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this is my summary

This text is an excerpt from the website onestopenglish. It is entitled “Festivals : Labor Day (4th September)”.

Its deals with the history of this bank holiday. Traditionnaly, during the nineteeth century, particularly during the period called “industrial revolution”, a lot of workers were sweat by their employers: the working conditions were awful: the employees were underpaid, the working day lasted up to 14 hours, children were obliged to work as soon as they were aged of 8. So, workers needed to unite themselves to be more efficient: they wanted to improve their working conditions, to decrease the last of the working day, and also to upgrade their wages. It was the birth of trade unions.

First they were declared illegal. But more and more people were union members. At the end of nineteeth century, in Paris, a lot of union members were present so as to declare the 1st may as the International Labor Day. In the United States, as the first celebration of the labor day took place in the 1st monday of September 1882 in New York, it was decided to hold this day.

Nowadays, it is considered as the end of Summer by american people. It takes place on the first monday on September so it’s not a regular holiday. The inhabitants of the United States celebrate this day by inviting their families, they make barbecues, and they listen music. It’s a very popular holiday.

In an election year, this day is also the beginning of the campaign for the running to the White House.


A little short, I think

Traditionnaly : there is only one N so traditionaly

sweat : sweated ?

they were aged of 8 : i don't know how i can correct this item?

the last of: the duration of

listen music : listen TO music

Thanks teacher

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they were aged of 8 : i don't know how i can correct this item?

perhaps simply: "as they were 8"

they were aged of 8 : i don't know how i can correct this item?

perhaps simply: "as they were 8"

hello estri

i think your formulation is ok.

Many thanks



Hello! :)

My summary about the firts text from Aix Marseilles site :

The text is entitled "School lunch order : hold the organic tofu". It's an excerpt from Times Magazine ; it was published in October 2004. It deals with the problem of food at school.

The article presents an experience at Berckley's school which consists in proposing organic and fresh food at the cafeteria. The first initiative came from Alice Waters. Then, the "food court" has been created. Its main purpose was to propose healthy foods to the students.

However, like Vincent Traban notices it, the students weren't enthusiastic about this idea. So few students took advantage of the initiative. Apparently, the others didn't want to stop eating fast foods .One of them thinks that they don't have enough time to appreciate their lunch even if it's a good cooking.

In conclusion, the problem isn't resolved and other solution must be proposed.

The problem raised by the article is very important. In France, learning to eat correctly is included in the curriculum. This learning even starts at kindergarden.

Some solutions are proposed, like vending machines with less sweet foods at school. There are also advertisements which recommend eat fruits for example.

Have a nice day! :)

OK but remember you must speak for about 5 minutes

Thank you teacher! :)

I don't find the word for "restaurant rapide" ;I thought it was "fast food" but in english dictionary, I found that it's the translation of foods like hamburger.

I will study the second text of Aix-Marseille for the end of the week.


I don't find the word for "restaurant rapide" ;I thought it was "fast food" but in english dictionary, I found that it's the translation of foods like hamburger.

Hi lola :)

Maybe "fast-food restaurant" could be used to translate that word ;)


Hello everybody

I start to work on the second text for Aix Marseille. I don't unterstand an expression "the number of children going to sin-bins":

to sin is a religious term.

Can i translate like this : "les infractions au règlement?"

Thanks to your answer


I start to work on the second text for Aix Marseille. I don't unterstand an expression "the number of children going to sin-bins":

to sin is a religious term.

Can i translate like this : "les infractions au règlement?"


Could you give us the complete sentence, because "sin-bins" is used as a soccer term too ?

In USA, you call "restaurant" what French guys call "un fast-food". No distinction between this kind of food and others... I guess so ...


I start to work on the second text for Aix Marseille. I don't unterstand an expression "the number of children going to sin-bins":

to sin is a religious term.

Can i translate like this : "les infractions au règlement?"


Could you give us the complete sentence, because "sin-bins" is used as a soccer term too ?

In USA, you call "restaurant" what French guys call "un fast-food". No distinction between this kind of food and others... I guess so ...


this text deals with teaching in a comprehensive school.

The complete paragraph is "attendance has improved, exclusions have decreased..."

The complete sentence is " moreover, the number of children going to sin-bins is fallen to zero."

thanks for your answer.



Could you give us the complete sentence, because "sin-bins" is used as a soccer term too ?

In USA, you call "restaurant" what French guys call "un fast-food". No distinction between this kind of food and others... I guess so ...


this text deals with teaching in a comprehensive school.

The complete paragraph is "attendance has improved, exclusions have decreased..."

The complete sentence is " moreover, the number of children going to sin-bins is fallen to zero."

thanks for your answer.

A sin-bin is a term related to Hockey, it refers to a penalty box (la prison est le terme utilisé en français je crois)

But I've found a wider meaning in my dictionary : it's "a place set aside for offenders of various kinds"

I guess it's a place where pupils are sent when they behave badly :)

Hope it'll help ;)



Could you give us the complete sentence, because "sin-bins" is used as a soccer term too ?

In USA, you call "restaurant" what French guys call "un fast-food". No distinction between this kind of food and others... I guess so ...


this text deals with teaching in a comprehensive school.

The complete paragraph is "attendance has improved, exclusions have decreased..."

The complete sentence is " moreover, the number of children going to sin-bins is fallen to zero."

thanks for your answer.

A sin-bin is a term related to Hockey, it refers to a penalty box (la prison est le terme utilisé en français je crois)

But I've found a wider meaning in my dictionary : it's "a place set aside for offenders of various kinds"

I guess it's a place where pupils are sent when they behave badly :)

Hope it'll help ;)

thanks a lot Oblivion.



text: n°2 from aix-marseille 2006


This document is an article taken from the english quality daily paper,The Independant which dates back to the 21 July 2005.

It was written by a journalist, Richard Garner and the headline is eye-catching.

The text is divided into two parts.

The first paragraph summarizes the Eltham Green comprehensive school's projects.

The journalist presents the great ideas of this new approach. He indicates the positive impact of pupils's comportements and progress. In this school, traditional lessons were replaced by differents projects for 11 and 12 years old pupils. thanks to this obligatory initiative, attendance made better, exclusions reduced, children's transgressions has fallen to zero and the school received compliments

The second paragraph describes some of these projects such as "Roman Around","making the band", "sport" and "opening minds".

The journalist's presentation seems to imply that pupils's concrete implications in their learning is better for their school advances.

They have more interest, motivation when they can visite historic sites, learn music to prepare a concert or when they can choose an appropriate sport.

When reading this article, we may compare with some french school initiatives like Freinet school or experimental college. In those establishments, students take part in the administraction's organisation, they can choose their lessons...

In short, they are realy implicated in school's life.

I have no idea about the results of those initiatives because I never read some studies about it.

For next tuesday, I'll work on the text n°3 from Aix-marseille.



text: n°2 from aix-marseille 2006


This document is an article taken from the english quality daily paper,The Independant which dates back to the 21 July 2005.

It was written by a journalist, Richard Garner and the headline is eye-catching.

The text is divided into two parts.

The first paragraph summarizes the Eltham Green comprehensive school's projects.

The journalist presents the great ideas of this new approach. He indicates the positive impact of pupils's comportements and progress. In this school, traditional lessons were replaced by differents projects for 11 and 12 years old pupils. thanks to this obligatory initiative, attendance made better, exclusions reduced, children's transgressions has fallen to zero and the school received compliments

The second paragraph describes some of these projects such as "Roman Around","making the band", "sport" and "opening minds".

The journalist's presentation seems to imply that pupils's concrete implications in their learning is better for their school advances.

They have more interest, motivation when they can visite historic sites, learn music to prepare a concert or when they can choose an appropriate sport.

When reading this article, we may compare with some french school initiatives like Freinet school or experimental college. In those establishments, students take part in the administraction's organisation, they can choose their lessons...

In short, they are realy implicated in school's life.

I have no idea about the results of those initiatives because I never read some studies about it.

For next tuesday, I'll work on the text n°3 from Aix-marseille.


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