later, i sit for my oral exam the day after, the 22nd


Hi everybody...

when do you all sit your oral exam ?

I think Versailles ' or Créteil 's candidates have had theirs already.

let me know.

All the best to all of you . :clover:

Hello :)

my english oral exam is thursday too, As Bigotna, I read out loud and try to speak with my husband but it is really hard to express myself easily and fluently.

All the best to all of you :wub:

Hello :)

my english oral exam is thursday too, As Bigotna, I read out loud and try to speak with my husband but it is really hard to express myself easily and fluently.

All the best to all of you :wub:

I thought you sit for your oral today... :blush:

Good luck for tomorrow :clover::clover: it'll be ok ;):wub:

Allthe best to all of you :clover::wub:



it's finished for me

i'm quite happy, because i think i was not so bad

i had to speak about safety in the sky (pb or aircrashes last year), but after that we talked about many other differents things, in the classroom, with pupils with difficulties ... and a lot of other things.

if it could had been so good for the oral and musik exam, it would have been very well, but ....

have a good luck for the end, all of you

and many thanks to you, teacher



Hello :)

well I took my exam this morning and I've done my best

Thank you to all of you and Ludi :wub: , Bigotna :wub: , Oblivion :wub: I am really pleased that we have impoved our english together

And I really to thank you Teacher for your help and your support :wub:

All the best to all


many thanks to you, teacher

You're welcome , Bigotna and Milla.

I enjoyed "working" with you and I am glad if it was helpful.

When are the final results ?

let me know .

Whatever happens , enjoy your holidays . You deserve them : you worked hard

Take care :wub:

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