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Ok... So, I'm proposing a text about education, more particulary languages.. Teacher, can you say me if this text is agreeing ? And if it's not ok, I'll find an other. :D

I'm not able to make a link, so I give ,you the address..,,591-2307618,00.html



Attention à l'utilisation de SAY : quand tu as un interlocuteur , il vaut mieux utiliser TELL ( ex : "you told me "plutôt que "you said TO me")

Your choice of text is appropriate. No problem ...

You will - no doubt- have to do some research on the English education system ( be careful : the Scottish education system is different). That will allow you to comment on the topic and maybe compare with what is being done in France at primary schools' level.

You've got the right attitude, Anne Claire. Keep going ;-)

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Hello, I try to make the other text but I don't anderstand it !! I'm sorry :cry:

I find it very difficult for vocabulary !! I can try but i don't know if it will be good !!! :(

I will do this text of the education after !!

OK ??? :)

Thank you Anneclaire to propose a text !!!



You MUST try to work on all the texts if you want to improve.

The more practice you get, the better you'll become . ( what's more, nobody will judge you here ; you'll only get help)

As for vocabulary, why don't you start a list of words and learn them ?!

( some words will be useful to do a summary or to comment on a text / others words will only be used for a special organize your lists)

You can look up in a dictionary if you don't know the words ; it will be long at the beginning but it gets better after a while !

Good luck !


Salut tout le monde !

Je passe juste vous encourager un peu en ce début de préparation (désolée Teacher, je ne me sentais pas de le faire en anglais pour cette fois :) ). Je voulais juste dire à ceux qui ont des difficultés en anglais de ne pas désespérer : il est possible de décrocher une bonne note en bossant régulièrement sur ce post. Je me suis mise à y participer l'an dernier en cours d'année, avec un niveau qui n'était vraiment pas terrible, et les progrès se sont vite faits sentir ! J'en profite pour remercier encore tous les participants, en particulier Bigotna et Teacher :wub: Et je vous souhaite à tous bon courage et bonne chance pour le prochain concours ! :clover:



First of all, thank you for this post ! I will be happy to join your group.

I haven't writen a text in english for two years and it's very difficult to find vocabulary and formulate sentences corretly ; I know that I must work a lot and seriously. I hope I will be ready for next year with your help. :)

I decide to do my first summary with the article proposed by Anne Claire.

My summary doesn't last 5 minutes, I will do better the next time:

The article entitled "Primary pupils showing passion for languages" was written by Alexandra Frean. It was published by The Times.

The main theme is language teaching at school and the problem with the learning on Secondary school.

According to the governement, learning foreign language at primary school is more

profitable. Its point of view is based on several arguments : the young pupils are enthusiastic and can learn foreign languages easier.

Even if, it seems to be a success on Primary school, it's not the case on secondary. Indeed, most of pupils don't continue.

Jim Knigth, the school Minister, thinks that they have to find solution to make foreign languages interesting to older pupils. According to Linda Parker, languages must be attainable by every students.

In France, it's not the same situation. Learning foreign languages is compulsory on Secondary's level, and pupils usually have to learn two languages. On Primary school, it is advised to teach at nursery school but it is not apply everywhere ; the teaching often starts with pupils who are around 8 or 9 years old. We can think that English is more often chosen.


I give you my summary on the education. I hope that I haven't too make a mistake !!! :blush:

This document, extracted from the Time and published on August 11, 2006 by Alexandra Frean, is an article. It is entitled: “Primary pupils showing passion for languages”. The story relates the increasing, in a primary school, of foreign tongue. The author explains that to learn a language in primary school is very important. Indeed, younger children are more receptive and they are absorb a structure more easily than older pupils.

In the first time, the document shows that there is several school which introduce a foreign tongue into their school: in 2004, there have 44 % and in 2206, 56 % schools are introduced languages.

In this article, there are several speakers who add their opinion. In example, the school Minister want to, I quote: “take time for the reforms to settle down”. According to him, to force a pupils have choose a language isn’t a solution. On the contrary, for the 14-16 years, it is a waste of time. Moreover, he explains that there is a new ways of teaching language in secondary: the languages ladder as the eight scale on music.

Then, other speaker, Linda Parker insists on the fact that to continue to learn language is very important and it isn’t to hold for elite.

I agree with a text on the importance of the foreign languages. Now, for the examination, one asks use to be bilingual, it is a criterion moreover for the selection. Moreover, much English comes to France during the holidays and it is necessary to be able to inform them.



I give you my summary on the education. I hope that I haven't too make a mistake !!! :blush:

This document, extracted from the Time and published on August 11, 2006 by Alexandra Frean, is an article. It is entitled: “Primary pupils showing passion for languages”. The story relates the increasing, in a primary school, of foreign tongue. The author explains that to learn a language in primary school is very important. Indeed, younger children are more receptive and they are absorb a structure more easily than older pupils.

In the first time, the document shows that there is several school which introduce a foreign tongue into their school: in 2004, there have 44 % and in 2206, 56 % schools are introduced languages.

In this article, there are several speakers who add their opinion. In example, the school Minister want to, I quote: “take time for the reforms to settle down”. According to him, to force a pupils have choose a language isn’t a solution. On the contrary, for the 14-16 years, it is a waste of time. Moreover, he explains that there is a new ways of teaching language in secondary: the languages ladder as the eight scale on music.

Then, other speaker, Linda Parker insists on the fact that to continue to learn language is very important and it isn’t to hold for elite.

I agree with a text on the importance of the foreign languages. Now, for the examination, one asks use to be bilingual, it is a criterion moreover for the selection. Moreover, much English comes to France during the holidays and it is necessary to be able to inform them.



A few errors !

Up to you to correct them ! All the best

You could also have compared with France where a foreign language is also taught at primary level.


First of all, thank you for this post ! I will be happy to join your group.

I haven't writen a text in english for two years and it's very difficult to find vocabulary and formulate sentences corretly ; I know that I must work a lot and seriously. I hope I will be ready for next year with your help. :)

I decide to do my first summary with the article proposed by Anne Claire.

My summary doesn't last 5 minutes, I will do better the next time:

The article entitled "Primary pupils showing passion for languages" was written by Alexandra Frean. It was published by The Times.

The main theme is language teaching at school and the problem with the learning on Secondary school.

According to the governement, learning foreign language at primary school is more

profitable. Its point of view is based on several arguments : the young pupils are enthusiastic and can learn foreign languages easier.

Even if, it seems to be a success on Primary school, it's not the case on secondary. Indeed, most of pupils don't continue.

Jim Knigth, the school Minister, thinks that they have to find solution to make foreign languages interesting to older pupils. According to Linda Parker, languages must be attainable by every students.

In France, it's not the same situation. Learning foreign languages is compulsory on Secondary's level, and pupils usually have to learn two languages. On Primary school, it is advised to teach at nursery school but it is not apply everywhere ; the teaching often starts with pupils who are around 8 or 9 years old. We can think that English is more often chosen.

To be corrected !

You could insist on the fact that in France , primary teachers have to be able to teach a foreign language to their pupils ( Tha's why you are practising ;-))

Another point could be the question of the means given to language-learning by the government ( it is a fantas tic objective , but how is it reached ? more teachers ? more money ? programmes ? in-service courses for older teachers?....)

Best of luck..


Thank you Teacher! :)

I try to correct but I'm not sure for the use of "in" :blush:

The article entitled "Primary pupils showing passion for languages" was written by Alexandra Frean. It was published by The Times.

The main theme is language teaching at school and the problem with the learning on Secondary school.

According to the governement, learning foreign languages at primary school is more

profitable. Its point of view is based on several arguments : the young pupils are enthusiastic and can learn foreign languages easier.

Even if, it seems to be a success in Primary school, it's not the case in secondary. Indeed, most of pupils don't continue.

Jim Knigth, the school Minister, thinks that they have to find solution to make foreign languages interesting to older pupils. According to Linda Parker, languages must be attainable by every student.

In France, it's not the same situation. Learning foreign languages is compulsory in Secondary's level, and pupils usually have to learn two languages. In Primary school, it is advised to teach at nursery school but it is not applied everywhere ; the teaching often starts with pupils who are around 8 or 9 years old. We can think that English is more often chosen.



Hello everybody!

This post is very interesting to work actively English and I want to know if I can join your group.

Let me introduce myself to you : my name is Jennifer and I'm 24. I live in Villepinte (93) and I prepare CRPE with CNED and Formathèmes.

It would be very rewarding working English with you because I'm not sure of CNED concerning languages!

So tell me if you agree with my participation. I'm a very serious girl!!!

See you soon.


Special thanks to Teacher. ;)


It's my correction. I hope that i don't made more mistake !!! :D

This document, extracted from the Time and published on August 11, 2006 by Alexandra Frean, is an article. It is entitled: “Primary pupils showing passion for languages”. The intention of the text is to report the increasing, in a primary school, of foreign tongue. The author explains that to learn a language in primary school is very important. Indeed, younger children are more receptive and they understand a structure more easily than older pupils.

In the first time, the document shows that there are several schools which introduce a foreign language into their school: in 2004, there had 44 % and in 2206, 56 % schools are introduced languages.

In this article, there are several speakers who add their opinion. In example, the school Minister want to, I quote: “take time for the reforms to settle down”. According to him, it should’nt force a pupils to choose a language isn’t a solution. On the contrary, for the 14-16 years, it is a waste of time. Moreover, he explains that there is a new way of teaching language in secondary: the languages ladder as the eight scale on music.

Then, other speaker, Linda Parker insists on the fact that to continue to learn language is very important and it isn’t to hold for elite.

I agree with a text on the importance of the foreign languages. Now, for the examination, one must become bilingual, it is a criterion moreover for the selection. Moreover, few English come to France during the holidays and it is necessary to be able to inform them.

Teacher, I would kown if my summary was correct in the structure ?? My ideas are well structured ?

Thank you for your correction, it's fantastic !!!


Thank you Teacher! :)

I try to correct but I'm not sure for the use of "in" :blush:

The article entitled "Primary pupils showing passion for languages" was written by Alexandra Frean. It was published by The Times.

The main theme is language teaching at school and the problem with the learning in Secondary school S

According to the governement, learning foreign languages at primary school s is more

profitable. Its point of view is based on several arguments : the young pupils are enthusiastic and can learn foreign languages easier.

Even if, it seems to be a success in Primary school, it's not the case in secondary. Indeed, most of pupils don't continue.

Jim Knigth, the school Minister, thinks that they have to find solution to make foreign languages interesting to older pupils. According to Linda Parker, languages must be attainable by every student.

In France, it's not the same situation. Learning foreign languages is compulsory in Secondary's level, and pupils usually have to learn two languages. In Primary school, it is advised to teach at nursery school but it is not applied everywhere ; the teaching often starts with pupils who are around 8 or 9 years old. We can think that English is more often chosen.


IN secondary schools / IN primary schools

AT primary school level

OK ! so now another text .....Regular work is important ;-)

Hello everybody!

This post is very interesting to work actively English and I want to know if I can join your group.

Let me introduce myself to you : my name is Jennifer and I'm 24. I live in Villepinte (93) and I prepare CRPE with CNED and Formathèmes.

It would be very rewarding working English with you because I'm not sure of CNED concerning languages!

So tell me if you agree with my participation. I'm a very serious girl!!!

See you soon.


Special thanks to Teacher. ;)

Welcome !

Everybody is welcome as said before .

But I would like to remind everyone - especially the new ones- that I am not the boss here !!!! The post was created by Bigotna last year ( Where are you ,Bigotna ? We are missing you )

I am quite happy to help ( and correct) but it is up to you to organize the work : find and suggest new texts ...for example

If you have new ideas to make the work more effective, please share them

I just want to repeat that regular work is the only way to success...and don't worry if your English isn't good at the beginning.

Also other people can correct ... you can exchange ideas , discuss your summaries

remember you must speak 5 minutes about a text ( article/ literary text etc...). You must read it aloud too . You should practise at the same time.

All the best to everyone

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