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I am impressed by all your work . Well done ! :D

Do carry on with it ...

I don't have much time at the moment

All he best , all of you

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Thank you Oblivion and nlimousin for your answers.



this is my summary for the second text of Aix Marseille

This text is an excerpt from a british newspaper “the independent”. It is entitled “the comprehensive where attendance has improved and exclusions have decreased” and it was published in 2005, on July 21th.

Its deals with the difficulties met by children arriving in secondary schools.

The journalist underlines that 30% of pupils slide back during this year.

So he presents all the measures taken by a comprehensive school, Eltham Green, so as to improve the schooling for it first year pupils. This program is called “opening minds”:

- The timetable was suppressed.

- During this first year, subjects like History, Geography and Technology are teached no more.

- The aim is to improve reading.

- The history is replaced by a new project “Roman around”: the pupils are going with their professor in the neighbourhood of their school so as to discover and visit historical monuments.

- The importance of sports is increasing: children benefit by individualized program so as to verify what a sport suit them.

- The syllabus concerning music : to play in a band is essential for pupils but there is also a special part dedicated to improve their proficiency in business.

According to the journalist, this experience seems to be a real success: the truancy as well as the exclusions have decreased, the pupils are enjoying this way of teaching.

In Great Britain there is a real big problem with truancy: a lot of pupils skip lessons with their parent’s approval. So it’s very interesting to take some measures so to as decrease it.

In my opinion, in France, there is also a big interest for the 6e, which presents a lot of difficulties for children: first, they have not only one teacher but about 10 different teachers; the colleges are higher than primary schools; for pupils, it’s also a new organization.

So, a lot of schools take measures so as to improve the integration of pupils: for example, they can go to the college during one day (or more) at the end of the year. Furthermore, at the beginning of the year, parents can also accompany their children in their class room for the first day.



hi everybody!

can I join your group for this year :wub:

good night

hi everybody!

can I join your group for this year :wub:

good night

Hi atezsenoj :)

Everybody is welcome to join this group ;)

It's been decided to work on the texts from this site :

We have to sum up the 2nd text for this week and the 3rd text for next week



Hello, I'm new in this discussion and i haven't made of english from 7 years so you must to be lenient with me please :cry: I specify that i took english in optional test for the CRPE.

So this is my sumery for the second subject.

This text is writing by Richard Garner, on December 2005. This article is extracted from the newspaper The Independent.

The journalist talk about an important educative project at Eltham Green. He explain that in this secondary school, several traditional lessons has been abandoned or replaced like history, geography and technology. In place of these subjects, pupils have to work on a series of projects. For example in history, they spend time visiting local sites of history; in music, they have to make a bad project feature music; in sports, they have to choose what sport would suit them to improve their health…

Garner explain that with this way of doing lessons, professors have to motivate their students and he says that pupils are enjoy it. We have to observe that attendance have improved, exclusions have decreased and pupils are making bigger strides.

I think that work in the shape of projects is very interesting because it is instructive to children on all points: they must to work with different partners, they must to do mathematics in their music project to calculate budget, they must to choose what is better for their body… In all this projects, they have to involve and to make better choice to their projects are a success. In think that this work is a good thing to mature this children.

Is my case deseperate????

How do you say 2005?

Thanks for all your council.


Hello, I'm new in this discussion and i haven't made of english from 7 years so you must to be lenient with me please :cry: I specify that i took english in optional test for the CRPE.

So this is my sumery for the second subject.

This text is writing by Richard Garner, on December 2005. This article is extracted from the newspaper The Independent.

The journalist talk about an important educative project at Eltham Green. He explain that in this secondary school, several traditional lessons has been abandoned or replaced like history, geography and technology. In place of these subjects, pupils have to work on a series of projects. For example in history, they spend time visiting local sites of history; in music, they have to make a bad project feature music; in sports, they have to choose what sport would suit them to improve their health…

Garner explain that with this way of doing lessons, professors have to motivate their students and he says that pupils are enjoy it. We have to observe that attendance have improved, exclusions have decreased and pupils are making bigger strides.

I think that work in the shape of projects is very interesting because it is instructive to children on all points: they must to work with different partners, they must to do mathematics in their music project to calculate budget, they must to choose what is better for their body… In all this projects, they have to involve and to make better choice to their projects are a success. In think that this work is a good thing to mature this children.

Is my case deseperate????

How do you say 2005? Probably two thousand and five i think but i'm not sure

Thanks for all your council.


Hello Aurelie

My comments in red


Hello, I'm new in this discussion and i haven't made of english from 7 years so you must to be lenient with me please :cry: I specify that i took english in optional test for the CRPE.

Is my case deseperate????

How do you say 2005? Probably two thousand and five i think but i'm not sure

Thanks for all your council.


Hello Aurelie

My comments in red

That's it SCOR13 : 2005 is two thousand and five ;)

Par contre Aurélie, après "must" il n'y a pas de "to" ;)

Pour "conseils", c'est advice (il ne prend pas la marque du pluriel)

Welcome in this group by the way :)

So he presents all the measures taken by a comprehensive school, Eltham Green, so as to improve the schooling for it first year pupils.

- During this first year, subjects like History, Geography and Technology are teached no more.

- The history is replaced by a new project “Roman around”

- The importance of sports is increasing: children benefit by individualized program so as to verify what a sport suit them.

Hi Scor13 ;)

I've noticed a few mistakes; I hope you don't mind if I underline them ;)

Apart fom that it seems very good ;)


So he presents all the measures taken by a comprehensive school, Eltham Green, so as to improve the schooling for it first year pupils.

- During this first year, subjects like History, Geography and Technology are teached no more.

- The history is replaced by a new project “Roman around”

- The importance of sports is increasing: children benefit by individualized program so as to verify what a sport suit them.

Hi Scor13 ;)

I've noticed a few mistakes; I hope you don't mind if I underline them ;)

Apart fom that it seems very good ;)

thanks a lot oblivion

of course it's necessary to underline the mistakes if we want to improve our english

teached : taught (grrrr what a mistake!!!!!!!!!!!)

the history : i had to write history

so as to verify what a sport : so as to verify what sport

so as to improve the schooling for it first year pupils: so as to improve the schooling for first year pupils

many thanks Oblivion for your help


You're welcome SCOR13 ;)

Here is my summary of the 2nd text :)

This text intitled « The comprehensive where attendance has improved and exclusions have decreased » is an article extracted from the British daily newspaper The Independent .

It was written by journalist Richard Garner and was issued on July, 21st 2005.

This article lays the stress on a program launched at Eltham Green, a British comprehensive school, in an attempt to curb truancy and give the pupils the will to go to school and work.

Throughout the text, the journalist lists the different measures taken and their aims.

He also focuses on the results they have brought : an increase in school attendance and a drop in the number of pupils excluded or sent to specific places when they behave badly.

In a word, we can say that these measures have proved their efficiency.

In an effort to arise the pupils' curiosity, interest and motivation, traditional subjects as History, Geography or Music have been replaced by projects that include more practical activities thanks to which the pupils « learn by doing », acquire know-hows and develop specific skills. Boredom is seen as a threat to the success of the pupils.

Sports is also one of the central themes of this program whose aim is to channel the importance of a good health to the pupils. Moreover, sports develop many qualities, both physical and moral, as team-spirit and perseverance.

The journalist concludes his article underlining one of the main purposes of this program, which is to help 1st year students adapt themselves to the working conditions of secondary schools. Indeed, a survey shows that a great part of the 1st-year pupils fail to get used to these working conditions and suffer from great difficulties to adjust themselves and this program is also bound to rescue them.

In France, according to a survey of the Education Ministry, 5% of the pupils regularily skipped school in 2005 in secondary schools. We also consider that 150 000 pupils leave school each year with no qualification.

Most of them lose faith in the schooling system, have no prospects in life and consider that school is not the place where they can build their future or get prepared to a profesional life. So they decide to leave it.

I think that helping them build skills they'll be able to use later in life, as it is the case with that program depicted in the text, is one of the keys to solve this plague.

Moreover, one of the aims of the law passed in 2005 is to fight against such inequalities and to allow all the pupils of the French schooling system reach success and achievement. Yet, we can wonder if that will be enough and efficient.


I don't remember if we can use both "sport" and "sports+ verbe au singulier" in English for "le sport"

Anyone knows?


My summary for the second text:

The article, written by Richard Garner, is an excerpt from The Independent. It was published in July 2005. It's entitled "The Comprehensive where attendance are improved and exclusions have decreased".

The article deals with six projects which are proposed at Eltham Green.

This projects want to make lessons more interesting at comprehensive schools. They replace subjects which are not included in "core subjects" ; it is the case of history, geography and technology.

They learn to pupils another side of subjects which is more realistic. It is not only focused on learning lessons. Furthermore, the projects want pupils to have more chance on the first year of Secondary school.

The journalist draws our attention to some projects. The first one is called "Roman Around". It consists on visiting local historic sites. Then, the article takes the case of music lessons which also develop business skills. Moreover, it mentions the new way to teach sport. Indeed, the project takes more attention about what the pupils can do and doesn't impose a sport. There is also a programme called "opening minds". Its purpose is to have a transition when the pupils are moved up and come to secondary school. According to the journalist, there are 30% of pupils who failed in their first year.

In conclusion, we can say that the projects have positive results. Indeed, as the title pointed out there are more attendance and less exclusions.

In my opinion, the projects of Eltham Green are a good idea. Indeed, it helps pupils to find interest in studying. The projects seem to take what pupils need into account. It doesn't consider learning only like lessons which must be known by heart.

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