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Hi everybody!

First of all I'd like to say Happy new year , and hope that this year will bring you all you dream about, especially the CRPE!

Well, here is my summary of the 7th text:

This text is an article (taken) from The Daily Mail, written in August 25, 2005 and entitled Is it still safe to fly?

It deals with air accidents which occur more and more often.

The journalist expresses clearly the facts in the first sentence: 300 hundred (?? = 30 000? that is to say 30 thousand, or is there a typing mistake?? I don't understand, well...) died in 4 seperate air accidents in one month. He wants to know if skies are still safe.

The situation is so dramatic that Jacque Barite, the EU transport commissioner, asked for a blacklist of airlines made available to the public. This blacklist would name the airlines that meet problems with basic safety requirements.

It is dramatic since the average per year is about 41 fatal accidents and in August 2005, it already reaches 36!!

Experts try to calm down the travellers by arguing that these accidents took place all around the world and not in one country, and that the causes are different.

The Intelligence Civil Aviation Organisation attests that air travel remains the safest mean of transport.

2004 was the safest year in the aviation history.

Travellers are unease despite the argument put forward by the British airline pilots'Balpa that the UK aviation is exceptionnal and perfect.

The journalist ends on an observation: the risk does exist. He asks the reader what can he do to keep himself safe.

It brings us to think about the situation.

Personnally, I often travel by plane, and I even not think about the potential risks.

The blacklist is especially for little companies that fly and fly again without checking their engines or material.

300(hundred) : I think it's a typing error .

But should that happen in an exam, don't hesitate to mention you're not sure !

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Hi everybody!

First of all I'd like to say Happy new year , and hope that this year will bring you all you dream about, especially the CRPE!

Well, here is my summary of the 7th text:

This text is an article (taken) from The Daily Mail, written in August 25, 2005 and entitled Is it still safe to fly?

It deals with air accidents which occur more and more often.

The journalist expresses clearly the facts in the first sentence: 300 hundred (?? = 30 000? that is to say 30 thousand, or is there a typing mistake?? I don't understand, well...) died in 4 seperate air accidents in one month. He wants to know if skies are still safe.

The situation is so dramatic that Jacque Barite, the EU transport commissioner, asked for a blacklist of airlines made available to the public. This blacklist would name the airlines that meet problems with basic safety requirements.

It is dramatic since the average per year is about 41 fatal accidents and in August 2005, it already reaches 36!!

Experts try to calm down the travellers by arguing that these accidents took place all around the world and not in one country, and that the causes are different.

The Intelligence Civil Aviation Organisation attests that air travel remains the safest mean of transport.

2004 was the safest year in the aviation history.

Travellers are uneasy (worried, anxious?) despite the argument put forward by the British airline pilots'Balpa that the UK aviation is exceptionnal and perfect.

The journalist ends on an observation: the risk does exist. He asks the reader what he can do to keep himself safe.

It brings leads? us to think about the situation.

Personnally, I often travel by plane, and I even don't think about the potential risks.

The blacklist is especially for little companies that fly and fly again without checking their engines or material.

300(hundred) : I think it's a typing error .

But should that happen in an exam, don't hesitate to mention you're not sure !

Thank you Teacher

I don't understand why "bring" does not fit because the english for "amener qn à faire qch" is "to bring s.o to do sth", isn't it?

Well, I'm glad to see that my knowledge in english is coming back little by little :P



Thank you Teacher

I don't understand why "bring" does not fit because the english for "amener qn à faire qch" is "to bring s.o to do sth", isn't it?

Well, I'm glad to see that my knowledge in english is coming back little by little :P


I personally prefer " lead to "...

I don't even think , I don't eveR think / I never think ????


Ok, thank you...

Quelqu'un pourrait-il me dire s'il faut également revoir les textes à tendances politiques? ou bien, nous donnent-ils au concours, que des textes de société ou éducation??

Merci d'avance

Ok, thank you...

Quelqu'un pourrait-il me dire s'il faut également revoir les textes à tendances politiques? ou bien, nous donnent-ils au concours, que des textes de société ou éducation??

Merci d'avance

IN ENGLISH, Felicity !!!!!!!!!!!

Don't forget to keep in touch with today's reality.

Read magazines ( " Vocable " is OK) or newspapers in English; listen to the BBC or any other TV/radio channels.

Remember that last year, most members of the group did very well in their oral and they worked mainly on recent texts and thus dealt with up-to-date topics.

keep working . ... :)


IN ENGLISH, Felicity !!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry Teacher... :blush:

Don't forget to keep in touch with today's reality.

Read magazines ( " Vocable " is OK) or newspapers in English; listen to the BBC or any other TV/radio channels.

Remember that last year, most members of the group did very well in their oral and they worked mainly on recent texts and thus dealt with up-to-date topics.

keep working . ... :)

But "political" texts are ok?? or only those dealing with society etc...

But "political" texts are ok?? or only those dealing with society etc...

I am not very sure what you mean by political texts ,Felicity.

What I meant was : don't just stick to texts that were chosen for last year's exam ( and you are only looking at Aix-Marseilles's ones , aren't you?)

Open your eyes/ ears to what is happening nowadays ( or has happened recently in the anglo-saxon world)

One example : In the British press, there's been some talking about the " leap year " ( année sabbatique" ) which students take off their studies . A lot go to Australia to pick strawberries or apples or whatever ..they do odd jobs. Well, this phenomenom is coming to France : more and more of our young people travel around the world before they settle down to a "real" job.

What I meant is : you can also choose from more recent articles that last year's exam papers.

I don't think you'll have to talk about Royal or Sarko , if that's what you meant by " political texts"

Remember also that you may be asked what you would do with the text in your class ( or the topic)

all the best



I'm NOT looking at last year's texts only!! not at all, I use them of course as a trainning, that's all!

In fact, I listen to the BBC, watch BBC World on TV, or watch films in english of course! And I try to read articles on the web (times, the guardian, the sun ...)

What I wanted to know was : Should I spend time reading texts concerning politics (sarko, royal, bush, obama, clinton etc...)??

Now, I think I know what you mean and thus which texts are interesting for the exam. :blush: hope so...

Thank you




I have just found this post, and I would like to work with you... but I did not see where are the text to summarize. Could you help me ?

Thanks a lot,



I have just found this post, and I would like to work with you... but I did not see where are the text to summarize. Could you help me ?

Thanks a lot,




I haven't seen where the texts to summarize are. Can you help me ?

You can find the texts there:



What I wanted to know was : Should I spend time reading texts concerning politics (sarko, royal, bush, obama, clinton etc...)??


I don't think texts concerning politics will be used in your oral exam . So don't waste your time on them ( though Anglo saxon political men/ women may be named in your texts so you ought to know who's who !!! Hilary Clinton as a presidential candidate , for example, is something you should know about , I think !)

Your correction of nunu 's mistakes : Both "can " or "could "are possible ( can you help / Could you help ..., The 2nd would be more polite )

Keep up the good work !

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