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Welcome !

Everybody is welcome as said before .

But I would like to remind everyone - especially the new ones- that I am not the boss here !!!! The post was created by Bigotna last year ( Where are you ,Bigotna ? We are missing you )

I am quite happy to help ( and correct) but it is up to you to organize the work : find and suggest new texts ...for example

If you have new ideas to make the work more effective, please share them

I just want to repeat that regular work is the only way to success...and don't worry if your English isn't good at the beginning.

Also other people can correct ... you can exchange ideas , discuss your summaries

remember you must speak 5 minutes about a text ( article/ literary text etc...). You must read it aloud too . You should practise at the same time.

All the best to everyone


Sorry, So thank you Bigotna, teacher and everybody!! :D

I'm going to work on the text "primary pupils showing passion for languages..." and I'm going to try to suggest a new text.

I know that we need to work regularly to improve our English, that is what I will do with your help!

See you soon!


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  • teacher


  • Milla


  • bigotna


  • Oblivion


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Here is ma summary and my commentary!

This text is an article extracted from The Times. It was published on August 11th 2006 and written by Alexandra Frean. This article which is entitled "Primary pupils showing passion for languages" deals with a reform concerning the end of compulsory foreign language for the over-14s and its introduction in primary schools.

The Government has ended compulsory foreign language in secondary schools, in return it has introduced languages in primary schools because children under-14s assimilate more easily.

This reform represents a success because pupils want to continue learning foreign languages in secondary schools. Statistics show that there is an increase of primary schools introducing languages that's to say 56% of them in 2006 compared to 44% in 2004. The Government expects all 7 to 11 children will study foreign language in 2010.

The author explains that in spite of enthusiasm of children for languages, 60% of secondary schools pupils don't keep on studying it. But for the one who carry on they are more many to pass their exam.

Moreover we can note an increasing interest in non European languages like Arabic or Mandarin.

The Schools Minister, Jim Knight, says that reform putting into place will take time. That's why all the points are not yet planed.

What's more he adds that in order to motivate secondary schools pupils and improve learning foreign language, new ways of teaching have to be developed. Besides new ways of teaching, the ladder works on a new assessment based on a scale and rewards.

Finally, Linda Parker, the Director of the association for Language Learning adds that secondary schools pupils have to be encouraged to carry on with learning foreign language to allow opening of their nation.

To comment on this text, I think that on the one hand, it's rewarding to learn foreign language early. Besides it's beneficial to improve ways of teaching to develop pupils' enthusiasm.

And on the other hand, on my mind a foreign language should be compulsory in secondary schools because of Europe. In other words, nations have to be opened for the economy, also for general culture and especially to fight against unemployment. In fact nowadays to find a good job we need to use at least one foreign language.

To compare with France, we can see that situation is different.

Indeed foreign language is compulsory in secondary schools and often 2 foreign languages. Roughly English is the more teached language. Moreover it has been introduced in primary schools, and it's developed more and more early. Even in higher education in almost every field of study there is one compulsory foreign language.

I can add that in my futur profession, that's to say primary school teacher I have to study at least one foreign language to get the ability to teach my futur pupils.

To conclude, in France practising one or more foreign languages is very important as much for oneself as for nation. That's why it is encouraged by the Government.

Here is ma summary and my commentary!

This text is an article extracted from The Times. It was published on August 11th 2006 and written by Alexandra Frean. This article which is entitled "Primary pupils showing passion for languages" deals with a reform concerning the end of compulsory foreign language for the over-14s and its introduction in primary schools.

The Government has ended compulsory foreign language in secondary schools, in return it has introduced languages in primary schools because children under-14s assimilate more easily.

This reform represents a success because pupils want to continue learning foreign languages in secondary schools. Statistics show that there is an increase of primary schools introducing languages that's to say 56% of them in 2006 compared to 44% in 2004. The Government expects all 7 to 11 children will study foreign language in 2010.

The author explains that in spite of enthusiasm of children for languages, 60% of secondary schools pupils don't keep on studying it. But for the one who carry on they are more many to pass their exam.

Moreover we can note an increasing interest in non European languages like Arabic or Mandarin.

The Schools Minister, Jim Knight, says that reform putting into place will take time. That's why all the points are not yet planed.

What's more he adds that in order to motivate secondary schools pupils and improve learning foreign language, new ways of teaching have to be developed. Besides new ways of teaching, the ladder works on a new assessment based on a scale and rewards.

Finally, Linda Parker, the Director of the association for Language Learning adds that secondary schools pupils have to be encouraged to carry on with learning foreign language to allow opening of their nation.

To comment on this text, I think that on the one hand, it's rewarding to learn a foreign language early. Besides it's beneficial to improve ways of teaching to develop pupils' enthusiasm.

And on the other hand, on my mind a foreign language should be compulsory in secondary schools because of Europe. In other words, nations have to be opened for the economy, also for general culture and especially to fight against unemployment. In fact nowadays to find a good job we need to use at least one foreign language.

To compare with France, we can see that situation is different.

Indeed foreign language is compulsory in secondary schools and often 2 foreign languages. Roughly English is the more teached language. Moreover it has been introduced in primary schools, and it's developed more and more early. Even in higher education in almost every field of study there is one compulsory foreign language.

I can add that in my futur profession, that's to say primary school teacher I have to study at least one foreign language to get the ability to teach my futur pupils.

To conclude, in France practising one or more foreign languages is very important as much for oneself as for nation. That's why it is encouraged by the Government.

OK...Good work !

You managed to open up the discussion . Good...

You could have suggested why Arabic and mandarin are now taught in Britain.

Be careful : A foreign language/ -foreign languageS

Did you try to "speak" your summary and check how long it lasted ?

PS: in red , your errors or bits that I didn't understand / in green, the linkwords which help follow your commentary - that's good !

Hello! :)

I propose a text about education and teaching assistants.

Do you think it 's right for a summary?


Yes, Lola26 . That's fine though the article is a bit long. ( about 20 lines for the exam)

But it's a good practice .

Think of ideas which could complete your summary / use linkwords to "build" your commentary..

all the best


Thank you teacher! :)

I will do my summary for Monday.



Here is ma summary and my commentary!

This text is an article extracted from The Times. It was published on August 11th 2006 and written by Alexandra Frean. This article which is entitled "Primary pupils showing passion for languages" deals with a reform concerning the end of compulsory foreign language for the over-14s and its introduction in primary schools.

The Government has ended compulsory foreign language in secondary schools, in return it has introduced languages in primary schools because children under-14s assimilate more easily.

This reform represents a success because pupils want to continue learning foreign languages in secondary schools. Statistics show that there is an increase of primary schools introducing languages that's to say 56% of them in 2006 compared to 44% in 2004. The Government expects all 7 to 11 children will study foreign language in 2010.

The author explains that in spite of enthusiasm of children for languages, 60% of secondary schools pupils don't keep on studying it. But for the one who carry on they are more many to pass their exam.

Moreover we can note an increasing interest in non European languages like Arabic or Mandarin.

The Schools Minister, Jim Knight, says that reform putting into place will take time. That's why all the points are not yet planed.

What's more he adds that in order to motivate secondary schools pupils and improve learning foreign language, new ways of teaching have to be developed. Besides new ways of teaching, the ladder works on a new assessment based on a scale and rewards.

Finally, Linda Parker, the Director of the association for Language Learning adds that secondary schools pupils have to be encouraged to carry on with learning foreign language to allow opening of their nation.

To comment on this text, I think that on the one hand, it's rewarding to learn a foreign language early. Besides it's beneficial to improve ways of teaching to develop pupils' enthusiasm.

And on the other hand, on my mind a foreign language should be compulsory in secondary schools because of Europe. In other words, nations have to be opened for the economy, also for general culture and especially to fight against unemployment. In fact nowadays to find a good job we need to use at least one foreign language.

To compare with France, we can see that situation is different.

Indeed foreign language is compulsory in secondary schools and often 2 foreign languages. Roughly English is the more teached language. Moreover it has been introduced in primary schools, and it's developed more and more early. Even in higher education in almost every field of study there is one compulsory foreign language.

I can add that in my futur profession, that's to say primary school teacher I have to study at least one foreign language to get the ability to teach my futur pupils.

To conclude, in France practising one or more foreign languages is very important as much for oneself as for nation. That's why it is encouraged by the Government.

OK...Good work !

You managed to open up the discussion . Good...

You could have suggested why Arabic and mandarin are now taught in Britain.

Be careful : A foreign language/ -foreign languageS

Did you try to "speak" your summary and check how long it lasted ?

PS: in red , your errors or bits that I didn't understand / in green, the linkwords which help follow your commentary - that's good !

Thank you for having answered so quickly!

I've just read my text : 3,51 min!!

ma : my!!!!

under-14s : young children

reform putting into place : putting reform in place

language : languages

to allow opening of their nation : pour permettre l'ouverture de leur pays

on my mind : to my mind

teached : enseigné

futur : future

for the one who carry on, they are more many to pass their exam : pour ceux qui continuent, ils sont plus nombreux à réussir leur examen.

Thank you for having answered so quickly!

I've just read my text : 3,51 min!!

ma : my!!!!

under-14s : young children Ou bien : the under-14s ( mais sans children)

reform putting into place : putting reform in place

language : languages

to allow opening of their nation : pour permettre l'ouverture de leur pays: the opening up of their country

on my mind : to my mind

teached : enseigné : Ok , mais le participe passé , c'est.....TAUGHT !!!!!!!

futur : future

for the one who carry on, they are more many to pass their exam : pour ceux qui continuent, ils sont plus nombreux à réussir leur examen. As for those ( the ones) who carry on, they are more and more to pass...(= a greater number now passes the exam)

3.51 mn , that's not bad ...because you wouldn't be reading it , but speaking it therefore hesitating etc.. Well done


Hey , Oblivion

I have just seen your name appear at the bottom of the screen . HOW ARE YOU ?

Ready to go back to work ? ;-)don't forget your promise to come back ( see message n°561!!!)

What about you, Bigotna, where are you ? Please come back ! :wub:


Thank you for having answered so quickly!

I've just read my text : 3,51 min!!

ma : my!!!!

under-14s : young children Ou bien : the under-14s ( mais sans children)

reform putting into place : putting reform in place

language : languages

to allow opening of their nation : pour permettre l'ouverture de leur pays: the opening up of their country

on my mind : to my mind

teached : enseigné : Ok , mais le participe passé , c'est.....TAUGHT !!!!!!!

futur : future

for the one who carry on, they are more many to pass their exam : pour ceux qui continuent, ils sont plus nombreux à réussir leur examen. As for those ( the ones) who carry on, they are more and more to pass...(= a greater number now passes the exam)

3.51 mn , that's not bad ...because you wouldn't be reading it , but speaking it therefore hesitating etc.. Well done

Thank you very much teacher!!!!

See you soon with a new text!!


See you soon with a new text!!


So far you have worked on articles . ( education was the main topic of the 2 texts which were chosen / remember to look for information about education in the UK , but also the States ...Questions will be asked by the members of the jury ...Also ask yourself : would I use such a text in my class ? why ? Obviously you would NOT use the text because your pupils'English isn't good enough but maybe the subject matter..)

Remember also to plan to work on extracts from novels etc...

I Know , we have about 9 months to practise ;-)

Hey , Oblivion

I have just seen your name appear at the bottom of the screen . HOW ARE YOU ?

Ready to go back to work ? ;-)don't forget your promise to come back ( see message n°561!!!)

Hi teacher :)

Of course I'm ready to work with you all again :happy: I've printed the article and I'll certainly start working on my summary on Monday ;)

Have a nice week-end everyone !

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