estri Posté(e) 27 août 2006 Posté(e) 27 août 2006 helloI site for the CRPE for the third time in Rennes. I'm 33, married and I have two daughters (3 and 6). I look forward to joining your group. If you agree, I 'd like to start working with lola26's text, the first one on the site of marseille. I could prepare my summary for the end of next week. I wait for your reply and instructions... Thanks in advance to + infinitif --> to join your group Estri
Ylonave Posté(e) 27 août 2006 Posté(e) 27 août 2006 hello I site for the CRPE for the third time in Rennes. I'm 33, married and I have two daughters (3 and 6). I look forward to joining your group. If you agree, I 'd like to start working with lola26's text, the first one on the site of marseille. I could prepare my summary for the end of next week. I wait for your reply and instructions... Thanks in advance to + infinitif --> to join your group Estri sorry but it is: to look forward to +ing bye
Oblivion Posté(e) 28 août 2006 Posté(e) 28 août 2006 Hi everyone I've finally managed to sum up the text on foreign languages This text is an article which was issued in August on the Times website. It was written by Alexandra Frean. It is entitled "Primary pupils showing passion for languages" and it tackles the issue of foreign language teaching in Great Britain. In this article, the journalist lays the stress on a governmental decision to put an end to compulsory foreign language teaching in secondary schools and the reasons why that decision was taken. She also draws a parallel between the situation in primary schools and the situation in secondary schools : *primary schools have been experiencing a growing interest in foreign languages for at least two years *whereas secondary schools have seen a drop in the number of pupils studying a foreign language That reform was objected to by some people according to whom it would reduce the pupils' prospects later in life. Indeed, the ability of speaking a foreign tongue is seen as an asset to find a good job. However, that decision was accounted for by the fact that learning a foreign language at an early age proves to be more efficient : *younger pupils appear to be more able to assimilate the characteristics of a language than older pupils. *they also appear keener when it comes to learning a foreign language inasmuch as the teaching methods seem more motivating and as the teachers often resort to play activity. On the contrary, in secondary schools, the methods are sometimes seen by the pupils as disheartening. School minister Jim Knight expresses his opinion in the article : he sounds both realistic and optimistic; he explains that it will take time to see good results but also that it will certainly be the solution to arouse again callings regarding languages among pupils over 14 in a few years. This issue of foreign language teaching also appears in France. French people are not regarded as good at speaking a foreign language and a few reforms were set up in an attempt to change that situation. Currently, in primary schools, a foreign language, English most of the time, can be taught to pupils from the age of 8. Yet, primary teachers are not all able to teach a language and as a consequence English students or secondary teachers are hired. Since 2006, the candidates to the CRPE are to sit an oral exam to assess their capacity to discuss in a foreign language. In secondary schools, the pupils have to choose a compulsory language as soon as the "6ème" and have to choose a second one two years later. A second compulsory language as soon as the "5ème" has been discussed recently. In high-school, some of them can even choose to learn a third language. Yet, as most of the pupils choose to follow scientific studies, these pupils only represent a minority. I think that if the pupils were more aware of the interest to know a foreign language, if they realized that knowing other languages can be of a great use in life, maybe they would be more enthusiastic. I know many people who regret their lack of work during language classes and who realize now that they should have practised more.
teacher Posté(e) 28 août 2006 Posté(e) 28 août 2006 Hi everyone I've finally managed to sum up the text on foreign languages Good vocabulary/ good linkwords . Your opinion is interesting. Good work , Oblivion
SCOR13 Posté(e) 29 août 2006 Posté(e) 29 août 2006 Hello This is my summary about teacher assistant. I try to develop a little more. This article, intitled “teacher helpers’ role ‘positive’ ” is extracted from the “BBC NEWS”, the internet site of the channel “BBC”. It was published on Friday June 23, 2006. It deals with classroom support staff in Great Britain. First, I try to summarize the text: The author refers to 15 studies in Europe which show that classroom support staff helps significatively pupils: it compares them to a bridge between teachers and pupils. Nevertheless, some of teachers helpers need to have more competence about the curriculum specially in mathematics and science. The author regrets the studies were not complete because they were not dealing with the parent’s vision or the student’s vision about the teachers helpers. The Institute of Education, which financed one study, regrets teachers assistants were not a guarantee of social and academic engagement. Nowadays, the use of teaching assistant (also named TA’s) is increasing more and more. Moreover, it’s a controversial subject because some teachers are afraid to lose their jobs: the teacher helper is not a professor so they should not be afraid. It concerns only one day per week when teachers are out of their class to plan and to mark. In my opinion, it’s very interesting for a teacher to have some help. In France, class rooms are composed about 25 or 28 pupils and it’s a very important number of child. So the teaching assistant can watch the exercises given by the teacher, while teacher takes charge of child who have any comprehension’s problem. In France also, some of them, are in charge of individuals pupils who have special needs like dyspraxie for example. In the nursery schools, in every classroom there are one teacher and one teacher assistant. Their name in France is ATSEM. Their role is also to assist the teacher. My corrections in green this article entitled I'm going to try to summarize ou i'm trying to summarize? Perhaps the second way is better ? the teacher helper is not a teacher class rooms are composed approximately a very important number of children teacher takes charge of children there is one teacher and one teacher assistant thanks a lot teacher
teacher Posté(e) 29 août 2006 Posté(e) 29 août 2006 ] Hello This is my summary about teacher assistant. I try to develop a little more. First, I try to summarize the text the classrooms are composed about 25 or 28 pupils a My corrections in green this article entitled I'm going to try to summarize ou i'm trying to summarize? Perhaps the second way is better ? the teacher helper is not a teacher class rooms are composed approximately a very important number of children teacher takes charge of children there is one teacher and one teacher assistant thanks a lot teacher I would say : I'm going to summarize ( why "try" since you're going to do it anyway !!) classrooms are composed OF about / approximatively 28 children and you forgot to correct the S that shouldn't have ended the adjective " individual" ;-)
teacher Posté(e) 30 août 2006 Posté(e) 30 août 2006 Hey, I notice that some of you have already given up the regular work. The more texts you work on, the more fluent you will become . So Get on with it !!!! A while ago, Lola26 started a list on " Education" . What about completing it ? or starting a new one ? Why not make a list of words you will need to comment an article/text...?
SCOR13 Posté(e) 30 août 2006 Posté(e) 30 août 2006 Hey, I notice that some of you have already given up the regular work. The more texts you work on, the more fluent you will become . So Get on with it !!!! A while ago, Lola26 started a list on " Education" . What about completing it ? or starting a new one ? Why not make a list of words you will need to comment an article/text...? It's a very good idea i will try this afternoon because this morning i will go and see the cezanne exhibition in aix en provence. bye
SCOR13 Posté(e) 30 août 2006 Posté(e) 30 août 2006 on August 23, lola 26 proposed to work on texts from Aix Marseille for this week. I worked on the first one This article, entitled “school lunch order: hold the organic tofu” is adapted from the New York Times. It was published on October 2004. It deals with the food which is served in a special school restaurant in Berkeley, in USA. The journalist informs us that there was a special education program for students in this city. Parents and Board of education members were trying to incite children to eat some fresh food (instead of ready-cooked dishes). So, they decided to open the food court, a new restaurant, which served tofu and organic food. In fact, almost young people doesn’t like fresh foods, or low-fat food. They prefere unwholesome food like hot-dogs, sausages, pizzas, fizzies drinks...So, the frequentation of this restaurant was very low. The journalist gives us some figures : approximatively 200 to 300 students were lunching at this restaurant whereas 3.000 students were going to Berkeley High School. The journalist advises us it was a political choice to propose some fresh food because of the image of Berkeley which is an “enlightened city”. Some students were interviewed and gave their own opinion about this choice: they assert it was not a novelty, and they have no time enough for lunch. In my opinion, unwholesome food is a real big problem in developped countries. Women are working and they have no time enough to prepare themselves some dishes. So, whey they arrive at home, they open ready-cooked dishes so as to earn time. In these dishes, there is a lot of salt, a lot of lipids also. We not eat sensibly. In our countries, there are many diseases due to our nutrition: heart diseases, diabetes, cholesterol... The other part of the problem is the obesity of more and more children. So, governments are taking some mesures so as to decrease the risks: in France, vending machines are not allowed in schools; in Great Britain, there are cooking lessons in schools...
SCOR13 Posté(e) 30 août 2006 Posté(e) 30 août 2006 Hey, I notice that some of you have already given up the regular work. The more texts you work on, the more fluent you will become . So Get on with it !!!! A while ago, Lola26 started a list on " Education" . What about completing it ? or starting a new one ? Why not make a list of words you will need to comment an article/text...? My first list to comment a text. Please correct if you see some mistakes. I effected a statement based on the 66 pages of this group but I read only 10 for the moment so probably it shall be developped. Thanks for your remarks To introduce First of all, For a start, To begin with, As an introduction, It deals with : Il traite de The issue of : Le problème de This text is an extract from : Ce texte est extrait de, issu de This text is an excerpt from : This text was published : Ce texte a été publié This text was issued : To link However : Cependant Although : Bien que Nevertheless : Néanmoins Consequently/as a result : Par conséquent Therefore : Donc Thanks to… : Grâce à because of… : A cause de in spite of… : Malgré, en dépit de in order to +V : Afin de Moreover/ Furthermore : De plus On top of this, / In addition, : De plus Not only… but also : Non seulement...mais encore Then/ next : Ensuite Finally/eventually : Finalement In other words : En d’autres termes First / Second / Last : D’abord.../ensuite.../enfin On the one hand...on the other hand : D’une part, d’autre part. To express his/her own opinion In my opinion, To have an opinion on, of, about : Avoir une opinion sur I believe that… My view is just the opposite There is no denying that… : On ne peut nier que I maintain that… I am convinced that… I agree with : Je suis d’accord I disagree with : Je ne suis pas d’accord To approve To disapprove To share somebody’s view on something From my point of view As far as i’m concerned : Quant à moi To comment To declare something to somebody To make a statement : Faire une déclaration To assert something / that : Affirmer quelque chose / que To maintain that : Soutenir que To inform somebody of something To insist on something To emphasize something : Mettre l’accent sur To underline something/that : Souligner quelque chose/le fait que To stress the fact that To highlight To underscore To draw one’s attention to : Attirer l’attention de quelqu’un sur To point out : Faire remarquer que To show out To have a glance on : Avoir un regard sur To conclude In conclusion I would say that… Let me conclude by saying that… To conclude
Aspidistra Posté(e) 31 août 2006 Posté(e) 31 août 2006 Bonjour à toutes et tous.. Juste un petit message en français, je faisais partie de votre groupe au début d'année dernière et puis j'ai du abandonner la préparation du concours pour diverses raisons. Donc cette année je m'y remets. j'espère que malgré mon abandon de l'an dernier vous voudrez bien que je me rejoigne à vous. Merci Scor13 pour la liste de mots. A bientôt pour le 1ere résumé.
Aquacrea Posté(e) 31 août 2006 Posté(e) 31 août 2006 I'm so sorry, I cannot do my last summruy.. I will do better next time.. Go on, I'm going to work on lola26's text. Thanks a lot Scor13 for your list of "linkswords", very interesting. Bye
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