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I am very sorry but I would like to work all of the subjetcs but I can't. I haven't enough time to do everything. :(

I read the text. Now I have to find some informations to realize a summary. I don't want to read one of yours to be not influence by your ideas.

I try to do it soon. ;)


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Posté(e) back to work ( où il est le smilie avec le fouet ?!) ;)


Here is my summary, hope it will be long enough this time!

I write my summary directly as ideas come just as on exam...

This article entitled "snuffed out" was written in january, 4th 2003, in The Economist. It deals with the brand new law forbidding people to smoke in almost all the 14,000 bars and restaurants of New York. The bill was signed by the mayor of this city, Mike Bloomberg who makes things tough for smokers since his coming into office: the price of cigarettes considerably increased because of taxes (from $6 to $ 7.50)

The result is that sales has fallen by half and the black market has hugely grown.

It seems that New York needs taxes but also a strict anti-smoking law.

There was almost no opposition: the law was accepted 42 to7, except of course the bar and restaurant owners freightening a drop of 20% of their business.

Mr Bloomberg explains that his law aims at protecting workers from secon hand smoke. Moreover he stresses the line on the fact that non smokers are more numerous than smokers. New Yorkers agreed with him.

The new law is however flexible since it allows people to smoke out-door cafés and cigar bars or in bars with a special smoking room in which workers won't have to be. Smoking is also allowed in private invitation-only events which could more and more be offered.

Those who do not follow the law will pay a $200-$400 fine which is, according to the journalist, not too much!

This subject is more and more present in politics affairs to protect people. However smokers do not understand.

In France:

* Evin Law = smoking area in restaurants and no smoking in public areas.

* The pack of cigarettes' price keep on increasing.

Today in France, the same problem is present.Governement wants make such a law but there is a lot of opposition! It is postponed to 2008. Today, tobbaconists go on strike. They think their business will drop by 30%.


It's the first time I post my work. Ihaven't interneet at my house so I can't often come. I will come as soon as possible.

This article untitled « Snuffed out » is an adaptation from The Economist, January 4th 2003. It talks about a new law: smoke is forbidden in almost bars and restaurants of NewYork.

It’s the mayor of New York, Mike Bloomberg who signed this law at the beginning of the year 2003.

At the beginning he was the mayor of the city, he increased the price of cigarettes. The consequence was the diminution of the numbers of cigarette’s sales.

The proposition of Mike Bloomberg to stop smoking in bars and restaurants has been approved by 42 to 7. Actually, there are more and more non smokers, so it doesn’t mind nobody not to smoke.

But it’s not forbidden in all restaurants. If there is an outside or a room reserved for the smokers, it’s possible to smoke in the restaurant or in the café. Else, smokers could smoke only in private places: at home or at friend’s home.

In France, this law will be soon applicated because after the 1st January 2007, it will be forbidden to smoke in restaurants and later in night clubs. I think it’s a god idea, maybe because I’m a non smoker. But it’s very unpleasant when you are in a café and you smell the odor of cigarettes.

But, there is an inconvenient: everybody smokes in the street. I work in a lycée which is non smoker. When I go out of the lycée, behind the door, there is a lot of students who are smoking. I have the impression to smoke with them during the time I cross the group of high school pupils.

It will be certainly difficult for smokers to change their habits. But in the countries where this law is soon applicated, people in general are satisfied of it. In a few years, I think it will be natural to not smoke in public places. If we remember,there was a lot of years you may say "Years ago", smoking was authorized in cinema. Now, nobody thought to smoke in cinema.

To conclude, I think not smoking in public places is a good idea, as if ? smokers will have some times to find new habits.

Thank you for your reading and if someone can correct my summary, it's super.

You should vary your vocabulary especially for linking words, I think you use too much the word "BUT". just in my opinion... :blush:

If TEACHER could come and see other mistakes I didn't see ;)


OK , Felicity ...TEACHER's been and gone! I haven't much time at the moment , Sorry :-(

Hi everybody!

I take so long time to do this summary and I'm a bit desperate :( because we don't have a lot of time during the exam... What's more, I don't think it's a very good work : I've got the impression to copy the article... I wonder if there are some people who's got the same kind of feeling.

Anyway, here is my work, if there are some mistakes, don't hesitate to correct me !

It's the summary of the text 6 :

This article, entitled " Snuffed out", is taken (extracted from)from The Economist and dates back to January 4th 2003. The headline is very suggestive and we can guess the article is about, smokers and non-smokers. The article is introduced by a subtitle "The city that never sleeps may soon be the city that never smokes" which confirms the title with humour.

The journalist brought out four main ideas into different paragraphs.

The first one informs us about the concerned city : it's New York. And then, the author set out the object of this article with more details. Actually, the mayor of New York, Mike Bloomberg decided to sign a bill which prohibit smoking in almost all the bars and restaurants.

This decision pushed up the price of a pack of twenty cigarettes with new city and state taxes. The pack costs now $7.50 instead of $6. The consequence is the black market development which offers cheaper smokes, and the dropped sales in tobacconist's.

So the mayor approved a strict anti-smoking new law which didn't know a big opposition. Indeed, there are far more non-smokers than smokers in New York. What's more lot of smokers would like to give up. However, bars and restaurants owners disagree because their business would slump by 20%. The journalist takes the example of Philip Morris company who disagrees too because it has got its headquarters in New York. In an other way, there are, as well, very young or narrow-minded people who consider smoking a sophisticated thing to do and so they are not on Mr Bloomberg's side.

In spite of the professionals' discontent, Mr Bloomberg insists on the fact that workers have to be protected from second-hand smoke. Nevertheless, the law may allows to smoke in out-door café, city's cigar bars and in any bar with a special smoking room where workers don't have to go. If the law is flouted, the fine will be between $200 and $400. But in fact, according to the journalist, it's not too important and it's just an added cost of doing business in New York City.

We can see the same kind of step in France since several years.

First, the price increased a lot with taxes, there are indications on the packs of cigarettes which tells to be aware about the snuff's dangers. Then, bars and restaurants organized their room(s) in tow parts : one for the non-smokers and the other one for smokers with special fans to take off the smoke from the room.

And nearly, smoking is going to be forbidden in all public places and so in the trains (since few months, the sncf informs customers about its decision to not have any carriage for smokers), the school, the restaurants, the bars, etc. The main aim of all these decisions is to protect the people's health especially the youth's health.

Unfortunately, some researches show that the youth smokes more and more younger than before and takes advantage of the black market to buy illicit drugs. So, these decisions don't seem very effective or they are simply insufficient.

Good luck in your work,

See you soon,


Posté(e) back to work ( où il est le smilie avec le fouet ?!) ;)


Here is my summary, hope it will be long enough this time!

I write my summary directly as ideas come just as on exam...

This article entitled "snuffed out" was written in january, 4th 2003, in The Economist. It deals with the brand new law forbidding people to smoke in almost all the 14,000 bars and restaurants of New York. The bill was signed by the mayor of this city, Mike Bloomberg who made things tough for smokers since his coming into office: the price of cigarettes considerably increased because of taxes (from $6 to $ 7.50)

The result is that sales have fallen by half and the black market has hugely grown.

It seems that New York needs taxes but also a strict anti-smoking law.

There was almost no opposition: the law was accepted 42 to7, except of course the bar and restaurant owners being afraid of a drop of 20% of their business.

Mr Bloomberg explains that his law aims at protecting workers from second hand smoke. Moreover he stresses the line on the fact that non smokers are more numerous than smokers. New Yorkers agreed with him.

The new law is however flexible since it allows people to smoke out-door cafés and cigar bars or in bars with a special smoking room in which workers won't have to be. Smoking is also allowed in private invitation-only events which could more and more be offered.

Those who break the law will pay a $200-$400 fine which is, according to the journalist, not too much!

This subject is more and more present in political affairs to protect people. However smokers do not understand.

In France:

* Evin Law = smoking area in restaurants and no smoking in public areas.

* The pack of cigarettes' price keep on increasing.

Today in France, the same problem is present.Governement wants TO make such a law but there is a lot of opposition! It is postponed to 2008. Today, tobbaconists go on strike. They think their business will drop by 30%.


Hi everybody!

I'll be pleased to work with you. Could you tell me which text should I summarize, please? The 6th one or the 7th one?

Thanks a lot. See you soon, bye, bye.

Posté(e) back to work ( où il est le smilie avec le fouet ?!) ;)


Here is my summary, hope it will be long enough this time!

I write my summary directly as ideas come just as on exam...

This article entitled "snuffed out" was written in january, 4th 2003, in The Economist. It deals with the brand new law forbidding people to smoke in almost all the 14,000 bars and restaurants of New York. The bill was signed by the mayor of this city, Mike Bloomberg who made things tough for smokers since his coming into office: the price of cigarettes considerably increased because of taxes (from $6 to $ 7.50)

The result is that sales have fallen by half and the black market has hugely grown.

It seems that New York needs taxes but also a strict anti-smoking law.

There was almost no opposition: the law was accepted 42 to7, except of course the bar and restaurant owners being afraid of a drop of 20% of their business.

Mr Bloomberg explains that his law aims at protecting workers from second hand smoke. Moreover he stresses the line on the fact that non smokers are more numerous than smokers. New Yorkers agreed with him.

The new law is however flexible since it allows people to smoke out-door cafés and cigar bars or in bars with a special smoking room in which workers won't have to be. Smoking is also allowed in private invitation-only events which could more and more be offered.

Those who break the law will pay a $200-$400 fine which is, according to the journalist, not too much!

This subject is more and more present in political affairs to protect people. However smokers do not understand.

In France:

* Evin Law = smoking area in restaurants and no smoking in public areas.

* The pack of cigarettes' price keep on increasing.

Today in France, the same problem is present.Governement wants TO make such a law but there is a lot of opposition! It is postponed to 2008. Today, tobbaconists go on strike. They think their business will drop by 30%.

hi felicity!!!

i see that you are a serious person because i have seen you in a lot of groups of works!!

and i want to know that it's possible for me to work with you but you can see that my english there is not very very good and not 'enrichie'.

i am a little shame next to you!!!

can you give me an answer and i want to do a practice to speak in priority,if you are agre?

thank you very much but ce la fait des années que j'ai du pratiquer l'anglais sans que cela ne rentre....

thans a lot!!!


Hi peaceasia,

Thank you for your compliments :blush::blush::blush::blush:

In fact i'm in many groups because that helps me to work seriously the exam since i prepare it ALONE!

I was good in english when i was young but it's been a long time i didn't practice so i make mistakes!

Here you can put your summary and someone will correct it, i think it's a good way to work! Teacher correct us all when possible...but, if you want me to give you a hand, i will of course help you....

You should listen or watch to english programms on radio or on TV! that's what i do (bbc news, movies in english with the french translation sometimes :blush: ...)

Well, see you soon



Hi everyone :)

Here is a vocabulary list related to smoking.

I found two wikipedia articles regarding smoking bans in the world and secondhand smoking; I put the links at the end of the list if anyone is interested ;)

Tell me if you notice any mistakes :blush:


  • 3 semaines plus tard...


I would like to know if you follow this plan to built your summary?

I find this one in my cned lesson:

-summary of the text

-the author's point of view

-my point of view


Hi everyone :)

Here is a vocabulary list related to smoking.

I found two wikipedia articles regarding smoking bans in the world and secondhand smoking; I put the links at the end of the list if anyone is interested ;)

Tell me if you notice any mistakes :blush:

Well done, Oblivion usual

Keep up the good work all of you ;-)

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