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Thank you everybody.

That's my summary of the third text.

I don't understood all the text and I wish that I haven't make an misinterpretation.

This text is an excerpt of the interview of the president of the USA and a journalist from Chicago Tribune. We can observe in this text that is Clarence Page who speaks more.

George W. Bush is the first with speaking in this excerpt. He explains that there is a persistent poverty in Louisiana and that this poverty has roots in a history of racial discrimination witch cut off generations from the opportunity of America.

The journalist answers him that what he had saying is true but she continues saying that poverty is too and especially a problem of class. Clarence Page notices that Americans are uncomfortable about race and even less comfortable talking about class. They dream of an utopian ideal, a class-free society but the journalist specify that this ideal isn’t the reality. Reality at the moment is what we can observed with Hurricane Katrina : Americans, black or white, who have money can leaving this horror ; but Americans who can’t have this money are obliged staying in this misery. All of them saw this misery on television and a recent pool found Americans expressed feelings of depression after new Orleans than they felt after September 11th because they are replaced in front of the reality.

The journalist conclude this state of the fact saying that, in the event like Hurricane Katrina, American must approach them. In this dramatic situation, races and classes should not exist. She says a sentence which summarizes well what it should passed in this catastrophe : “ the greatest wealth comes not in the wallet, but in spirit” and we must remind “how vulnerable we are”. I think that what she says is true. In that terrible catastrophe, someone must give like he can (money, time…). Everybody must feel concerned.

You should revise " le groupe verbal"

You use " she" for the journalist . are you sure the journalist is a woman ? Clarence can be a man's name . ( PS : I have NOT read the article ) <_<

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Hello there!

I don't really take time to read the "rules", so, i beg your pardon if i'm not allowed to talk here with you.

Let's me introduce myself, Jedi which hope to became teacher...

I'm fond of rollerskating, web technologies and role playing game.

Sorry, i don't know what else to say.

See you soon.


Text n°3 from aix-marseille 2006


This document is entitled "Left behind", it is on excerpt from PBS (public Broadcasting Service). This american emission deals with the relation between racial discrimination and poverty.

It dates back to september 22, 2005.

Firstly, I summarise the text and secondly I compare the american situation with the french one.

This text can be divided into two parts.

First of all, we can read a statement from the president of the U.S. George W. Bush. He wants to convey the idea that poverty and racial discrimination are the same. According to him, it's an historical problem for America.

Next, we have an other point of view, the Clarence Page one, a journalist from the Chicago Tribune.

He is agree with the fact that the black poverty has a history in racial discrimination, but he explains in her arguments that is not a problem for blacks only. He uses some exemples to illustrate her remarks:

- poverty conserns a greater percentage of blaks in America, but not more black than white.

-the problem is more important in cities like New Orleans. Espacially when they have to support the concequences of a disaster like the hurricane katrina.

To conclude, the journalist suggests that the real problem today in America is not the race or ethnicity but income or opportunity.

I think in France, poverty is more a social problem than a racial problem. Yet, the confusion can be made with recent expulsions we can see on television, because they concern espacially black people.

To sum up, I'd say that like in America, french people reminde they have more in common than in separation when they have to support trouble.


For next week, I'll work on the text n°4 from aix-marseille 2006

Have a good week.

Hi Lola, how are you?!

Thanks a lot for your advising. Could we choose ourselves our subject, or everybody should have the same?!

Hi Jedi :) Welcome in this group.

I think it will be more convenient if we all work on the same text :blush: (third one for this week, fourth one for next week) ;)


do + infinitif (sans le to) (exemple : I don't understand...)

must + infinitif (sans le to) (exemple : We must leave...)

can + infinitif (sans le to) (exemple : We can observe...)

have + 3ème forme (exemple : I haven't made...)

be + participe passé (exemple: he is obliged to...)

A la troisième personne, il ne faut pas oublier le S et si le verbe se termine par Y, cette lettre se transforme en IES

I wish = je souhaite

I hope = j'espère

That's all for the moment. I thank Oblivion and Teacher for their explanations.

A la troisième personne, il ne faut pas oublier le S et si le verbe se termine par Y, cette lettre se transforme en IES

AH ,BON? et donc 'I play ' donne *she plaies * ) à la 3° pers du singulier ???????

I am teasing you ;-) il faut que le 'y' final soit précédé d'une consonne ( try/cry/carry...)

I wish = je souhaite

I hope = j'espère

OK, mais tu ne prouves pas que tu sais construire ces 2 verbes ( ta construction avec wish était fausse dans ton texte)



Here is my summary of the third text :

This text, untitled « Left behind » is an extract from the American program Public Broadcasting Service. President Bush and Clarence page, a journalist from the Chicago tribune seize the opportunity of the hurricane Katarina disaster to define the root of poverty in the American society.

According to the president, poverty is strongly linked to racial discrimination and takes its origin deep in history as white and black people never had the same opportunities in the Promised Land.

Clarence Page qualifies this point of view which remains too superficial and doesn’t fit reality. For him, poverty has nothing to do with race or with the color of the skin. The president’s point of view can be explained by the fact that numerous black people are poor. Moreover they live in big cities like New Orleans, so in this town the poor are black people but in fact America counts more white poor than black’s.

This confusion is although brought by the fact that New Orleans population is mostly composed of the black community among which you can find wealthy people as well as poor. The wealthier are not brought out by media as they left the city before the disaster. Only the poor black left behind remains.

So poverty has nothing to do with race but it rather deals with income and opportunity.

Speaking about race and class disturbs the Americans because it doesn’t match with the ideal of equality which is the basement of their society. As they think to be a united people that has reduced class or race differences, they are affected by the poverty that was highlighted after the devastation. This burst of reality makes them feel depressed.

(I had lots of difficulties to sum up the tree last paragraphs of the text.)



Text n°3 from aix-marseille 2006


This document is entitled "Left behind", it is on excerpt from PBS (public Broadcasting Service). This american emission deals with the relation between racial discrimination and poverty.

It dates back to september 22, 2005.

Firstly, I summarise the text and secondly I compare the american situation with the french one.

This text can be divided into two parts.

First of all, we can read a statement from the president of the U.S. George W. Bush. He wants to convey the idea that poverty and racial discrimination are the same. According to him, it's an historical problem for America.

Next, we have an other point of view, the Clarence Page one, a journalist from the Chicago Tribune.

He is agree with the fact that the black poverty has a history in racial discrimination, but he explains in her arguments that is not a problem for blacks only. He uses some exemples to illustrate her remarks:

- poverty conserns a greater percentage of blaks in America, but not more black than white.

-the problem is more important in cities like New Orleans. Espacially when they have to support the concequences of a disaster like the hurricane katrina.

To conclude, the journalist suggests that the real problem today in America is not the race or ethnicity but income or opportunity.

I think in France, poverty is more a social problem than a racial problem. Yet, the confusion can be made with recent expulsions we can see on television, because they concern espacially black people.

To sum up, I'd say that like in America, french people reminde they have more in common than in separation when they have to support trouble.


For next week, I'll work on the text n°4 from aix-marseille 2006

Have a good week.


my correction:

-it's a historical problem

-the Clarence Page's one

-he agrees

-his arguments


-his remoarks

-poverty concerns

-percentage of blacks






text n°4 from Aix-marseille 2006


The document we have to study is entitled "Education quandary".

We haven't any detail about its origin and author. The text deals with the problem of childrens education.

It is divided into three parts.

After a question about the necessary to debate the problem of parental responsability, the writer presents a short description of the situation. He explains the fact that school spend time and effort to educate childrens but without parents's support, this work is maden in vain.

Then, according to the author the debate about parental responsability must be start.

Next, he proposes a succession of questions to open the thought into different orientations, to find a solution.

As a conclusion, he makes a comparaison between parents and pupils in school and indicates that the most important to give someone the desire to progress, to succeed, is encouragement, respect, whatever the age.

I agree with this conclusion because I think to help parents is better than to blame them, to find a solution.

To my mind, parent's sanctions, television or magazines's messages cannot have influence and on the contrary they can agrave the situation and the feeling of exclusion.

For next week, I'll work on the text n°5 from aix-marseille.

Have a good week.


I'm sorry teacher.

hey ,foufinson ! I hope this " I am sorry" was humorous.

nobody apologizes here ; we're all trying to help each other ;-)

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