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Hi everybody,

I'd like to know if it would be possible for the members of the group "fiches en anglais" could work texts with your group.

In fact, Teacher gave me this idea, and I find it very good!

We could give you our vocabulary lists once finished.

What do you think about it?


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Hi everybody,

I'd like to know if it would be possible for the members of the group "fiches en anglais" could work on texts with your group.

In fact, Teacher gave me this idea, and I find it very good!

We could give you our vocabulary lists once finished.

What do you think about it?


That's great, Felicity .

This group is getting bigger and bigger . And you will have to help each other as I am a bit overworked at the moment .

Read each other's commentaries and if you notice some mistakes, correct them or make suggestions if you're not sure.

You can also exchange ideas by agreeing or disagreeing with what they have written.

all the best to all of you xx

Summary of the 5th text.

This text is an article adapted from the New York Times, in October 2004. The journalist speaks about an American problem of society. This problem is summarized in the title of the article “in the land of plenty American grow fat”.

The journalist uses an humoristic tone saying in the first sentence : “Americans like to talk the talk of svelteness, but they walk the walk of obesity”. He says that Americans people take a lot of good resolutions but they are often discarded quickly. The journalist takes for example, the low-fat foods. It can be a good solution except if people eats half a box !!! He denounces nutrition labels who may encourage denial when they say that the food is law in fat.

The author of the article continues saying that many overweight Americans have moved from denial to acceptance. Actually, we can see on television overweight actors or actresses and in catalogs overweight models… They don’t want to hide and they want to be happy as they are.

But, we realize that acceptance can go very far : a few of people have gone to forceful actions. For example an association had threatened to sue Southwest Airlines because they require some obese passengers to buy an extract seat. I think that this point of view can be understood. But what I disagree with is when the journalist talks about the case of Caesar Barber, a man who has had two hearts attack because of is overweight. This man files a class-action lawsuit in New York State and few fats restaurant because he says that they don’t have disclosed him what has in their food about the dangers of over consumption. This affair can be brought closer that the lawsuits filed by smokers against the tobacco industry. Only there, the civil part could gain.

I find that this affair is afflicting because everybody knows that over consuming of cigarettes or fast-food’s eat is risked for health. Medias, doctors, specialists… talk about risks. I think that if persons smoke or misuse of fast food, they do it with full knowledge of the facts. If justice gives reason to these persons, everybody then will want to carry complaint for anything.


Welcome Amandine !

I 'm will improve your english !

See you later ;)



thank you!

I will practise oral english but it's difficult for me to learn a foreign language!


Today, I do Provençal!

It's very interessant because it's less difficult than english!

Sorry, I repeat a lot of words!

I want to develop my vocabulary!!




i'd like joining this group. Is it still possible ?

If it is, may i have the link to read the text ?

Thanks a lot .


Hi ludi :)

but they overuse of it.

Eating half a box of low-fat cookies leads to the same result than eating "ordinary" ones.

I think that "of" could be used but only with the noun "overuse" => the overuse of something

With the verb, there's no need for it => to overuse something

In English, I'd rather use "the same+noun" followed by "as"

If anyone could confirm all this ;)



I come with Felicity for working text with you.

My english isn't very good but I want to progress.

I begin to work on the 5th text ;)



Hi everybody,

I'd like to know if it would be possible for the members of the group "fiches en anglais" could TO work on texts with your group.

In fact, Teacher gave me this idea, and I find it very good!

We could give you our vocabulary lists once finished.

What do you think about it?


Is it right?


i'd like joining this group. Is it still possible ?

If it is, may i have the link to read the text ?

Thanks a lot .


Here is my summary of the 5th text:

This text is an article adapted from the NY Times written in October 2004. It deals with obesity.

The journalist explains, with a touch of humour, how Americans keep growing fat. Even if they invest in diets or exercice equipments, they leave it quickly! They eat too much because they think it won't make them fat since what they eat is low fat food!

They are convinced that they are happy as they are!

Some associations go farer. They criticize companies policies against fat people! (example of the Southwest airlines which wants fat people to buy an extra seat)

The last point which the journalist deals with, is the case of Mr Barber who, taking example on the ones who hold smoking companies responsible for their sickness , wants to bring to justice companies such as Mc Donald's, KFC for not having warned him of the risks he could face in the case of overconsumption!!

I think people should be responsible of their actions! If they smoke too much or eat too much the only one responsible for any health problems is themselves!

I hope it is not too short!

I tried to vary the vocabulary not to use the same words as the author, simply to show that we have understood the text.

What do you think about it?



I'd like to know if it would be possible for the members of the group "fiches en anglais" could TO work on texts with your group.

Is it right?

NO! it isn't right !!!

It should be : if it would be possible for the members (..)TO work

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