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Thank you teacher :)


I would like to know if you follow this plan to built your summary?

I find this one in my cned lesson:

-summary of the text

-the author's point of view

-my point of view


Hi salazie :)

I think you can try to build your first commentary following that pattern; it more or less corresponds to what people do here :)

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Hi everybody!

I'll be pleased to work with you. Could you tell me which text should I summarize, please? The 6th one or the 7th one?

Thanks a lot. See you soon, bye, bye.

Hi missmg :)

You can choose to sum up either the 6th one or the 7th one; do as you please :happy:

Thank you teacher :)


I would like to know if you follow this plan to built your summary?

I find this one in my cned lesson:

-summary of the text

-the author's point of view

-my point of view


Hi salazie :)

I think you can try to build your first commentary following that pattern; it more or less corresponds to what people do here :)

Thank you very much Oblivion for your answer! As soon as I have time, I do these summaries :blush:



hello everybody

i'm back

i missed last year, but i got a 15 in english, i was happy about that

it took me a long time to decide to do it again, but i 'm here now

i 'll try to work again with you, and you, teacher

see you soon



Hello everyone!

I would like speak french because my english is more far!!

J'aimerai bien intégrée votre groupe. Je connais Oblivion qui m'a parlé de vous et m'a dit que vous faisiez des fiches mais je ne trouve pas les themes restants..Quels sont ils?


Hello everyone!

I would like TO speak french because my english is more far!!

J'aimerai bien intégrée votre groupe. Je connais Oblivion qui m'a parlé de vous et m'a dit que vous faisiez des fiches mais je ne trouve pas les themes restants..Quels sont ils?



Ici on travaille les textes, que tu peux d'ailleurs faire aussi!

Pour les fiches c'est

Choisis les thèmes qui te plaisent! :blush:

bon courage

hello everybody

i'm back

i missed last year, but i got a 15 in english, i was happy about that

it took me a long time to decide to do it again, but i 'm here now

i 'll try to work again with you, and you, teacher

see you soon



I am SO happy to see you back .

I was worried .

and of course ,though I am sorry you failed, I am delighted with your mark . You did well as did all the hard-working people from last year.

I can 't be as present as I was last year but I will help now and then .

So get working all of you . Big Brother is watching you !!!!!

Regular work is what "they" did last year and all of them got a good mark at the English exam .

Do as many summaries as you can . Make up listes for vocabulary . Learn phrases and structures...

All the best xxx

  • 2 semaines plus tard...



May all your dreams come true !

Now that you have finished eating , drinking , having fun ,hurry up and GET BACK TO WORK ;-)



Happy new year every body.

During this days I worked about the 7th text of Ai-MArseille: IS it still safe to fly?

The document is an extract adapted from the Daily Mail, which was publied the 25th of August 2005. The purpose is about air accidents. In fact, during summer 2005, there was many accidents in a few days. So people were frightened to travel by plane. Experts say we don’t worried because there isn’t rapport between all the accidents. Moreover, travel by flight is the safest form in transport. By example in 2004, there was only one fatal accident per é million flights. There isn’t the number of accidents on the road but I think it’s more and more. But in a car accident, there is less people killed. And media don’t speak about them. With air crash, it’s more spectacular because there is a lot of person killed. I don’t think it’s more dangerous travelling by plane than by car.

Balpa chairman reassure British by saying in Britain, they have test on their airplanes. On an other hand, the EU transport commissioner asked a black list of airlines. Now, this list exists. It contains the name of airlines which are not sures. It seems to me, there isn’t French airlines.

If I must travel by plane, I think I choosed a French airline or an airline which is known. I avoided little airlines from a stranger country.

I think my work is still short but it's the work I made in 30 minutes.


Happy new year every body.

During this days I worked about the 7th text of Ai-MArseille: IS it still safe to fly?

The document is an extract adapted from the Daily Mail, which was publied the 25th of August 2005. The purpose is about air accidents. In fact, during summer 2005, there was many accidents in a few days. So people were frightened to travel by plane. Experts say we don’t worried because there isn’t rapport between all the accidents. Moreover, travel by flight is the safest form in transport. By example in 2004, there was only one fatal accident per é million flights. There isn’t the number of accidents on the road but I think it’s more and more. But in a car accident, there is less people killed. And media don’t speak about them. With air crash, it’s more spectacular because there is a lot of person killed. I don’t think it’s more dangerous travelling by plane than by car.

Balpa chairman reassure British by saying in Britain, they have test on their airplanes. On an other hand, the EU transport commissioner asked a black list of airlines. Now, this list exists. It contains the name of airlines which are not sures. It seems to me, there isn’t French airlines.

If I must travel by plane, I think I choosed a French airline or an airline which is known. I avoided little airlines from a stranger country.

I think my work is still short but it's the work I made in 30 minutes.

You are "training" , so don't hesitate to use a dictionary or to check grammar rules so as to make fewer mistakes...

Yes, it is too short . Try to find ways to develop your ideas : for instance you can give examples of accidents ....

All the best !

Hi everybody!

I send you my best wishes for 2007 and hope many good things espacially in the middle of this year :D:clover: .

I tried to correct my summary (text 6) few weeks ago and it's only now that I put it on the "forum". The red phrases are those I can't correct and the black one are corrected (normally!!).

I take so long time to do this summary and I'm a bit desperate because we don't have a lot of time during the exam... What's more, I don't think it's a very good work : I've got the impression to copy the article... I wonder if there are some people who's got the same kind of feeling.

Anyway, here is my work, if there are some mistakes, don't hesitate to correct me !

It's the summary of the text 6 :

This article, entitled " Snuffed out", is extracted from The Economist and dates back to January 4th 2003. The headline is very suggestive and we can guess the article is about, smokers and non-smokers. The article is introduced by a subtitle "The city that never sleeps may soon be the city that never smokes" which confirms the title with humour.

The journalist brought out four main ideas into different paragraphs.

The first one informs us about the concerned city : it's New York. And then, the author sets out the object of this article with more details. Actually, the mayor of New York, Mike Bloomberg decided to sign a bill which prohibits smoking in almost all the bars and restaurants.

This decision pushed up the price of a pack of twenty cigarettes with new city and state taxes. The pack costs now $7.50 instead of $6. The consequence is the black market development which offers cheaper smokes, and the dropped sales in tobacconist's.

So the mayor approved a strict anti-smoking new law which didn't know a big opposition. Indeed, there are far more non-smokers than smokers in New York.

In spite of the professionals' discontent, Mr Bloomberg insists on the fact that workers have to be protected from second-hand smoke. Nevertheless, the law may allows to smoke in out-door café, city's cigar bars and in any bar with a special smoking room where workers don't have to go. If the law is flouted, the fine will be between $200 and $400. But in fact, according to the journalist, it's not too important and it's just an added cost of doing business in New York City.

First, the price increased a lot with taxes, there are indications on the packs of cigarettes which tell to be aware about the snuff's dangers. Then, bars and restaurants organized their room(s) in tow parts : one for the non-smokers and the other one for smokers with special fans to take off the smoke from the room.

And nearly, smoking is going to be forbidden in all public places and so in the trains (since few months, the sncf informs customers about its decision to not have any carriage for smokers), the school, the restaurants, the bars, etc. The main aim of all these decisions is to protect the people's health especially the youth's health.

Unfortunately, some researches show that young people smoke more and more younger than before and takes advantage of the black market to buy illicit drugs. So, these decisions don't seem very effective or they are simply insufficient.


Ok! let's go :

-a few weeks ago

-such a long time

-the law didn 't meet with a lot of opposition

-may allow ( pas de 's'!!!) ( it allows /it may allow)

-decison not to have ( ne sépare pas les 2 parties qui forment l'infinitif)

For the rest , well done, well corrected !


Hi everybody!

First of all I'd like to say Happy new year , and hope that this year will bring you all you dream about, especially the CRPE!

Well, here is my summary of the 7th text:

This text is an article (taken) from The Daily Mail, written in August 25, 2005 and entitled Is it still safe to fly?

It deals with air accidents which occur more and more often.

The journalist expresses clearly the facts in the first sentence: 300 hundred (?? = 30 000? that is to say 30 thousand, or is there a typing mistake?? I don't understand, well...) died in 4 seperate air accidents in one month. He wants to know if skies are still safe.

The situation is so dramatic that Jacque Barite, the EU transport commissioner, asked for a blacklist of airlines made available to the public. This blacklist would name the airlines that meet problems with basic safety requirements.

It is dramatic since the average per year is about 41 fatal accidents and in August 2005, it already reaches 36!!

Experts try to calm down the travellers by arguing that these accidents took place all around the world and not in one country, and that the causes are different.

The Intelligence Civil Aviation Organisation attests that air travel remains the safest mean of transport.

2004 was the safest year in the aviation history.

Travellers are unease despite the argument put forward by the British airline pilots'Balpa that the UK aviation is exceptionnal and perfect.

The journalist ends on an observation: the risk does exist. He asks the reader what can he do to keep himself safe.

It brings us to think about the situation.

Personnally, I often travel by plane, and I even not think about the potential risks.

The blacklist is especially for little companies that fly and fly again without checking their engines or material.

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