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And here is my first summary...... :blush:

The text is the one "speaking" about all fayed

The text comes from the july 23, sunday time magazine and was written by Karin Goodwin.

It deals with a kite named Mohamed. This bird took a part in a reintroduce program based on Mohamed Al Fayed highland estate. The bird Mohamed vanished from Al Fayed estate and was seen on Mr Al Fayed ennemi estate: the Windsors.

Mohamed Al Fayed has accused the Duke of Edimburg of having orchestrating the crash of his son and Lady Diana. And he now hopes that the bird Mohamed keep an eagle eye on the royal family and also shit on prince Philip.

Buckingham palace refused to comment this event.

I find this text quite "light". I don't know what sort of newspaper is the sunday times but it seems to be a "people" newpaper, making articles on stars life....

I think it is a good thing that rich people as Mr Al Fayed put part of their money in charitable actions: saving people or saving animals. In this case, Al Fayed help reintroducing kite, sort of bird in danger.

Done! :)

It is now your turn, friends! ;)

For my part, I am leaving after tomorow and I am going to London for one week, for a dance workshop.... If I have time (but it is not sure), I will try to find a magazine specialise in education... for the next summary :applause:

Teacher, I took a dictionary to understand some words (I tought that a kite was a flying game used by children!) but I didn't find the word "comeuppance"... can you explain please?



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Hi everybody!!

What a good idea, this group!! Can I take part of it? In order to improve my english since it's been a long time I didn't pratice!


Hi everybody!!

what a good idea, this group!! Can I take part of it? in order to improve my english since it's been a long time I didn't pratice!



As said before , everybody can join the group provided they are prepared to work ! ( find texts/ write summaries/ correct mistakes/ exchange ideas English )

Estri , I have no time today to have a close (grammatical) look at your work , but since you're going to London, you should find out about the Windors and Mohamed El Fayed ....and the Sunday Times ( a serious newspaper , not gutter press at all ) and other newspapers!!

( a kite is a "cerf-volant" but also a bird )

Try to work without a dictionary FIRST, then if you understand nothing , go and get one.

Start making a list of words and learn them ;-)

In this article , there were several ideas : wild life in Scotland / the relationship between The Royal family and El Fayed who owns Harrods in London/ the love affair between Dodi El fayed and Diana ...etc..

You often need to have some knowledge of " British civilization" to comment upon a text.

All the best


This is my summury ..

This is an article written by Karine Goodwin and published in the Sunday Times, on Sunday the 23th July 2006. It deals with a bird, which takes part of a programme to reintroduce the kite to the Scottish countryside, which was helped by Mohammed Al Fayed. All the bird are reared in Fayed's estaten then they are released. Moreover, each bird at their birth receives and wears a radio transmittor, that's why the RSPB programm is everytime able to know where they are.

One of birds, which named Mohammed wasn't identified.They didn't refind him. They didn't know where he was, so M.Al'Fayed believed he had been killed.

But, recently, Mohammed has been tracked in Royal Family's estate in Balmoral. It's strange for Mohammed Al Fayed, because he doesn't like this family. He thinks they have prepared the Dodi's and Diana's car crash. He said it's an incredible coincidence that the bird has travelled to Royal Family's estate. It could mean that Mohammed Al Fayed's doubts are real. Now he hopes the bird isn't nice with the Windsors and he wishes the kite serves him as an eagle eye. Buckingam Palace don't want to comment.

I've not really understand the stake of this text..if someone can explain me please.. is it only a moment of people's life?

Have a good day !

This is my summury ..

This is an article written by Karine Goodwin and published in the Sunday Times, on Sunday the 23th July 2006. It deals with a bird, which takes part of a programme to reintroduce the kite to the Scottish countryside, which was helped by Mohammed Al Fayed. All the bird are reared in Fayed's estaten then they are released. Moreover, each bird at their birth receives and wears a radio transmittor, that's why the RSPB programm is everytime able to know where they are.

One of birds, which named Mohammed wasn't identified.They didn't refind him. They didn't know where he was, so M.Al'Fayed believed he had been killed.

But, recently, Mohammed has been tracked in Royal Family's estate in Balmoral. It's strange for Mohammed Al Fayed, because he doesn't like this family. He thinks they have prepared the Dodi's and Diana's car crash. He said it's an incredible coincidence that the bird has travelled to Royal Family's estate. It could mean that Mohammed Al Fayed's doubts are real. Now he hopes the bird isn't nice with the Windsors and he wishes the kite serves him as an eagle eye. Buckingam Palace don't want to comment.

I've not really understand the stake of this text..if someone can explain me please.. is it only a moment of people's life?

Have a good day !

Well , you understood the text ...

Just a bit of British humour

You have to know that there is hatred between Al Fayed and the Roayal family ( though they were friendly before Dodi and Diana became lovers) . The royals have stopped shopping at Harrods, big expensive store owned by Al Fayed.

For Al Fayed , the kite that found refuge in balmoral is a symbol : it has taken the place of the Royal family so they will eventually disappear ( that's what Al Fayed hopes)

Other people may think differently and say that the kite escaped from Al fayed's estate to find "help" at Balmoral...

What is strange , is that Al Fayed should own an estate in Scotland next to the Royal Estate ! Why does he want to be next to his "enemies" ..

Your summary is OK , but you won't last 5 minutes you need to find other ideas steeming from the text :

for instance : The Windsors ? / for or against the Royal family ? / Diana's death ? / Diana and her many lovers / Charles and Camilla ?...

or Wild life in Scotland ( compare with efforts made in France : the bears in the pyrenees for example)

Try to "talk " your summary ; say it aloud to get use to your voice in English..

Good luck

Now try to find another text and start again ;-)

And here is my first summary...... :blush:

The text is the one "speaking" about all fayed

The text comes from the july 23, sunday time magazine and was written by Karin Goodwin.

It deals with a kite named Mohamed. This bird took a part in a reintroduce program based on Mohamed Al Fayed highland estate. The bird Mohamed vanished from Al Fayed estate and was seen on Mr Al Fayed ennemi estate: the Windsors.

Mohamed Al Fayed has accused the Duke of Edimburg of having orchestrating the crash of his son and Lady Diana. And he now hopes that the bird Mohamed keep an eagle eye on the royal family and also shit on prince Philip.

Buckingham palace refused to comment this event.

I find this text quite "light". I don't know what sort of newspaper is the sunday times but it seems to be a "people" newpaper, making articles on stars life....

I think it is a good thing that rich people as Mr Al Fayed put part of their money in charitable actions: saving people or saving animals. In this case, Al Fayed help reintroducing kite, sort of bird in danger.



to get one's comeuppance : recevoir ce qu'on mérite .

Here , Al fayed hopes that the bird will shit on Prince Philip , because he hates the Prince whom he thinks guilty of Dodi 's and Diana's death .....

This article was extracted from ... and published on ( date)( and speak about the newspaer if you know anything about it)

So it is quite a recent article dealing with well -known people such Al fayed who ist he wealthy Egyptian owner of the famous store Harrods and the British Royal family whose popularity has dropped in recent years.

However the hero is a bird ...

This is only an example...remember you must last 5 long minutes !! ;-)


Thanks teacher for having underline all my mistakes. I'm correcting their :

All the bird are --> all the birds

programm is everytime able --> programm is always able ?

One of birds --> one of the birds ?

didn't refind him. --> refound?

have prepared the Dodi's and Diana's car crash --> have prepared Dodi's and Diana's car crash

I've not really understand --> understood ?

I didn't know that we have to talk more than 5 minutes that's why my summury is so short. Sorry I'll do better on the next time.

You said me that I must find others ideas, does it mean that I must developp some subjects as Diana's and Dodi's car crash (I explain it speedly ?), the Royal Family ...????

Thanks a lot, really and good night.

I'm going to search a text ...

Thanks teacher for having underline all my mistakes. I'm correcting their :

All the bird are --> all the birds

programm is everytime able --> programm is always able ?

One of birds --> one of the birds ?

didn't refind him. --> refound? find

have prepared the Dodi's and Diana's car crash --> have prepared Dodi's and Diana's car crash

I've not really understand --> understood ?

I didn't know that we have to talk more than 5 minutes that's why my summuryis so short. Sorry I'll do better onthe next time.

You said me that I must find others ideas, does it mean that I must developp some subjects as Diana's and Dodi's car crash (I explain it speedly ?), the Royal Family ...????

Thanks a lot, really and good night.

I'm going to search a text ...

You have to speak for 5 minutes . Your text -as it stands there-wouldn't last 5 mn . Yes, try to develop other ideas connected to the article if you you want to speak for that length of time.

Please, do not say " sorry" ;-)

You don't have to apologize for anything . You are working at improving your English . mistakes are nothing to be ashamed of ! :wub:


Thanks teacher for having underline all my mistakes. I'm correcting them :

All the bird are --> all the birds

programm is everytime able --> programm is always able ?

One of birds --> one of the birds ?

didn't refind him. --> refound? find

have prepared the Dodi's and Diana's car crash --> have prepared Dodi's and Diana's car crash

I've not really understand --> understood ?

I didn't know that we have to talk more than 5 minutes that's why my summury is so short. Sorry I'll do better onthe next time.

You have said me that I must find other ideas, does it mean that I must developp some subjects as Diana's and Dodi's car crash (I explain it briefly ?), the Royal Family ...????

Thanks a lot, really and good night.

I'm going to look for a text ...

Is it ok ?

I've found a text about education ? When can I propose it? I think that the last text was for the end of august. So perhaps we must stand september.. I don't know.

Kiss and

Good night

Thanks teacher for having underlined all my mistakes. I'm correcting them :

I didn't know that we have to talk more than 5 minutes that's why my summury is so short. Sorry I'll do better onthe next time.

You have said me that I must find other ideas, does it mean that I must developp some subjects as Diana's and Dodi's car crash (I explain it briefly ?), the Royal Family ...????

Thanks a lot, really and good night.

I'm going to look for a text ...

Is it ok ?

I've found a text about education ? When can I propose it? I think that the last text was for the end of august. So perhaps we must stand september.. I don't know.

Kiss and

Good night

Still a few errors :


I'll do better next time.

to say TO s/o = to tell s/o

we must stand : do you mean " we must (should ) wait for september ?

No, AnneClaire I think you can give your text....As soon as people are back from their holiday, they'll want to start working seriously.

The more texts , the more practice, the better for all of you.

All the best :D

Ok... So, I'm proposing a text about education, more particulary languages.. Teacher, can you say me if this text is agreeing ? And if it's not ok, I'll find an other. :D

I'm not able to make a link, so I give ,you the address..,,591-2307618,00.html



Hello, I try to make the other text but I don't anderstand it !! I'm sorry :cry:

I find it very difficult for vocabulary !! I can try but i don't know if it will be good !!! :(

I will do this text of the education after !!

OK ??? :)

Thank you Anneclaire to propose a text !!!



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