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Hello! :)

My summary about the firts text from Aix Marseilles site :

The text is entitled "School lunch order : hold the organic tofu". It's an excerpt from Times Magazine ; it was published in October 2004. It deals with the problem of food at school.

The article presents an experience at Berckley's school which consists in proposing organic and fresh food at the cafeteria. The first initiative came from Alice Waters. Then, the "food court" has been created. Its main purpose was to propose healthy foods to the students.

However, like Vincent Traban notice it, the students weren't enthusiastic about this idea. So few students took advantage of the initiative. Apparently, the others didn't want to give break of the habit of eating at fast food. One of them thinks that they don't have enough time to appreciate their lunch even if it's a good cooking.

In conclusion, the problem isn't resolved and other solution must be proposed.

The problem raises by the article is very important. In France, learning to eat correctly is included in the curriculum. This learning even starts at kindergarden.

Some solutions are proposed, like vending machines with less sweet foods at school. There are also advertisements which recommend eat fruits for example.

Have a nice day! :)

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Thanks teacher for the corrections you made

has proposed : Lola suggested ( plutot que proposed)

It was published on October 2004 : i don't understand why it's not correct : in October mais on dirait on October 24th

Most young people don't like fresh foods

fizzy drinks : in english the adjectives have not a plural form.

to have no time enough : i suppose the problem is with the position of the adverb "enough": it must be placed before a name but after an adjective or an adverb? Is it ok ? so the correction would be : to have no enough time : women don't haven enough time

Or the problem is it with the repetition of the same expression twice in the same text?

To earn is relative to money. In this case i must employ "gain". So to gain time?

we not eat sensibly : i suppose it's false because of the position of the negative form? The verbal form is right because it's a generality? So we eat not sensibly WE DO not eat

to take some measures

I don't known if you have already visit this website so please find herewith the link

there are many grammar rules which are explained.


I need also an advice some advice ( a piece of advice): i realize that my vocabulary is not varied enough. Could you recommend to me a special dictionnary for synonymous?synonyms

Furthermore, in the previous pages i noticed you recommended also to work on novels. But my english is too poor to read a whole book like Harry Potter or other. So could you please give me some references of short books in English?

Many thanks for your answers and your help

OK , Scor13, give me some time to think about your queries .

but to improve your vocabulary, making lists as you've done, is good ( and learn them of course)

i am sorry I haven't got enough time at the moment but I will think about novels or short stories for you ; ( you can concentrate on one chapter only if you can't read a whole novel !)

Best of luck


Here is my summary, about the labor day:

This text is an extract of "One stop English" website of September. It deals with the labor day, celebrated on the 4th of september in USA, Canada, puerto rico and virgin islands, and with the history of this day.

In the 1800's, some labors unions existed in Canada but legislation made them illegals. However, groups of workers continued to form they own organisations.

When British workers emigrated to Canada, they came with their habits, and bring with them their traditions of trade unions movements. Moreover, in the same time, the relationships betwen the countries became closer.

The workers wait for the unions trade to help them to have better working conditions. They instituated (not sure of the word!) a day in the beginning of may to marsh peacefully throught the city streets to speak together and force employers to reduce working hours and give them respect, dignity and better working conditions. But the employers used the police to arrest the activist. The things changed in 1872 when the Canadian governement allowed the trade unions. In 1889, workers from all over the world gathered in Paris to celebrate the first International labor day. In the USA and Canada, this day was moved to september, but it stays in May in many other countries.

In France, there is 11 days out of work for differents reasons: religion, end of wars, and the labor day. The empoyers can ask you to work on these days with no more pay (even if the tradition is to pay the worker double-day). But for the labor day, the employers have to pay you more if they obliged you to work. There is only one day in this case and it is the labor day. I think it is very important that this day stays an international day and that everywhere in the world (or in more places as possible) workers stands up together to ask for more dignity and better work condition thes... and we know that in the world, many countries give bad conditions to the workers, adults or children...

That it!



OK, Estri , a few errors

I noticed that Scor13 had a go at correcting your summary too .

Fine ![

All this is getting a bit out of hands .

Decide of ONE text for one week ( or more)and you all work on that text . Then choose another and give a date to do it....and try toread each other 's texts and correct them or add to them . You can also disagree !

I know that last year some of the candidates "met " on a chat , but I am not sure of how that works . Maybe Oblivion could help.

As for the list of vocabulary, it may be more convenient to " attach' them rather than add to them all the time . Just a suggestion ;-)


Thanks teacher for the corrections you made

has proposed : Lola suggested ( plutot que proposed)

It was published on October 2004 : i don't understand why it's not correct : in October mais on dirait on October 24th

Most young people don't like fresh foods

fizzy drinks : in english the adjectives have not a plural form.

to have no time enough : i suppose the problem is with the position of the adverb "enough": it must be placed before a name but after an adjective or an adverb? Is it ok ? so the correction would be : to have no enough time : women don't haven enough time

Or the problem is it with the repetition of the same expression twice in the same text?

To earn is relative to money. In this case i must employ "gain". So to gain time?

we not eat sensibly : i suppose it's false because of the position of the negative form? The verbal form is right because it's a generality? So we eat not sensibly WE DO not eat

to take some measures

I don't known if you have already visit this website so please find herewith the link

there are many grammar rules which are explained.


I need also an advice some advice ( a piece of advice): i realize that my vocabulary is not varied enough. Could you recommend to me a special dictionnary for synonymous?synonyms

Furthermore, in the previous pages i noticed you recommended also to work on novels. But my english is too poor to read a whole book like Harry Potter or other. So could you please give me some references of short books in English?

Many thanks for your answers and your help

OK , Scor13, give me some time to think about your queries .

but to improve your vocabulary, making lists as you've done, is good ( and learn them of course)

i am sorry I haven't got enough time at the moment but I will think about novels or short stories for you ; ( you can concentrate on one chapter only if you can't read a whole novel !)

Best of luck

thanks a lot teacher.


Text: n°1 from aix-marseille site


This document is an article adapted from the American magazine, The New York Times, which dates back to october 2004.

It is entitled, "School lunch order: hold the organic Tofu", and deals with the problem of school lunch composition.

In a first part, I presents a summery of the text and in a second part, I compare the american situation, described in this article, with the french one.

The text presents the Berkeley High School lunch program which was organized, almost two years ago, by parents and Board of Education members.

This program began with Alice Waters's intervention and wanted to convey teenagers to eat fresh food rather than hot dogs, sausages or vegaburgers.

It was possible for two reasons. Firstly, it was good for students's health and next, it gived a

good image of Berkeley High School.

This action's result was the food court,a meal which success remains to be proved.

We can read in this article, some evidences and then can have an idea about reality. In fact, this plan wasn't a novelty and most of person who chose the food court for lunch, seemed to be Staff people.

At the end of the text, a teenager raised a new problem, students has too little time to eat.

To compare the american lunch with french one, I can say that in France, school lunch is regulated and must have to respect some dietetic norms. The reasons are students's health and education.

Contrary to Berkeley situation the school image has no importance.

Both situations are approching in the reality, students desert fresh food when they can choose their meal.

These comportements may explain problems of obesity in our society.

For next tuesday, I'll work on the text n°2 from aix-marseille site.


For next tuesday, I'll work on the text n°2 from aix-marseille site.



I'll also work on the text this week.

Have a nice day! :)



Here is my summary, about the labor day:

This text is an extract of from "One stop English" website of September. It deals with the labor day, celebrated on the 4th of september in USA, Canada, puerto rico and virgin islands, and with the history of this day.

In the 1800's, some labors unions I don't know... in the text they said "labor unions existed"existed in Canada but legislation made them illegalsthat is the same... this term is used in the text.... However, groups of workers continued to form they ?own organisations.

When British workers emigrated to Canada, they came with their habits, and bring with them their traditions of trade unions trade union is used in the text...movements. Moreover, in atthe same time, the relationships between the countries became closer.

The workers wait waitedfor the unions trade to help them to have better working conditions. They instituated (not sure of the word!) a day in atthe beginning of may to marsh marchpeacefully throught ?the city streets to speak together and force employers to reduce working hours and give them respect, dignity and better working conditions. But the employers used the police to arrest the activist. activists?The things changed in 1872 when the Canadian governement allowed the trade unions. In 1889, workers from all over the world gathered in Paris to celebrate the first International labor day. In the USA and Canada, this day was moved to september, but it stays in May in many other countries.

In France, there is 11 days I don't know how we can say "férié"out of work for differents for some differents?reasons: religion, end of wars, and the labor day. The empoyers can ask you to work on these days with no more pay (even if the tradition is to pay the worker double-day). But for the labor day, the employers have to pay you more if they obliged you to work. There is only one day in this case and it is the labor day. I think it is very important that this day stays an international day and that everywhere in the world (or in more places as possibleI would say "le plus d'endroit possible") workers stands stand... of course!... sorry!up together to ask for more dignity and better work condition thes... I can't remerber what I wanted to say!...and we know that in the world, many countries give bad conditions to the workers, adults or children...

That it!Done!



Thank you to correct my text, teacher and scor13. I am not abble to correct all.... I used some terms that are in the text and I don't understand why it is wrong.... Thank to help again!


Thank you to correct my text, teacher and scor13. I am not abble to correct all.... I used some terms that are in the text and I don't understand why it is wrong.... Thank to help again!


Attention Estri, les adjectifs en anglais sont invariables; plusieurs fois tu les as mis au pluriel ;)

I know that last year some of the candidates "met " on a chat , but I am not sure of how that works . Maybe Oblivion could help.

We met once or twice on the chat last year, but it was difficult to gather everybody at a precise hour so we gave up :blush:

But if some of you want to organise on-line chatting sessions on Msn for example, we can try again ;)


hello oblivion.

Why not?

But for the moment i don't have my timetable for the IUFM so for me perhaps after the 21.



this is my summary

This text is an excerpt from the website onestopenglish. It is entitled “Festivals : Labor Day (4th September)”.

Its deals with the history of this bank holiday. Traditionnaly, during the nineteeth century, particularly during the period called “industrial revolution”, a lot of workers were sweat by their employers: the working conditions were awful: the employees were underpaid, the working day lasted up to 14 hours, children were obliged to work as soon as they were aged of 8. So, workers needed to unite themselves to be more efficient: they wanted to improve their working conditions, to decrease the last of the working day, and also to upgrade their wages. It was the birth of trade unions.

First they were declared illegal. But more and more people were union members. At the end of nineteeth century, in Paris, a lot of union members were present so as to declare the 1st may as the International Labor Day. In the United States, as the first celebration of the labor day took place in the 1st monday of September 1882 in New York, it was decided to hold this day.

Nowadays, it is considered as the end of Summer by american people. It takes place on the first monday on September so it’s not a regular holiday. The inhabitants of the United States celebrate this day by inviting their families, they make barbecues, and they listen music. It’s a very popular holiday.

In an election year, this day is also the beginning of the campaign for the running to the White House.


A little short, I think

Hello! :)

My summary about the firts text from Aix Marseilles site :

The text is entitled "School lunch order : hold the organic tofu". It's an excerpt from Times Magazine ; it was published in October 2004. It deals with the problem of food at school.

The article presents an experience at Berckley's school which consists in proposing organic and fresh food at the cafeteria. The first initiative came from Alice Waters. Then, the "food court" has been created. Its main purpose was to propose healthy foods to the students.

However, like Vincent Traban notice it, the students weren't enthusiastic about this idea. So few students took advantage of the initiative. Apparently, the others didn't want to give break of the habit of eating at fast food. One of them thinks that they don't have enough time to appreciate their lunch even if it's a good cooking.

In conclusion, the problem isn't resolved and other solution must be proposed.

The problem raises by the article is very important. In France, learning to eat correctly is included in the curriculum. This learning even starts at kindergarden.

Some solutions are proposed, like vending machines with less sweet foods at school. There are also advertisements which recommend eat fruits for example.

Have a nice day! :)

OK but remember you must speak for about 5 minutes

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