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to rectify its (???))

To rectify them

There are still work.

There isstill work. Work is an uncountable...

I am going to read and to work this text.

I am going to read and work on this text. It is not necessary to repeat the infinitive form.

:) Go ahead !

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Well! Well!

I would like to join the group in order to practice, all over the year, my English.

I find the idea of working on BBC news judicious, because I think, we' re going to have this kind of text during the examination.

The first document ( it's the first text for me) is not so easy , there is a lot of vocabulary, I try and do it for tonight...

Happy to work with you again Bigotna!

Posté(e) (modifié)

I' m very happy, banouchka, that you work with us, because i think your level in englixh is far better than mines.

i 'll try to work in english, but i won't have time for something else, except "oral", perhas, or musik.

see you soon


ps : did you receive my last mail?

Modifié par bigotna

humhum :blush:

it's the first text for me and I think It was very difficult

This text is about "dyslexia". It's an article extracted of BBC News. We have the Julian Elliot's point of view. He's a professor and psychologist. He said that there isn't scientist treatment for dyslexia but there is a solution : a different education with formed person.

For Susan Tresman, an other professor, it's different. the technology can help people suffering of dyslexia. And psychologists are very competents persons for look after Dyslexic.

here my summary ;) it isn't the best but it's the first :P



I haven't read your discussion yet, I just want to produce my summary first, then I will read through it.


This text is en extract from BBC news, UK edition, dated 2nd september 2005. It deals with dyslexia and whether dyslexia is a real physical trouble or not. Today Dyslexia may concern 10% of britons.

Professor Elliott explains that, based on research litterature, it is difficult to speak about a real desease. Dyslexia does not answer to a unique symptome, neither to unique treatment, and neither to specific teaching approach. As for the Professor, Dyslexia describes more an a wide range of psychologic difficulties that may lead to significant problems.

The British Dyslexia Assocation disagrees with the the professor, and is asking if we can just classify one million people as suffering from a emotional trouble. Moreover the Association accuses Professor not to take into account all dyslexia trouble but reading difficulties.

The question still remains...


I will now read through the discusison and I come back....


Then I'am back...

I've asked in the forum 'languages' if the texts we are going to be examined on, will be about school world or not. The answer is No.. I have checked on 'annales' from my academy and the texts they propose doesn't deal with the scool world either. But it is not a bad idea to work on that subjects, it can help us for the oral....

My second question is about the time we have to prepare the exam : I think it is 5 minutes, isn't it? I think it is really short, to read the text and to prepare the summary.... Do we have only to prepare a summary, or do we need to open the discussion???

Regarding your summary I found them shorter than mine, what does the jury want us to do???


Hi everybody :happy:

I hope you don't mind if I join this thread :blush:

Thanks a lot for creating it, I think it will be really useful so as to improve our English :wub:

I'll come back later with my summary of the text about dyslexia :)

Regarding your summary I found them shorter than mine,  what does the jury want us to do???

Hi Aspidistra :happy:

I don't think that we have to make a very detailed summary of the article since it is written in the official texts that the jury will check our "aptitude à comprendre un texte et à en dégager les grandes lignes".

I think that the size of your summary is pretty good.

After our summary, the jury will certainly ask us a few more precise questions on the article.

But it is true that what the jury want us to do is not really clear, we'll probably have more information at the IUFM :happy:


here is my summary:

The document we have to study is an exctract from the BBC NEWS published in September 2005. It deals with dyslexia.

On the one hand there is Professor Elliot a University professor who thinks that dyslexia is "an emotional construct" which does not need particular treatment.

On the other hand Professor Tresman, member of the British Dyslexia Association, has a different view of the problem. She disaproves the qualification of "emotional delusion". She adds that some treatments can cure dyslexia.

To conclude the debate, the rate of dyslexic Britons is given by government figures.

See you ;)

I didn’t understand the article, especially the last 4 lines.

Is there someone to explain them to me?

and how woud you translate the tittle : explosions en ligne autour du reniement de la dyslexie?

Hi bigotna :)

In the last four lines, the journalist explains that 10% of British people suffer from dyslexia and that 40% of those 10% have really big difficulties because of dyslexia.

He also explains that it affects the children at school : GCSE and A-Levels are the equivalents of Le Brevet des Collèges and the Baccalauréat in France. Because of dyslexia, they are given more time to take their exams. In France, it is called "un tiers-temps" I think.

Concerning the expression "vocational assessments" I did not really get what it means :huh:

I think that the way you translated the title is not really correct. A row has different meanings but here, it means "une dispute" or even "un désaccord" in this case. "To erupt" means "éclater, se déclencher". :happy:


My second question is about the time we have to prepare the exam : I think it is 5 minutes, isn't it? I think it is really short, to read the text and to prepare the summary....  Do we have only to prepare a summary, or do we need to open the discussion???

Préparation 30 mn puis Passage 20mn incluant les 5mn de présentation du texte+ courte lecture + entretien avec le jury in English !

Au sujet de la longueur de vos résumés , vous devez tenir 5 mn . A mon avis les qq lignes que vous écrivez ne suffisent pas, même si on compte les hésitations etc... Chronométrez vous .

5 minutes en Anglais , c'est long !


teacher, i agree with you about the 5 mn, but why not starting like that, to begin speaking in englich.

and after, we can do some longer summaries, but the text for 5 mn might be longer, so we can make a longer summary a litte later, don't you think so ?

And nothing prohibits to us to work the text with the oral examination

into 5 mn .


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