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It's my correction, I hope that it's well:

Hello, I am sorry but I could not work on the second text, I leave on holiday on Saturday and I have many things to make!!! :D

I am sorry and I am come back after my holidays !! :P

Love and good work !! :P


Moi, je dirai:

I've many things to do (better than make)

I'm sorry, and I'll be back after my holidays



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It's my correction, I hope that it's well:

Hello, I am sorry but I could not work on the second text, I leave on holiday on Saturday and I have many things to make!!! :D

I am sorry and I am come back after my holidays !! :P

Love and good work !! :P


Anniou ,

[could= can au passé donc pas le bon choix ici ( si j'ai bien compris ton propos qui est que tu vas partir en congé samedi et reprendras ton activité après ) donc ici il faut : I can't /I won't be able to.

I have many things to do

I am come :Pas possible ; I'll come back /I'll be back..:

good work : Enjoy your work

Estri ,

sorry .

I hadn't seen your correction of Anniou's English .

Well done.

This is the way to do it ... :wub:


Hello! :)

This is my summary :

The article was published by the BBC. The main theme is the teaching assistants' role in classroom in United Kingdom. It is entitled "Teachers helpers role positive". The article refers to a research of the Institute of Education.

Firstly, it appears that teaching assistants are often employed at school.

The article insists on 2 words to describe their contribution : positive and challenge. Indeed, teachers appreciate the presence of another adult in the classroom and they really bring help to children. It is also a challenge because they have to understand the subjects taught in the classroom and also the methode used by the teacher.

However, a debate has arisen concerning the role of teaching assistants. Indeed, according to a study of 2004, while recognizing that the presence of teaching assistants has positive results, the teachers don't seem ready to let them alone in their classes.

Furthermore, the institute of education insists on the fact that they need training. Then, it must be considered that they are not alone to help teachers, therefore they have to integrate themselves to the support staff who already works at school.

In conclusion, the article notices that teaching assistants could be a solution against school failure ; nevertheless some problems must be resolved.

In my opinion, their presence could be beneficial. For example, the presence of another adult in the classroom gives the possibility to work in groups. To a certain extent, the teacher can give more attention to pupils who have difficulties when the others work or are supervised by the teaching assistant. Of course, in this situation, the teaching assistant must have competences to help the teacher and not forget that he is not a "real" teacher.

The case of teaching assistants who help pupils doing their homework is also positive because they can explain what they don't understand in classroom. It is particularly interesting for pupils who have nobody to help them at home.

In France, there are "education assistants" ; their role consists in supervising children, taking part of cultural or sportive activities... But it is clearly written in Official text that they don't have the role to "teach" or can't substitute for the teacher. So we can suppose that "teaching assistants" is the same thing as "pedagogic assistants" in France

I have a question : "teaching assistant" is the equivalent of "assistant d'éducation" or "assistant pédagogique"? or it's a job specific to Britain? I try to give my point of view in my summary, but it will be nice if someone could give me precisions. Thank you! :)

Good bye!

Thank you Teacher! :)

I let in red what I can't correct. ( I left in red...)

The site it's very interesting.

I found a site with 30 texts for CRPE 2006 :

Would you like working on the first text for the end of the next week ?

I don't think " competence " can be used in the plural in English : I would use ' qualities / skills, "

Here , "laisser " would be " leave" rather than let ( = allow)

They are not alone..: I am sure sure of what you mean . Is it : They are not employed ONLY to help..

About your Marseille link , of course , it's a good idea to work on texts which have already been used for the exam.

You decide

( Be careful : "would you like TO work on...? "but " I like working on...") !

I don't think " competence " can be used in the plural in English : I would use ' qualities / skills, "

Here , "laisser " would be " leave" rather than let ( = allow)

They are not alone..: I am sure sure of what you mean . Is it : They are not employed ONLY to help..

About your Marseille link , of course , it's a good idea to work on texts which have already been used for the exam.

You decide

( Be careful : "would you like TO work on...? "but " I like working on...") !

Once again, thank you Teacher :):)

I'll come back next week with my summary (Friday or Saturday).

See you soon! :P



I present myself: my name is veronique and i'm 35 years old. I will go to the IUFM of Aix en Provence in September. I'm married and i have a son, aged 11. May i join your group ?

I try to summarize the precedent text (i'm in late) :

This article, intitled “Primary pupils showing passion for languages” is extracted from the “Times on line”, the internet site of the newspaper “the Times”. It was written by Alexandra Frean, the social affairs correspondent of this newspaper. It was published on Friday August 11, 2006.

It deals with foreign languages teaching in Great Britain.

First, the author declares that compulsory teaching foreign languages in secondary schools is ending. The government, when it takes its decision in 2004, was very criticized. Probably, for all the people, to speak foreign languages is an opening over the world.

In the same time, the british government decided to introduce foreign language teaching in primary schools. This pilot scheme was immediatly a real success. Most of the pupils of the 1,400 primaries schools which are concerned, continue to learn foreign language in secondary school. The author also underlines the new interest for non-european languages like arabic or mandarin, which teaching is increase.

Jim Knight, the ministry of school, hopes that teaching foreign language in primary schools will be so exciting for the young pupils that it can reverse the actual decline of language in secondary schools : the journalist informs us that 60 per cent of secondary schools are dropping languages.

I'll try to summarize the second text this week because i'll be, finally, on holidays!!!



I present myself: my name is veronique and i'm 35 years old. I will go to the IUFM of Aix en Provence in September. I'm married and i have a son, aged 11. May i join your group ?

I try to summarize the precedent text (i'm in late) :

This article, intitled “Primary pupils showing passion for languages” is extracted from the “Times on line”, the internet site of the newspaper “the Times”. It was written by Alexandra Frean, the social affairs correspondent of this newspaper. It was published on Friday August 11, 2006.

It deals with foreign languages teaching in Great Britain.

First, the author declares that compulsory teaching foreign languages in secondary schools is ending. The government, when it takes its decision in 2004, was very criticized. Probably, for all the people, to speak foreign languages is an opening over the world.

In the same time, the british government decided to introduce foreign language teaching in primary schools. This pilot scheme was immediatly a real success. Most of the pupils of the 1,400 primaries schools which are concerned, continue to learn foreign language in secondary school. The author also underlines the new interest for non-european languages like arabic or mandarin, which teaching is increase.

Jim Knight, the ministry of school, hopes that teaching foreign language in primary schools will be so exciting for the young pupils that it can reverse the actual decline of language in secondary schools : the journalist informs us that 60 per cent of secondary schools are dropping languages.

I'll try to summarize the second text this week because i'll be, finally, on holidays!!!


WELCOME to the group...

A few errors to be corrected !!!

Your summary isn't long enough ( you must speak for 5 minutes in English)

Don't hesitate to "open up " the topic, compare with what you know ( the French system) ,give your opinion....

All the best



I present myself: my name is veronique and i'm 35 years old. I will go to the IUFM of Aix en Provence in September. I'm married and i have a son, aged 11. May i join your group ?

I try to summarize the precedent text (i'm in late) :

This article, intitled “Primary pupils showing passion for languages” is extracted from the “Times on line”, the internet site of the newspaper “the Times”. It was written by Alexandra Frean, the social affairs correspondent of this newspaper. It was published on Friday August 11, 2006.

It deals with foreign languages teaching in Great Britain.

First, the author declares that compulsory teaching foreign languages in secondary schools is ending. The government, when it takes its decision in 2004, was very criticized. Probably, for all the people, to speak foreign languages is an opening over the world.

In the same time, the british government decided to introduce foreign language teaching in primary schools. This pilot scheme was immediatly a real success. Most of the pupils of the 1,400 primaries schools which are concerned, continue to learn foreign language in secondary school. The author also underlines the new interest for non-european languages like arabic or mandarin, which teaching is increase.

Jim Knight, the ministry of school, hopes that teaching foreign language in primary schools will be so exciting for the young pupils that it can reverse the actual decline of language in secondary schools : the journalist informs us that 60 per cent of secondary schools are dropping languages.

I'll try to summarize the second text this week because i'll be, finally, on holidays!!!


WELCOME to the group...

A few errors to be corrected !!!

Your summary isn't long enough ( you must speak for 5 minutes in English)

Don't hesitate to "open up " the topic, compare with what you know ( the French system) ,give your opinion....

All the best

hello teacher

thanks to your remarks. It's very difficult for me to correct my own errors.

to be late : so "I'm late".

when it takes: the action is in the past so "when it took..."

in secondary schools

teaching is increasing (because the action is not finished).

Teacher could you plse help me for the others? I don't know how i can correct?

Many thanks



I present myself: my name is veronique and i'm 35 years old. I will go to the IUFM of Aix en Provence in September. I'm married and i have a son, aged 11. May i join your group ?

I try to summarize the precedent text (i'm in late) :

This article, intitled “Primary pupils showing passion for languages” is extracted from the “Times on line”, the internet site of the newspaper “the Times”. It was written by Alexandra Frean, the social affairs correspondent of this newspaper. It was published on Friday August 11, 2006.

It deals with foreign languages teaching in Great Britain.

First, the author declares that compulsory teaching foreign languages in secondary schools is ending. The government, when it takes its decision in 2004, was very criticized. Probably, for all the people, to speak foreign languages is an opening over the world.

In the same time, the british government decided to introduce foreign language teaching in primary schools. This pilot scheme was immediatly a real success. Most of the pupils of the 1,400 primaries schools which are concerned, continue to learn foreign language in secondary school. The author also underlines the new interest for non-european languages like arabic or mandarin, which teaching is increase.


hello teacher

thanks to your remarks. It's very difficult for me to correct my own errors.

to be late : so "I'm late".

when it takes: the action is in the past so "when it took..."

in secondary schools

teaching is increasing (because the action is not finished).

Teacher could you plse help me for the others? I don't know how i can correct?

Many thanks

Well corrected !!

Let me introduce myself ( se présenter)

the previous text

for everybody

primary schools

to open up to the world

thanks for



I site for the CRPE for the third time in Rennes. I'm 33, married and I have two daughters (3 and 6).

I look forward to joining your group.

If you agree, I 'd like to start working with lola26's text, the first one on the site of marseille.

I could prepare my summary for the end of next week.

I wait for your reply and instructions...

Thanks in advance



This is my summary about teacher assistant. I try to develop a little more.

This article, intitled “teacher helpers’ role ‘positive’ ” is extracted from the “BBC NEWS”, the internet site of the channel “BBC”. It was published on Friday June 23, 2006.

It deals with classroom support staff in Great Britain.

First, I try to summarize the text:

The author refers to 15 studies in Europe which show that classroom support staff helps significatively pupils: it compares them to a bridge between teachers and pupils.

Nevertheless, some of teachers helpers need to have more competence about the curriculum specially in mathematics and science.

The author regrets the studies were not complete because they were not dealing with the parent’s vision or the student’s vision about the teachers helpers.

The Institute of Education, which financed one study, regrets teachers assistants were not a guarantee of social and academic engagement.

Nowadays, the use of teaching assistant (also named TA’s) is increasing more and more. Moreover, it’s a controversial subject because some teachers are afraid to lose their jobs: the teacher helper is not a professor so they should not be afraid. It concerns only one day per week when teachers are out of their class to plann and to mark.

In my opinion, it’s very interesting for a teacher to have some help. In France, class rooms are composed about 25 or 28 pupils and it’s a very important number of child. So the teaching assistant can watch the exercises given by the teacher, while teacher takes charge of child who have any comprehension’s problem. In France also, some of them, are in charge of individuals pupils who have special needs like dyspraxie for example.

In the nursery schools, in every classroom there are one teacher and one teacher assistant. Their name in France is ATSEM. Their role is also to assist the teacher.


I sit for the CRPE for the third time in Rennes. I'm 33, married and I have two daughters (3 and 6).

I look forward to joining your group.

If you agree, I 'd like to start working with lola26's text, the first one on the site of marseille.

I could prepare my summary for the end of next week.

I wait for your reply and instructions...

Thanks in advance

HI !

In this group , there is NO boss !! so no instructions ...

Everybody is welcome ....

Of course it is better if a few of you work together and try to discuss the text.

As I said before I don't mind helping a bit, but you must be the ones doing the work ( as YOU are sitting the exam , and not me !)

and as last year , I will occasionnally use my whip to get you back to work :P

but on the whole , you ("the students") should take charge of your work . You can help each other too.

You have to be aware that regular work is important .

If You have some free time, read what was done last year when the post was started by Bigotna ...and you'll see that some were very serious in their work and really improved their English .

So, Ylonave , welcome and we are all looking forward to reading your summary .


This is my summary about teacher assistant. I try to develop a little more.

This article, intitled “teacher helpers’ role ‘positive’ ” is extracted from the “BBC NEWS”, the internet site of the channel “BBC”. It was published on Friday June 23, 2006.

It deals with classroom support staff in Great Britain.

First, I try to summarize the text:

The author refers to 15 studies in Europe which show that classroom support staff helps significatively pupils: it compares them to a bridge between teachers and pupils.

Nevertheless, some of teachers helpers need to have more competence about the curriculum specially in mathematics and science.

The author regrets the studies were not complete because they were not dealing with the parent’s vision or the student’s vision about the teachers helpers.

The Institute of Education, which financed one study, regrets teachers assistants were not a guarantee of social and academic engagement.

Nowadays, the use of teaching assistant (also named TA’s) is increasing more and more. Moreover, it’s a controversial subject because some teachers are afraid to lose their jobs: the teacher helper is not a professor so they should not be afraid. It concerns only one day per week when teachers are out of their class to plan and to mark.

In my opinion, it’s very interesting for a teacher to have some help. In France, class rooms are composed about 25 or 28 pupils and it’s a very important number of child. So the teaching assistant can watch the exercises given by the teacher, while teacher takes charge of child who have any comprehension’s problem. In France also, some of them, are in charge of individuals pupils who have special needs like dyspraxie for example.

In the nursery schools, in every classroom there are one teacher and one teacher assistant. Their name in France is ATSEM. Their role is also to assist the teacher.

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