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This is an article taken from the BBC News website, published at the beginning of September 2005.

The title of this text draws our attention to the fact that there is a quarrel about dyslexia.

Dyslexia is by the definition an abnormal difficulty in reading and spelling, caused by a brain condition.

In that text, the journalist stresses the fact that a psychologist, called : Professor Julian Elliott, told that there is no consensus in the profession nor in education to wonder about and to diagnose dyslexia. He finds himself unable to do so, while he is a specialist of the question.

This psychologist is convinced that even if the disease is diagnosed, nothing is done in particular to find a solution.

After the claim of Professor Elliott, Susan Tresman, a chief executive of the British Dyslexia Association says a few words.

She takes into account the government figures and she points out that dyslexia is not only problems with reading difficulties, and certainly not an "emotional delusion" as Professor Elliott reduces it.

This is my summary, after a 1/2 hour preparation, I've got problems to find my words, and I'm not sure, my summary reflects all the ideas of the text.

Moreover, it only spends two minutes, three if I speak very slowly!!! And I don't know what to put in my conclusion either. :(:(

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Hi Banouchka,

I found that you summary is really good, (I don't speak on an English point of view since I am not good enought to juge it, but I found that the way you make your summary is pretty good)

Regarding the 5 minutes, I think that during the Exam it will be different : the text we are going to work on will be longer and with more developped ideas...

This is an article taken from the BBC News website, published at the beginning of September 2005.

The title of this text draws our attention to the fact that there is a quarrel about dyslexia.

Dyslexia is by the definition an abnormal difficulty in reading and spelling, caused by a brain condition.

In that text, the journalist stresses the fact that a psychologist, called : Professor Julian Elliott, told that there is no consensus in the profession nor in education to wonder about and to diagnose dyslexia. He finds himself unable to do so, while he is a specialist of the question.

This psychologist is convinced that even if the disease is diagnosed, nothing is done in particular to find a solution.

After the claim of Professor Elliott, Susan Tresman, a chief executive of the British Dyslexia Association says a few words.

She takes into account the government figures and she points out that dyslexia is not only problems with reading difficulties, and certainly not an "emotional delusion" as Professor Elliott reduces it.

This is my summary, after a 1/2 hour preparation, I've got problems to find my words, and I'm not sure, my summary reflects all the ideas of the text.

Moreover, it only spends two minutes, three if I speak very slowly!!! And I don't know what to put in my conclusion either. :(  :(

Hi !

This is a quite good summary, I wanted to quote it to highlight the vocabulary that could be useful for your further summaries.

The title of this text draws our attention to the fact that there is a quarrel about dyslexia.

To draw one's attention to = attirer l'attention de quelqu'un sur...

the journalist stresses the fact...

To stress, to highlight, to underline = = souligner, accentuer

she points out that dyslexia...

To point out, to show out, =faire remarquer que...



YOUR PARTICIPATION IS VERY INTERESTING, it's not finished, we have until the 18th

i can look for an other text for next week, but IF SOMEONE HAS A SUGGESTION OF TEXT, no matter. i think it would be good to stay in this kind of subjects for the moment : éducation, and aferwords we'll see.

i just want to add something : to my mind, it's very useful to speak in english (even if it's only writing english, because we must think in english), i find me more active and i take pleasure to do it.

thanks to all of you



Hi Bigotna, you're right. This is the correct way to improve your English. I've been teaching English for 4 years and I do the same in my English class : only English language, except to ask for vocabulary or some grammar point they may not understand. It's not easy but it helps you to practice and improve your oral. Anyway, I think your English is good, you seem to be fluent and no matter the spelling mistakes, as you mentionned it, you prepare an oral exam. So go ahead everybody ! You'll pass it ! :)

humhum  :blush:

it's the first text for me and I think It was very difficult

This text is about "dyslexia".It's an article extracted of BBC News.] We have the Julian Elliot's point of view. He's a professor and psychologist. He said that there isn't scientist treatment for dyslexia but there is a solution : a different education with formed person.

For Susan Tresman, an other professor, it's different. the technology can help people suffering of dyslexia. And psychologists are very competents persons for look after Dyslexic.

here my summary ;)  it isn't the best but it's the first :P

Hi Rufio, not so bad !

It's an article extracted of BBC News.

It's an article extracted from BBC news.

people suffering of dyslexia.

People suffering from dyslexia.

psychologists are very competents persons for look after Dyslexic.

Psychologists are the very competent persons to look after dyslexic persons.


I forgot to add something : be careful with the translation of the French preposition "de". When you want to express the cause or the origin (la cause, la provenance), you have to use the preposition "from".

Ce texte est extrait de, issu de ...= this text is extracted from, an excerpt from... (provenance)

Il souffre d'une maladie inconnue = He suffers from an unknown disease (cause)

Il vient de Londres = He comes from London (provenance)...


Ok, here is my summary :) It 's not really long but I tried to underline the main arguments.

This text is an article from the BBC website which deals with the issue of dyslexia in Britain.

This article opposes two different views on dyslexia, namely that of Professor Elliot and that of Professor Tresman.

Professor Eliott explains that the definition of the word « dyslexia » is too broad and includes too many symptoms; therefore it is almost impossible to conceive what it is precisely and to establish a diagnosis and consequently a treatment.

Professor Tresman strongly rejects Professor Eliott's point of view. According to her, psychologists can diagnose this disease more easily thanks to scientific techniques. She also adds that dyslexia is widely-spread (it concerns, for example, 10% of the British population) and is taken very seriously by the scientific community if we consider the number of people whose work is in relation to this desease.

In a word we can say that dyslexia has ignited a debate within the scientific community, both parties trying to defend their views as we can see in this article.

Regarding your summary I found them shorter than mine,   what does the jury want us to do???

TO answer to aspidistra, i said to prépare a schort summary, but you're not bad, because we must speak 5 mn about the text in beginning.

now i add an information from our iufm :

- we have 30 mn to prepare

- then we must talk 5 mn about the text

- then the jury ask us to read some phrases

- then the jury will talk with us 10 mn approximately

the professor told us that the text would be argumentative or informative, he thought maybe of journalistic type.

And another thing : the text will have 20 lines less or more.

he added that we must pay attention about pronounciation and fluent english.

can some other persons confirm what i say ?



I have some questions about your summary, but it's not about her quality, just to be sure to understand (don't worry about my questions)

This text is an article from the BBC website which deals with the issue of dyslexia in Britain.-->what do you mean by issue?

This article opposes two different views on dyslexia, namely that of Professor Elliot and that of Professor Tresman.--> that of, what does it mean?

Professor Eliott explains that the definition of the word « dyslexia » is too broad and includes too many symptoms; therefore it is almost impossible to conceive what it is precisely and to establish a diagnosis and consequently a treatment.

Professor Tresman strongly rejects Professor Eliott's point of view. According to her, psychologists can diagnose this disease more easily thanks to scientific techniques --> what do you want to say?. She also adds that dyslexia is widely-spread (it concerns, for example, 10% of the British population) and is taken very seriously by the scientific community if we consider the number of people whose work is in relation to this desease.--> Are the persons working in relation or the persons who studied about dyslexia (i'm not sure you will understand my question, it's just i'am not completely sure of the right formulation

In a word we can say that dyslexia has ignited a debate within the scientific community, both parties trying to defend their views as we can see in this article.



I have some questions about your summary, but it's not about her quality, just to be sure to understand (don't worry about my questions)

This text is an article from the BBC website which deals with the issue of dyslexia in Britain.-->what do you mean by issue?

This article opposes two different views on dyslexia, namely that of Professor Elliot and that of Professor Tresman.--> that of, what does it mean?

Professor Eliott explains that the definition of the word « dyslexia » is too broad and includes too many symptoms; therefore it is almost impossible to conceive what it is precisely and to establish a diagnosis and consequently a treatment.

Professor Tresman strongly rejects Professor Eliott's point of view. According to her, psychologists can diagnose this disease more easily thanks to scientific techniques --> what do you want to say?. She also adds that dyslexia is widely-spread (it concerns, for example, 10% of the British population) and is taken very seriously by the scientific community if we consider the number of people whose work is in relation to this desease.--> Are the persons working in relation  or  the persons who studied about dyslexia (i'm not sure you will understand my question, it's just i'am not completely sure of the right formulation you used)

In a word we can say that dyslexia has ignited a debate within the scientific community, both parties trying to defend their views as we can see in this article.


I have some questions about your summary, but it's not about her quality, just to be sure to understand (don't worry about my questions)

Ok, I'll try to answer them :happy:

This text is an article from the BBC website which deals with the issue of dyslexia in Britain.-->what do you mean by issue?"the issue of" means "the problem of". Here is the definition of Cambridge Dictionary : "An isssue is a subject or problem which people are thinking and talking about".

This article opposes two different views on dyslexia, namely that of Professor Elliot and that of Professor Tresman. --> that of, what does it mean? "that of"="celle de"="the view of Professor Eliott and the view of Professor Tresman"

Professor Tresman strongly rejects Professor Eliott's point of view. According to her, psychologists can diagnose this disease more easily thanks to scientific techniques --> what do you want to say? I want to say that these scientific techniques are very helpful to diagnose dyslexia. "Thanks to" = "grâce à"

She also adds that dyslexia is widely-spread (it concerns, for example, 10% of the British population) and is taken very seriously by the scientific community if we consider the number of people whose work is in relation to this desease.--> Are the persons working in relation or the persons who studied about dyslexia (i'm not sure you will understand my question, it's just i'am not completely sure of the right formulation you used) the persons who study dyslexia. In French it could be translated this way =>"les personnes dont le travail a un rapport avec cette maladie"

I hope it's clearer for you now :happy: If you still have some questions, don't hesitate ;)

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