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Here is my summary of the 5th text:

This text is an article adapted from the NY Times written in October 2004. It deals with obesity.

The journalist explains, with a touch of humour, how Americans keep growing fat. Even if they invest in diets or exercice equipments, they leave it quickly! They eat too much because they think it won't make them fat since what they eat is low fat food!

They are convinced that they are happy as they are!

Some associations go [i]farer. They criticize companies policies against fat people! (example of the Southwest airlines which wants fat people to buy an extra seat)

The last point which the journalist deals with, is the case of Mr Barber who, taking example on the ones who hold smoking companies responsible for their sickness , wants to bring to justice companies such as Mc Donald's, KFC for not having warned him of the risks he could face in the case of overconsumption!!

I think people should be responsible of their actions! If they smoke too much or eat too much the only one responsible for any health problems is themselves!

I hope it is not too short!

I tried to vary the vocabulary not to use the same words as the author, simply to show that we have understood the text.

What do you think about it?


It's good but a bit short .

remember you need to speak for 5 minutes and I don't think you make it here .

But it's a good start . try to develop your ideas, make comparisons ( with France , maybe)...etc

For example, You could have mentioned the film/documentary " Supersize me"

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Hi ludi :)

but they overuse of it.

Eating half a box of low-fat cookies leads to the same result than eating "ordinary" ones.

I think that "of" could be used but only with the noun "overuse" => the overuse of something

With the verb, there's no need for it => to overuse something

In English, I'd rather use "the same+noun" followed by "as"

If anyone could confirm all this ;)

That's fine. Well done, Oblivion ;-)


Here is my summary of the 5th text:

This text is an article adapted from the NY Times written in October 2004. It deals with obesity.

The journalist explains, with a touch of humour, how Americans keep growing fat. Even if they invest in diets or exercice equipments, they leave it them quickly! They eat too much because they think it won't make them fat since what they eat is low fat food!

They are convinced that they are happy as they are!

Some associations go [i]farereven more further. They criticize companies policies against fat people! (example of the Southwest airlines which wants fat people to buy an extra seat)

The last point which the journalist deals with, is the case of Mr Barber who, taking example on the ones who hold smoking companies responsible for their sickness , wants to bring to justice companies such as Mc Donald's, KFC for not having warned him of the risks he could face in the case of overconsumption!!

I think people should be responsible of fortheir actions! If they smoke too much or eat too much the only one responsible for any health problems is themselves!

I hope it is not too short!

I tried to vary the vocabulary not to use the same words as the author, simply to show that we have understood the text.

What do you think about it?


It's good but a bit short .

remember you need to speak for 5 minutes and I don't think you make it here .

But it's a good start . try to develop your ideas, make comparisons ( with France , maybe)...etc

For example, You could have mentioned the film/documentary " Supersize me"

Ohhh what a beautiful mistake!!! :blush::blush:

I know it! Sorry! :

To be responsible FOR sth : être repsonsable de qch

I hope "further" suits!



[This text entitled « In the land of plenty American grow fat » is issued of the New York Times on October 2004 and is divided into 2 parts: First the author draws the picture of an increasing serious overweight in America and then he describes their new consideration of this problem that lead to excessive behaviours.

The journalist states with a humouristic tone that the more Americans wish to be slim, the more they become overweight. This situation is not at all stopped by good resolutions like practising sports or diet since both are quickly throw away. Moreover consuming low fat food doesn’t help them to lose weight as they doesn’t respect with reasonable proportions.

We can observe two different behaviours: either people refuse to face their problem of overweight or they accept it. This shift in people’s attitude is encouraged by media and by society which no longer consider overweight people as being apart but rather as common people.

Actions are made to support people suffering from obesity. Association like “the American obesity association” defends their rights. But the most striking example of their claim is the case of Caesar Barber who sued fast food industries and blames them for his obesity. As for the demand of smokers who sued the tobacco industry, it raises the problem of responsibility and free will.

The journalist’s ironic tone enables him to underline the amazing and incredible side of the procedure.

Commentary (reprenant les divers commentaires déjà apportés sur le texte)

In France: 13 millions people are considered as overweighed and 4 million are regarded as obese, which almost amounts to 30% of the French population.

Obesity is strongly linked to heart problems.

How can we explain this problem in a society where every thing is provided to solve overweight (sport clubs, low fat food, a wide range of products) :

- In modern societies, every thing is provided to improve life. The vacuum cleaner, the washing machine that avoid tiring labour tasks. People do not work the same ways they use to do. They spend more time washing television = sedentary life style

As a result, people eat too much calories for their needs.

- Responsibility of advertising : In France advert during child programs are questioned as they would be an important factors of obesity

- Sometimes obesity can not be avoided and is the result of genetic disease. Some scientists speak about a gene that has an appetite stimulating role

- People with low income cannot always afford good quality food and often resort to low quality food with a higher amount of fat.

- Obesity can result of psychological problem or social problems too like loneliness or depressing feelings.

[This text entitled « In the land of plenty American grow fat » is issued of the New York Times on October 2004 and is divided into 2 parts: First the author draws the picture of an increasing serious overweight in America and then he describes their new consideration of this problem that lead to excessive behaviours.

The journalist states with a humouristic tone that the more Americans wish to be slim, the more they become overweight. This situation is not at all stopped by good resolutions like practising sports or diet since both are quickly throw away. Moreover consuming low fat food doesn’t help them to lose weight as they doesn’t respect with reasonable proportions.

We can observe two different behaviours: either people refuse to face their problem of overweight or they accept it. This shift in people’s attitude is encouraged by media and by society which no longer consider overweight people as being apart but rather as common people.

Actions are made to support people suffering from obesity. Association like “the American obesity association” defends their rights. But the most striking example of their claim is the case of Caesar Barber who sued fast food industries and blames them for his obesity. As for the demand of smokers who sued the tobacco industry, it raises the problem of responsibility and free will.

The journalist’s ironic tone enables him to underline the amazing and incredible side of the procedure.

Commentary (reprenant les divers commentaires déjà apportés sur le texte)

In France: 13 millions people are considered as overweighed and 4 million are regarded as obese, which almost amounts to 30% of the French population.

Obesity is strongly linked to heart problems.

How can we explain this problem in a society where every thing is provided to solve overweight (sport clubs, low fat food, a wide range of products) :

- In modern societies, every thing is provided to improve life. The vacuum cleaner, the washing machine that avoid tiring labour tasks. People do not work the same ways they use to do. They spend more time washing television = sedentary life style

As a result, people eat too much calories for their needs.

- Responsibility of advertising : In France advert during child programs are questioned as they would be an important factors of obesity

- Sometimes obesity can not be avoided and is the result of genetic disease. Some scientists speak about a gene that has an appetite stimulating role

- People with low income cannot always afford good quality food and often resort to low quality food with a higher amount of fat.

- Obesity can result of psychological problem or social problems too like loneliness or depressing feelings.


Some associations go [i]farereven more further. They criticize companies policies against fat people! (example of the Southwest airlines which wants fat people to buy an extra seat)


Ohhh what a beautiful mistake!!! :blush::blush:

I hope "further" suits!


"Further" is fine , but NOt "more further "!!!


[This text entitled « In the land of plenty American grow fat » is issued of the New York Times on October 2004 and is divided into 2 parts: First the author draws the picture of an increasing serious overweight in America and then he describes their new consideration of this problem that lead to excessive behaviours.

The journalist states with a humouristic tone that the more Americans wish to be slim, the more they become overweight. This situation is not at all stopped by good resolutions like practising sports or diet since both are quickly throw away. Moreover consuming low fat food doesn’t help them to lose weight as they doesn’t respect with reasonable proportions.

We can observe two different behaviours: either people refuse to face their problem of overweight or they accept it. This shift in people’s attitude is encouraged by media and by society which no longer consider overweight people as being apart but rather as common people.

Actions are made to support people suffering from obesity. Association like “the American obesity association” defends their rights. But the most striking example of their claim is the case of Caesar Barber who sued fast food industries and blames them for his obesity. As for the demand of smokers who sued the tobacco industry, it raises the problem of responsibility and free will.

The journalist’s ironic tone enables him to underline the amazing and incredible side of the procedure.

Commentary (reprenant les divers commentaires déjà apportés sur le texte)

In France: 13 millions people are considered as overweighed and 4 million are regarded as obese, which almost amounts to 30% of the French population.

Obesity is strongly linked to heart problems.

How can we explain this problem in a society where every thing is provided to solve overweight (sport clubs, low fat food, a wide range of products) :

- In modern societies, every thing is provided to improve life. The vacuum cleaner, the washing machine that avoid tiring labour tasks. People do not work the same ways they use to do. They spend more time washing television = sedentary life style

As a result, people eat too much calories for their needs.

- Responsibility of advertising : In France advert during child programs are questioned as they would be an important factors of obesity

- Sometimes obesity can not be avoided and is the result of genetic disease. Some scientists speak about a gene that has an appetite stimulating role

- People with low income cannot always afford good quality food and often resort to low quality food with a higher amount of fat.

- Obesity can result of psychological problem or social problems too like loneliness or depressing feelings.

I have picked out some errors too (in purple)

"Million/ thousand " don't have an "S" in the plural ( except if you say : Millions of people...)

Felicity, I am not sure what you think is wrong here : " scientists speak about " . Would you rather have " " scientists mention" ?

All the best ,everyone !


I have picked out some errors too (in purple)

"Million/ thousand " don't have an "S" in the plural ( except if you say : Millions of people...)

Felicity, I am not sure what you think is wrong here : " scientists speak about " . Would you rather have " " scientists mention" ?

All the best ,everyone !

Sorry, I thought "speak" doesn't work with "about"! It's been a long timeI didn't pratice english!

I forgot a lot of things, even the easiest!! what a shame! :cry:



Hello everybody!!!

What are you doing? Do you carry on with the textes from past exams?

I wanted to do the next one, or are you on something else? Too busy with maths or french?

I hope to hear from you soon....


This text entitled « In the land of plenty American grow fat » is issued from the New York Times on October 2004 and is divided into 2 parts: First the author draws the picture of an increasing serious overweight in America and then he describes their new consideration of this problem that leads to excessive behaviours.

The journalist states with a humouristic tone that the more Americans wish to be slim, the more they become overweight. This situation is not at all stopped by good resolutions like practising sports or diet since both are quickly thrown away. Moreover consuming low fat food doesn’t help them to lose weight as they don’t respect with reasonable proportions.

We can observe two different behaviours: either people refuse to face their problem of overweight or they accept it. This shift in people’s attitude is encouraged by media and by society which no longer consider overweight people as being apart but rather as common people.

Actions are made to support people suffering from obesity. Associations like “the American obesity association” defends their rights. But the most striking example of their claim is the case of Caesar Barber who sued fast food industries and blames them for his obesity. As for the demand of smokers who sued the tobacco industry, it raises the problem of responsibility and free will.

The journalist’s ironic tone enables him to underline the amazing and incredible side of the procedure.

Commentary (reprenant les divers commentaires déjà apportés sur le texte)

In France: 13 million people are considered as overweighed and 4 million are regarded as obese, which almost amounts to 30% of the French population.

Obesity is strongly linked to heart problems.

How can we explain this problem in a society where every thing is provided to solve overweight (sport clubs, low fat food, a wide range of products) :

- In modern societies, every thing is provided to improve life. The vacuum cleaner, the washing machine that avoid tiring labour tasks. People do not work the same ways they use to do. They spend more time :cry:watching television = sedentary life style

As a result, people eat too many calories for their needs.

- Responsibility of advertising : In France advertisings during progams for children are questioned as they would be an important factors of obesity

- Sometimes obesity can not be avoided and is the result of genetic disease. Some scientists mention a gene that has an appetite stimulating role

- People with low income cannot always afford good quality food and often resort to low quality food with a higher amount of fat.

- Obesity can result of psychological problem or social problems too like loneliness or depressing feelings.

is there a better way to say "adverts during programs for children"?

Sorry, I thought "speak" doesn't work with "about"! It's been a long timeI didn't pratice english!

I forgot a lot of things, even the easiest!! what a shame! :cry:


Hey, felicity . NO problem

We are here to share ...

I think you're doing a great job!

All corrections are good to make as they will force people to think ...

so carry on, please ;-)

many calories for their needs.

- In France advertisings during progams for children are questioned as they would be an important factors of obesity

is there a better way to say "adverts during programs for children"?

Adverts during children's programs ? - not " advertisings* "

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