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Hello! :)

This is my summary :

The article was published by the BBC. The main theme is the teaching assistants' role in classroom in United Kingdom. It is entitled "Teachers helpers role positive". The article refers to a research of the Institute of Education.

Firstly, it appears that teaching assistants are often employed at school.

The article insists on 2 words to describe their contribution : positive and challenge. Indeed, teachers appreciate the presence of another adult in the classroom and they really bring help to children. It is also a challenge because they have to understand the subjects taught in the classroom and also the methode used by the teacher.

However, a debate has arisen concerning the role of teaching assistants. Indeed, according to a study of 2004, while recognizing that the presence of teaching assistants has positive results, the teachers don't seem ready to let them alone in their classes.

Furthermore, the institute of education insists on the fact that they need training. Then, it must be considered that they are not alone to help teachers, therefore they have to integrate them to the support staff who already works at school.

In conclusion, the article notices that teaching assistants could be a solution against school failure ; nevertheless some problems must be resolved.

In my opinion, their presence could be beneficial. For example, the presence of another adult in the classroom give the possibility to work on group. To a certain extent, the teacher can give more attention to pupils who have difficulties when the others work or are supervised by the teaching assistant. Of course, in this situation, the teaching assistant must have competences to help the teacher and not forget that he is not a "real" techer.

The case of teaching assistants who help pupils doing their homework is also positive because they can explain what they don't understand in classroom. It is particularly interesting for pupils who have nobody to help them at home.

In France, there are "education assistants" ; their role consists in supervising children, taking part of cultural or sportive activities... But it is clearly written in Official text that they don't have the role to "teach" or can't substituate them to the teacher. So we can suppose that "teaching assistants" is the same thing as "pédagogique assistants" in France

I have a question : "teaching assistant" is the equivalent of "assistant d'éducation" or "assistant pédagogique"? or it's a job specific to Britain? I try to give my point of view in my summary, but it will be nice if someone could give me precisions. Thank you! :)

Good bye!

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Another question : Last year, did you make a list of vocabulary for each theme in this post? ; there are so many pages, I don't know if you did that.

If you didn't, Maybe we can do a list for a theme and complete it progressively with our research when we are studying a text? :P

, Maybe we can do a list for a theme and complete it progressively with our research when we are studying a text? :P

Good idea ;-)

Why don't you start ?

PS : no time to look at your summary just now, Lola , but I will . I promise ....



to attend school : fréquenter l'école

subject : la matière

to give lessons : donner des cours

native language : langue maternelle

certificate : diplôme

graduated : diplômé

to stay down (a year) / to have repeat a year : redoubler une classe

to be moved up (a class) : passer en classe supérieure

to take an exam : passer un examen

to pass an exam : réussir l'examen

to fail an exam :échouer à un examen

to finish one's studies : finir ses études

National Curriculum : programme national

Standard assessment tests : tests d'évaluation nationaux

Core subjects (G-B) / the three Rs (Am.) : les matières fondamentales.

Core subjects are english, maths and sciences.

The three Rs are reading, writing and arithmetics.

Britain system:

Primary school :

-nursery schools (3 à 5 ans)

-infant schools (5-6 ans)

-first schools (5 à 9 ans)

-junior schools (7 à 11 ans)

-middle schools (8 à 13 ans)

Secondary school

-comprehensive schools

-public schools/independant schools : écoles privées

Higher education (college or university education as opposed to school or HIGH school)



-training colleges : a college for adults that gives training for a particular profession , for example a teacher training college.

-colleges of further education (education for adults after leaving school that is not at a university)

American system

*Primary school:

Nursery schools : 3 à 4 ans

Kindergarden : 5-6 ans

Primary : grade school (1st grade to 6th grade)

*Secondary school:

Junior high schools : 12 à 14 ans

Senior high schools : 15 à 17 ans

High schools : 14 à 17 ans

You can use another color to complete or correct the list. I hope it will help everyone :)


Hello! :)

This is my summary :

The article was published by the BBC. The main theme is the teaching assistants' role in classroom in United Kingdom. It is entitled "Teachers helpers role positive". The article refers to a research of the Institute of Education.

Firstly, it appears that teaching assistants are often employed at school.

The article insists on 2 words to describe their contribution : positive and challenge. Indeed, teachers appreciate the presence of another adult in the classroom and they really bring help to children. It is also a challenge because they have to understand the subjects taught in the classroom and also the methode used by the teacher.

However, a debate has arisen concerning the role of teaching assistants. Indeed, according to a study of 2004, while recognizing that the presence of teaching assistants has positive results, the teachers don't seem ready to let them alone in their classes.

Furthermore, the institute of education insists on the fact that they need training. Then, it must be considered that they are not alone to help teachers, therefore they have to integrate them to the support staff who already works at school.

In conclusion, the article notices that teaching assistants could be a solution against school failure ; nevertheless some problems must be resolved.

In my opinion, their presence could be beneficial. For example, the presence of another adult in the classroom give the possibility to work on group. To a certain extent, the teacher can give more attention to pupils who have difficulties when the others work or are supervised by the teaching assistant. Of course, in this situation, the teaching assistant must have competences to help the teacher and not forget that he is not a "real" techer.

The case of teaching assistants who help pupils doing their homework is also positive because they can explain what they don't understand in classroom. It is particularly interesting for pupils who have nobody to help them at home.

In France, there are "education assistants" ; their role consists in supervising children, taking part of cultural or sportive activities... But it is clearly written in Official text that they don't have the role to "teach" or can't substituate them to the teacher. So we can suppose that "teaching assistants" is the same thing as "pédagogique assistants" in France

I have a question : "teaching assistant" is the equivalent of "assistant d'éducation" or "assistant pédagogique"? or it's a job specific to Britain? I try to give my point of view in my summary, but it will be nice if someone could give me precisions. Thank you! :)

Good bye!

Once again, good work .

here is a site which will help you understand what ' support staff" and more precisely Teaching assistants are :

Well done for your list . I am sure others will add to it .




to attend school : fréquenter l'école

to resume school : reprendre l'école / rentrer en classe

subject : la matière

to give lessons : donner des cours = to teach ( taught/taught)

native language : langue maternelle

foreign language : langue étrangère

to learn ( learnt/learnt) : apprendre = to study : étudier

a student : étudiant

a pupil ( school-boy/school-girl) : élève

to play truant :faire l'école buissonière

to be in detention : être en retenue

certificate : diplôme

graduated : diplômé

to stay down (a year) / to repeat a year : redoubler une classe

to be moved up (a class) : passer en classe supérieure

to take an exam : passer un examen ( take /took/taken) // to sit (sat/sat)an exam

to pass an exam : réussir l'examen

to fail an exam :échouer à un examen

to finish one's studies : finir ses études

National Curriculum : programme national

Standard assessment tests : tests d'évaluation nationaux

Core subjects (G-B) / the three Rs (Am.) : les matières fondamentales.

Core subjects are english, maths and sciences.

The three Rs are reading, writing and arithmetics.

Britain system:

Primary school :

-nursery schools (3 à 5 ans)

-infant schools (5-6 ans)

-first schools (5 à 9 ans)

-junior schools (7 à 11 ans)

-middle schools (8 à 13 ans)

Secondary school

-comprehensive schools

-public schools/independant schools : écoles privées

Higher education (college or university education as opposed to school or HIGH school)



-training colleges : a college for adults that gives training for a particular profession , for example a teacher training college.

-colleges of further education (education for adults after leaving school that is not at a university)

American system

*Primary school:

Nursery schools : 3 à 4 ans

Kindergarden : 5-6 ans

Primary : grade school (1st grade to 6th grade)

*Secondary school:

Junior high schools : 12 à 14 ans

Senior high schools : 15 à 17 ans

High schools : 14 à 17 ans

You can use another color to complete or correct the list. I hope it will help everyone :)



Hello all of you, i'm back!.....

I will do the summary for the end of the week (I come back to work tomorrow :( )



Hello all of you, i'm back!.....

I will do the summary for the end of the week (I come back to work tomorrow :( )



I GO back to work...

Enjoy yourself !!!!!


Hello, I am sorry but I couldn't work on the second text, I leave on holiday Saturday and I have full with things to make!!! :D

Still afflicted and as of the re-entry, I am back !! :P

Kisses and goog work !! :P


Hello, I am sorry but I couldn't work on the second text, I leave on holiday on Saturday and I have full with things to make!!! :D

Still afflicted and as of the re-entry, I am back !! :P

Kisses and goog work !! :P


In English, you don't really sign off with " kisses" , you can use " love"/" lots of love" "lol"

You can still do the text when you come back !!! ;)


Hello! :)

This is my summary :

The article was published by the BBC. The main theme is the teaching assistants' role in classroom in United Kingdom. It is entitled "Teachers helpers role positive". The article refers to a research of the Institute of Education.

Firstly, it appears that teaching assistants are often employed at school.

The article insists on 2 words to describe their contribution : positive and challenge. Indeed, teachers appreciate the presence of another adult in the classroom and they really bring help to children. It is also a challenge because they have to understand the subjects taught in the classroom and also the methode used by the teacher.

However, a debate has arisen concerning the role of teaching assistants. Indeed, according to a study of 2004, while recognizing that the presence of teaching assistants has positive results, the teachers don't seem ready to let them alone in their classes.

Furthermore, the institute of education insists on the fact that they need training. Then, it must be considered that they are not alone to help teachers, therefore they have to integrate themselves to the support staff who already works at school.

In conclusion, the article notices that teaching assistants could be a solution against school failure ; nevertheless some problems must be resolved.

In my opinion, their presence could be beneficial. For example, the presence of another adult in the classroom gives the possibility to work in groups. To a certain extent, the teacher can give more attention to pupils who have difficulties when the others work or are supervised by the teaching assistant. Of course, in this situation, the teaching assistant must have competences to help the teacher and not forget that he is not a "real" teacher.

The case of teaching assistants who help pupils doing their homework is also positive because they can explain what they don't understand in classroom. It is particularly interesting for pupils who have nobody to help them at home.

In France, there are "education assistants" ; their role consists in supervising children, taking part of cultural or sportive activities... But it is clearly written in Official text that they don't have the role to "teach" or can't substitute for the teacher. So we can suppose that "teaching assistants" is the same thing as "pedagogic assistants" in France

I have a question : "teaching assistant" is the equivalent of "assistant d'éducation" or "assistant pédagogique"? or it's a job specific to Britain? I try to give my point of view in my summary, but it will be nice if someone could give me precisions. Thank you! :)

Good bye!

Thank you Teacher! :)

I let in red what I can't correct.

The site it's very interesting.

I found a site with 30 texts for CRPE 2006 :

Would you like working on the first text for the end of the next week ?


It's my correction, I hope that it's well:

Hello, I am sorry but I could not work on the second text, I leave on holiday on Saturday and I have many things to make!!! :D

I am sorry and I am come back after my holidays !! :P

Love and good work !! :P


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