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I think everybody is working on french, math, history, geography and sciences... But maybe I am wrong... It is quite a long time I didn't go here and I am a bit shame :blush:


Sure, I can understand that... We have lots of things to do... But it can be seen like a little break, can't it? Okay, anyway, I will be patient... We've got time to go back to english... :huh:

I disagree here :

Though I understand that you 'd rather work on the written subjects ,you don't have time to go back to English ; you should have been preparing for all subjects and even the ones for your oral part as English/ Spanish /etc...need practising .

You don't get good at it just by working at it the last couple of weeks .

I suggest you keep working at it along with revising for the written part

As Florenceloq says , 20 minutes is a long time ( reading, doing your commentary and answering the questions which the jury will ask you) so you need a lot of practice to feel at ease , to understand the topic, to answer the questions ....

All the best

By the way, happy Saint Patrick 's day ( 17th March! what do you know about Ireland ? This is a good time to find out !!

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Is there anybody out there? :(

I think everybody is working on french, math, history, geography and sciences... But maybe I am wrong... It is quite a long time I didn't go here and I am a bit shame :blush:


It's a long time I haven't been here / I haven't come here

I feel a bit ashamed

Hum... hum... Hello, I am a new member of your "english practice" groupe if you welcome me! :blush:

I would like to get some information regarding the way we should organize our summary on the D-Day... I mean, I think that we mustn't spend much time trying to develop on the paper, and just write the plan, don't you think?

But, talking something like 5 minutes on a 20-lines document.... I don't know... it's seems to me like ages...

So, it's is not simply a summary... Do we have to explain (if we are able to) some of the ideas or do we just focuss on what is on the paper?

Thanks for your answer... :D

Good morning to all of you... Thanks teacher for your piece of advice...

Yet, I didn't get any answer to my former message.... So, I'm putting it back here. When you have time to answer to me... if my questions aren't too stupid... :blush:

And, what is the document we are to work on now? Thanks a lot! :D


Hi !

I'm new in this group, even if I studied several texts with you last year.

Why don't we study this text

It's about the children's diabetes in UK.

I'm going to do a summary.


But, talking something like 5 minutes on a 20-lines document.... I don't know... it's seems to me like ages...

so, it's is not simply a summary... Do we have to explain (if we are able to) some of the ideas or do we just focuss on what is on the paper?

Hi florenceloq :)

A 20-line document seems to be a bit short and we might tend to paraphrase it a bit too much, I think, if we stick to what is written in it :)

Maybe is it better to try to show we're able to go beyond the explicit of the text.

It's just my opinion, maybe if you have a look at the "rapports du jury", you'll find more information ;)

Thanks Goldenmiss for this article; I'll try to work on it next week :)

  • 2 semaines plus tard...

Hello everybody. I read this post long-past but I've never dare to write somthing ... because my english (and my grammar) are very poor ... Well, I saw that somebody have suggest a text and if you accept my, I will try to work on it and to propose my report.

Hello everybody. I read this post long-past but I've never dare to write somthing ... because my english (and my grammar) are very poor ... Well, I saw that somebody have suggest a text and if you accept my, I will try to work on it and to propose my report.

As was said before, everybody is welcome to join the group provided they are ready to work ...

So Welcome ;-)

But all of you, you are not doing enough should be preparing more texts . Goldenmiss gave a link . What about working on it ?

Wake up ! Don't stop now , you need regular practice ...

( encore une fois, il faudrait le smiley avec le fouet !!!!):P


Thanks a lot for this admonition. Here is my work, do you think it is long enough ?

This is an article issued in BBC news’ website, on March the 16th, about diabetes.

Recent studies underline the diabetes’s increase especially on young children. In 2004, one child in every 1,000 was affected, a rate confirmed by several sources.

Presently, it exists two type of diabetes quite different :

- type 1, which appears in childhood, and overall correlated with genetic factors. The patients are insulin-dependants, that means an insulin’s injection every day during their whole life, and they must pay attention to their diet, otherwise they could have some health problems.

- Type 2, which is called too, fat diabete, correlated first of all, with diet and way of life. This diabete appears generally around the fourties, and all the patients are not insulin-dependants : some of them could be treated by medication. But as the first diabete, they have to be very careful with their diet and way of life. That means, a good diet, some sport every day, and a medical following.

Research ask the reasons of the increase of these diabetes.

Indeed, even if the main factor of diabete type 1 is genetic one, it doesn’t explain the increase such important, not only in UK but all over Europe. Polly Bingley, a lead research professor, thinks it is due to changes in our environment : either something new, either a least exposition on virus and bacteria which causes a least stimulation of our immune system.

But, diabetes’s knowledge’s are at their beginnings, and she suggests to work hard on it, because more and more people would be affected by one type of diabete.

At the end of the article, Simon O'Neill, director of care, information and advocacy services for the charity, added that the rise of 10 to 14-year-olds is worried.

In France, many diabetes ‘associations try to inform people of the disease. Actually they are aware they are many persons who ignore their diabetes because of a lack of information and a serious medical following. Moreover, when diabete is not treated, there are many consequences on organism which put patients in danger. Researches try also to help young patient to live most “normal” as possible with their diabetes : such as insulin’s pumps which allowed a more flexible diet, what is very important for teenagers that we know have more difficulties to follow strict diet.

  • 2 semaines plus tard...
Thanks a lot for this admonition. Here is my work, do you think it is long enough ?

This is an article issued in BBC news’ website, on March the 16th, about diabetes.

Recent studies underline the diabetes’s increase especially on young children. In 2004, one child in every 1,000 was affected, a rate confirmed by several sources.

Presently, it exists two type of diabetes quite different :

- type 1, which appears in childhood, and overall correlated with genetic factors. The patients are insulin-dependants, that means an insulin’s injection every day during their whole life, and they must pay attention to their diet, otherwise they could have some health problems.

- Type 2, which is called too, fat diabete, correlated first of all, with diet and way of life. This diabete appears generally around the fourties, and all the patients are not insulin-dependants : some of them could be treated by medication. But as the first diabete, they have to be very careful with their diet and way of life. That means, a good diet, some sport every day, and a medical following.

Research ask the reasons of the increase of these diabetes.

Indeed, even if the main factor of diabete type 1 is genetic one, it doesn’t explain the increase such important, not only in UK but all over Europe. Polly Bingley, a lead research professor, thinks it is due to changes in our environment : either something new, either a least exposition on virus and bacteria which causes a least stimulation of our immune system.

But, diabetes’s knowledge’s are at their beginnings, and she suggests to work hard on it, because more and more people would be affected by one type of diabete.

At the end of the article, Simon O'Neill, director of care, information and advocacy services for the charity, added that the rise of 10 to 14-year-olds is worried.

In France, many diabetes ‘associations try to inform people of the disease. Actually they are aware they are many persons who ignore their diabetes because of a lack of information and a serious medical following. Moreover, when diabete is not treated, there are many consequences on organism which put patients in danger. Researches try also to help young patient to live most “normal” as possible with their diabetes : such as insulin’s pumps which allowed a more flexible diet, what is very important for teenagers that we know have more difficulties to follow strict diet.

OK! a good effort !

( attention à la place de l'adjectif)

One of the causes for Diabete type 2 mentioned in the article is the decreasing number of mothers breastfeeding their children . You could have spoken more about that and given the reasons ( if you know them / otherwise you make some guesses !)

try to practise your oral ... time yourself as I thnk this may be a bit short ( the board will ask you questions if you don't speak long enough !)

keep working . All the best

  • 3 semaines plus tard...

It's about time you went back to practising your English ...

keep reading English texts, learning vocabulary , whatever......!



Hello !!

I would like to join you, but in fact I'll not have the internet from the 11th may because I'll move in a new appartment. It bothers me because I think this forum is a big help for the oral (?) and teacher looks very active !

If you're going to work on a text previously, can you tell me please ? Because even if I haven't got the internet during 2 weeks, maybe I can send texts from my parents'computer!

I really think we must work regularly until the oral. I don't know how many texts you work during 1 month for example ?

See you later I hope !


I'm coming back! Yes... Now it's time to practise... YES! :D

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