Oblivion Posté(e) 6 mai 2007 Posté(e) 6 mai 2007 Hi Goldenmiss had posted the link of an online article about diabetes. Here it is : http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/6455653.stm Maybe we could start working again with that text and post our summaries here during the week to come, if you all agree ?
Betsy Posté(e) 7 mai 2007 Posté(e) 7 mai 2007 I'd like to join you !! Please, don't say no ! I'm going to work on this text very quickly. Thank you.
orion144 Posté(e) 8 mai 2007 Posté(e) 8 mai 2007 nunu a dit : Thanks a lot for this admonition. Here is my work, do you think it is long enough ?This is an article issued in BBC news’ website, on March the 16th, about diabetes. Recent studies underline the diabetes’s increase especially on young children. In 2004, one child in every 1,000 was affected, a rate confirmed by several sources. Presently, it exists two type of diabetes quite different : - type 1, which appears in childhood, and overall correlated with genetic factors. The patients are insulin-dependants, that means an insulin’s injection every day during their whole life, and they must pay attention to their diet, otherwise they could have some health problems. - Type 2, which is called too, fat diabete, correlated first of all, with diet and way of life. This diabete appears generally around the fourties, and all the patients are not insulin-dependants : some of them could be treated by medication. But as the first diabete, they have to be very careful with their diet and way of life. That means, a good diet, some sport every day, and a medical following. Research ask the reasons of the increase of these diabetes. Indeed, even if the main factor of diabete type 1 is genetic one, it doesn’t explain the increase such important, not only in UK but all over Europe. Polly Bingley, a lead research professor, thinks it is due to changes in our environment : either something new, either a least exposition on virus and bacteria which causes a least stimulation of our immune system. But, diabetes’s knowledge’s are at their beginnings, and she suggests to work hard on it, because more and more people would be affected by one type of diabete. At the end of the article, Simon O'Neill, director of care, information and advocacy services for the charity, added that the rise of 10 to 14-year-olds is worried. In France, many diabetes ‘associations try to inform people of the disease. Actually they are aware they are many persons who ignore their diabetes because of a lack of information and a serious medical following. Moreover, when diabete is not treated, there are many consequences on organism which put patients in danger. Researches try also to help young patient to live most “normal” as possible with their diabetes : such as insulin’s pumps which allowed a more flexible diet, what is very important for teenagers that we know have more difficulties to follow strict diet. Are you sure that you want to say "in Fact" : Actually is a false friend. To translate "actuellement" in english, we can say at the moment or currently or nowadays. I found an english dictionnary on the net : Wordeferrence. I find it fine. Here is the link : wordreference
Oblivion Posté(e) 8 mai 2007 Posté(e) 8 mai 2007 Betsy a dit : I'd like to join you !! Please, don't say no ! I'm going to work on this text very quickly. Thank you. Hi Betsy Of course you can join the group
nunu Posté(e) 8 mai 2007 Posté(e) 8 mai 2007 Well, I am going to try to correct my mistakes but i am not sure, so you would tell me... nunu a dit : Thanks a lot for this admonition. Here is my work, do you think it is long enough ?This is an article issued in BBC news’ website, on March the 16th, about diabetes. Recent studies underline the diabetes' increase especially on young children. In 2004, one child in every 1,000 was affected, a rate confirmed by several sources. Presently, it exists two quite different types of diabetes : - type 1, which appears in childhood, and overall correlated with genetic factors. The patients are insulin-dependants, that means an insulin’s injection every day during their whole life, and they must pay attention to their diet, otherwise they could have some health problems. - Type 2, which is called too, fat diabete, correlated first of all, with diet and way of life. This diabete appears generally around the somebody's forties, and all the patients are not insulin-dependant : some of them could be treated by medication. But as the first diabete, they have to be very careful with their diet and way of life. That means, a good diet, some sport every day, and a medical follow-up. Research asks the reasons of the increase of these diabetes. Indeed, even if the main factor of diabete type 1 is genetic one, it doesn’t explain the such important increase , not only in UK but all over Europe. Polly Bingley, a lead research professor, thinks it is due to changes in our environment : either something new, either a least exposition on virus and bacteria which causes a least stimulation of our immune system. But, diabetes’ knowledges are at their beginnings, and she suggests to work hard on it, because more and more people would be affected by one type of diabete. At the end of the article, Simon O'Neill, director of care, information and advocacy services for the charity, added that the rise of 10 to 14-year-olds is worried. In France, many diabetes ‘associations try to inform people of the disease. Actually they are aware of the number of persons who ignore their diabetes because of a lack of information and a serious medical following. Moreover, when diabete is not treated, there are many consequences on organism which put patients in danger. Researches try also to help young patients to live most “normal” as possible with their diabetes : such as insulin’s pumps which allowed a more flexible diet, what is very important for teenagers that we know have more difficulties to follow strict diet.
Oblivion Posté(e) 10 mai 2007 Posté(e) 10 mai 2007 Here's my summary of the text about diabetes "Diabetes soars in the under fives" is the title of an article extracted from the Health column of the BBC website and published on the 16th of March, 2007. In this article, the journalist raises the issue of diabetes in the UK and echoes a recent study on that disease in the under fives : it has revealed that the number of young children affected by diabetes has boomed in the last twenty years. We can notice that the title as well as the tone of the article are rather worrying and alarmist; the aim is to make people aware of the threat that represents that issue. The article consists of three main parts : firstly, the author sheds light on the two different kinds of diabetes that exist and then conveys the results of that study on diabetes; finally health experts give their views on the possible factors of that increase. Moreover, it reveals two important points : that increase does not only concern the UK but also Europe and the causes of that increase have not been categorically determined yet. The different reasons evocked are mere hypotheses. Two main hypotheses are put forward to explain that increase : the first one suggests a genetic origin whereas the second one suggests an environmental origin. It seems that experts as Pr. Polly Bingley privilege the second hypothesis : a decrease in breastfeeding habits or a lesser exposition of the children to germs could be responsible for the booming rate of type 1 diabetes. Further research will be needed to find which hypothesis is correct. Diabetes is a threat to people's health and has consequences on people's lifestyle : it is a lifelong disease and requires a lifelong treatment which consists in injecting oneself with insulin and in watching closely one's food habits. Furthermore, diabetes can lead to long-term complications such as cardiovascular diseases, a high risk of foot ulcers, blindness and kidney failures. Yet, we have to keep in mind that diabetes is not the only disease spreading among very young children : health organizations have also warned people about the increasing number of youngsters diagnosed with allergies. A recent medical study has underlined that the number of kids diagnosed with food allergies has doubled in the last five years. Regarding prevention, though it is difficult to prevent type 1 diabetes, the article tends to suggest that it is possible to prevent type 2 diabetes for which obesity is the main factor. I think that school for example can play a part in that prevention. Teachers can make their pupils aware of the benefits of regular physical exercises or of a balanced diet. It is the case in primary schools in France : the current "official instructions" lay the emphasis on the importance of providing the pupils with the basic elements of a healthy lifestyle. It is thanks to such actions organized at an early age that maybe we will be able to reverse the tendency.
Oblivion Posté(e) 18 mai 2007 Posté(e) 18 mai 2007 For next week, I suggest we work on this text from the BBC website : Illinois baby obtains gun permit
pitchoune26 Posté(e) 22 mai 2007 Posté(e) 22 mai 2007 Oblivion a dit : For next week, I suggest we work on this text from the BBC website : Illinois baby obtains gun permit Ok Anne pour le texte. On se voit quand pour en parler deja? Pitchoune
pitchoune26 Posté(e) 22 mai 2007 Posté(e) 22 mai 2007 muuroah a dit : rendez vous jeudi à 19h Oups! ce jeudi je ne px pas...je vous enverrai mon texte alors Pirtchoune
nunu Posté(e) 22 mai 2007 Posté(e) 22 mai 2007 pitchoune26 a dit : muuroah a dit : rendez vous jeudi à 19h Oups! ce jeudi je ne px pas...je vous enverrai mon texte alors Pirtchoune You are speaking together via Skype or MSN ??? are you ? If it is the case, can I join you ? thanks, Emma
teacher Posté(e) 24 mai 2007 Posté(e) 24 mai 2007 pitchoune26 a dit : [You are speaking together via Skype or MSN ??? are you ? If it is the case, can I join you ? thanks, Emma
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