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Hello, I'd like practice with you too. I'm very interested by this post because my english level isn't fantastic. I'm eager to get to know you.

Bye, and good holidays :)

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  • teacher


  • Milla


  • bigotna


  • Oblivion


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Hello, I'd like practice with you too. I'm very interested by this post because my english level isn't fantastic. I'm eager to get to know you.

Bye, and good holidays :)

Interested IN

Enjoy your holiday



Bigotna, Ludi, Oblivion, I am so sorry for you. But I am positive that you will pass next year .

I am really proud of your 15/20 , Bigotna; so finally all your work did pay ! You should continue practising your English next year however while spending more time on your ' oral pro' ( did you practise the ' oral pro' as much as you practised your English ?)

Best of luck and...

Enjoy your holidays all of you



Ludi, Bigotna and Oblivion :wub: I am sure that 2007 will be your year :wub:

Je voulais juste vous remercier toutes encore car sans ce post je n'aurai pas eu la note que j'ai eue (18/20) alors encore tout plein de :wub: pour vous et j'espère qu'on continuera à se rencontrer au fil du forum ;)

A bientôt :wub:



What's up?

I would like join to ur english team for this year. My english isn't good and i hope i will approve it together :blush:

See you soon! :wub:



Preparing the 2007 (concours?) can I joint you?




What's up?

I would like join to ur english team for this year. My english isn't good and i hope i will approve it together :blush:

See you soon! :wub:

je passais par là et j'ai aperçu de nouveaux noms ..

Le "post" a été organisé de main de maître par Bigotna et tout le monde a travaillé régulièrement et sé a eu en Anglais d'excellents résultats ( de 15 à 18 ...qui dit mieux ?!!Re-bravo )

Maintenant il ne faut plus demander " May I join your group ? " il faut prendre des initiatives. Voyez les débuts du "post" et si la méthode vous convient, partez à la recherche de textes que vous mettez en ligne et que vous travaillez ensemble.

So get to work !

Good luck !


Hello teacher,

I went to the beginning of the post and see what had be done. Do you agree correcting us this year too?

Can you tell us where we can find interessing text (do you have some internet adress?)

For me, I will be away from my computer from next week to 20 august, but if you can give us some internet adress, I can perhaps chose one before leaving, and we will work on it for the end of august....

What do you thing of this all of you?



Hello teacher,

I went to the beginning of the post and see what had be done. Do you agree correcting us this year too?

Can you tell us where we can find interessing text (do you have some internet adress?)

For me, I will be away from my computer from next week to 20 august, but if you can give us some internet adress, I can perhaps chose one before leaving, and we will work on it for the end of august....

What do you thing of this all of you?



Concerning texts , you can look on the internet site of any newspapers...(the Times / the Guardian...) or BBC News or VOA ( Voice of America) as last year's candidates did.

I am sure you'll find interesting articles .,,2087-2281614,00.html

Here you have a good article about El Fayed ( the topic can easily be extended to Princess Diana...etc)

You should also prepare for literary texts : extracts from Oliver Twist for instance...

Don't choose articles / texts which are too long .

But remember it's an oral exam ( so practise your oral too !)

Get some information about the usual topics : Monarchy / education ....

don't forget about the USA/ Australia / Canada



Hello teacher,

I went to the beginning of the post and see what had been done. Do you agree by correcting us this year too?

Can you tell us where we can find interessing text (do you have some internet adress?)

For me, I will be away from my computer from next week to 20 august, but if you can give us some internet adress, I can perhaps choose one before leaving, and we will work on it for the end of august....

What do you think of this all of you?




Do you mean that the color words are wrong? I try to correct myself (see before)... but I don't find all you colored..... For the oral, I go every year, one week in London (since 5 years, so I think, it's not too bad!.



I would like work with you estri and other people!!!

I would like too know if your work about the text teacher have given in his last post? and what is the last day for talk about?

Thank you and sorry about my verry bad english (9.5/20 last year, because of that I am a failed candidate :cry: )


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