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Here is my summary for the text about internet gave this week.

This article is extrated from BBC News, written from sunday 7 january ,2007.

It deals with teenagers who used websides.

My report can be divided in two parts: firstly, I'm going to make a summary of this text, secondly, I will explain my opinion about using of internet by teenagers.

For the beginning, the journalist explains that teenagers got into the habit of internet: to find friends for example.

He precises that teenagers take part in site because they can put images or video and personnalizing their blog.

He declares that Myspace is a famous site and teenagers prefere to go to this site , rather than google or yahoo.

This article precises that twenty two porcent of teenagers said that looked our mails several times a day.

Amanda Lenhard has made a research about this social phenomenom, and she pretends that all teenagers no use internet, and than they used it, it's to meet teenagers.

So, internet is a good or bad thing for teenagers?

In my mind, teenagers used a lot of internet, instead of reading a book, or meeting friends. It's a social problem because the majority of teenagers are introverted, and daren't talk to other teenagers. So, internet it'as a good solution for theim. They can talk about all subjects behind their screen.

According to me, internet permits to meet friends and to communate with our family who is far.

I often used internet to work and to find informations, but I don't like that teenagers are before their screen all the times.

The last years, a social problem was that children watched a lot of television, but today a social phenomenom, it's teenagers and internet. So, "children-screen" is a real society problem!

At the conclusion, I can precise that internet is an important concept, but it musn't take the place of humain relations. Teenagers's parents must controlate the time to pass into intenet.

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Here it is mine.

Teens 'turn to social websites' is the title of an article published on the seventh of January, 2007. It was taken from the website of BBC news and deals with the profiles of teenagers using social websites on Internet.

Social websites, like My Space (site where you have a private space where you put images, videos, blogs), became very famous a few years ago especially among young teenagers that's why Pew Internet Project made a study questioning 935 teenagers in 2006. The journalist underlines a few key points laid out by the study like contrasts between boys and girls' behaviours :

- boys are using the sites to meet new friends while girls are using them to keep in touch with existing

- on the same population : 15-17 years old, girls are numerous than boys to have an account.

What is interesting to emphasize is that many teenagers are delighted to have a blog on Internet and only half of them make a restricted access to their profile. On one hand we know how teenagers are not keen on speaking about themselves, and on the other hand, they write a lot of anecdotes about their daily life on this kind of website where everyone (except when there is a restricted access) could read. Although it would be difficult to understand or to admit for their parents, teenagers like sharing their problems or their lives on Internet. I think it is the evolution of the society. Indeed, a few years ago phone was used instead of internet. Nowadays with the rise in connected people Internet is replacing phone.

But I would shed light on dangers about Internet. Really, As Amanda Lenhart, a researcher at the Pew Internet Project says " anyone and everyone could read" and among them there would be ill-intentioned people; that's why is very important to train children and parents against Internet potential dangers.

In France programs schools have a specific topic about internet dangers, and in the same time associations try to raise parents awareness of Internet dangers. For example : ill intentioned people who lye about its age in order to approach a girl, blogs which underline advantages not to eat and beautiful anorexic girls, sects trying to recruit, and so on.



Hi rufio :) I've put in bold letters what could be corrected I think ;)

This text entitled « teens turn to social websites" is extracted from the website BBC news. It was published in January of 2007. This article deals with teenagers and the using of the Internet.

A survey shows that more than the half of teenagers Internet using (55%) has a site to communicate with other people.

It concerned teenagers between 12 and 17 years old. But using are different if you are a girl or a boy :

Girls want to keep contact with their "real" friends and boys want to have new friends.

This article sublines the fact that teenagers are more and more long time in the Internet, to work, to communicate, to play.

The survey shows that more girls use the social networking sites (70%) than boys (54%) and they are connected for 48% of them every day.

For Amanda Lenhart, a researcher, there are consequences in their studies, we can understand that teenagers prefer visiting their site than do their homework.

But for teenagers who have a personal site "a blog", they say many things about their life, and their habits. It's very important to be carefully about that because everybody can read it.

The problem is, there is no adult to control that and the example of teenagers do something very stupid because "it's a bet with my friends" and they film it, show us that they need control.

The other example with the 2 girls who have jump across the windows for a bet (perhaps a collective suicide) was prepared by internet, in their personal website !

To conclude I thing that more and more teenagers will have a website and they say that they want, but adults, parents, teachers must do warning them about danger.

It's really important to do that to prevent them before that is too late,

We can do that with many things

-at school

- in their family

- on advertisement

- in newspapers for teenagers-

- on the radio

With all the media using by teenagers !


Hi titou017017 :)

Here is my summary for the text about internet gave this week.

This article is extrated from BBC News, written from sunday 7 january ,2007.

It deals with teenagers who used websides.

My report can be divided in two parts: firstly, I'm going to make a summary of this text, secondly, I will explain my opinion about the using of internet by teenagers.

For the beginning, the journalist explains that teenagers got into the habit of internet: to find friends for example.

He precises that teenagers take part in site because they can put images or video and personnalizing their blog.

He declares that Myspace is a famous site and teenagers prefere to go to this site , rather than google or yahoo.

This article precises that twenty two porcent of teenagers said that looked our mails several times a day.

Amanda Lenhard has made a research about this social phenomenom, and she pretends (I think that "to pretend" is to be understood in English as "faire semblant" than "prétendre") that all teenagers no use internet, and than they used it, it's to meet teenagers.

So, internet is a good or bad thing for teenagers? (peut-être inverser le sujet/verbe)

In my mind, teenagers used a lot of internet, instead of reading a book, or meeting friends. It's a social problem because the majority of teenagers are introverted, and daren't talk to other teenagers. So, internet it'as a good solution for theim. They can talk about all subjects behind their screen.

According to me, internet permits ("to permit = autoriser/maybe "to enable someone to do something" is more suitable) to meet friends and to communate with our family who is far.

I often used internet to work and to find informations, but I don't like that teenagers are before their screen all the times.

The last years, a social problem was that children watched a lot of television, but today a social phenomenom, it's teenagers and internet. So, "children-screen" is a real society problem!

At the conclusion, I can precise that internet is an important concept, but it musn't take the place of humain relations. Teenagers's parents must controlate the time to pass into intenet.


Hi Emma :):applause:

Here it is mine.

Teens 'turn to social websites' is the title of an article published on the seventh of January, 2007. It was taken from the website of BBC news and deals with the profiles of teenagers using social websites on Internet.

Social websites, like My Space (site where you have a private space where you put images, videos, blogs), became very famous a few years ago especially among young teenagers that's why Pew Internet Project made a study questioning 935 teenagers in 2006. The journalist underlines a few key points laid out by the study like contrasts between boys and girls' behaviours :

- boys are using the sites to meet new friends while girls are using them to keep in touch with existing friends

- on the same population : 15-17 years old, girls are more numerous than boys to have an account.

What is interesting to emphasize is that many teenagers are delighted to have a blog on Internet and only half of them make a restricted access to their profile. On one hand we know how teenagers are not keen on speaking about themselves, and on the other hand, they write a lot of anecdotes about their daily life on this kind of websites where everyone (except when there is a restricted access) could read. Although it would be difficult to understand or to admit for their parents, teenagers like sharing their problems or their lives on Internet. I think it is the evolution of the society. Indeed, a few years ago phone was used instead of internet. Nowadays with the rise in connected people Internet is replacing phone.

But I would shed light on dangers about Internet. Really, As Amanda Lenhart, a researcher at the Pew Internet Project says " anyone and everyone could read" and among them there would be ill-intentioned people; that's why it is very important to train children and parents against Internet potential dangers.

In France programs schools have a specific topic about internet dangers, and in the same time associations try to raise parents' awareness of Internet dangers. For example : ill intentioned people who lye about its age in order to approach a girl, blogs which underline the advantages not to eat and beautiful anorexic girls, sects trying to recruit, and so on.



Here is mine on the text about social websites :

On the 7th of January, 2007, the BBC published on its website an article dealing with the booming of social websites on the Internet and entitled « Teens turn to social websites ». In this article, the journalist provides the reader with sociological data related to teenagers and the use they make of those websites.

Among the most famous social websites are MySpace or Facebook as indicated by the article. Their aim is to allow their users to share their interests with other people all over the world, to make friends and keep in touch with them. They're very easy to use and no particular computer skills are required to create an account.

A research was held to understand the sudden success of the social networking sites :

-The first piece of data provided by the article concerns the amount of American teenagers who own an account on one of those websites : the study came to the conclusion that more than a half of them do.

-The second piece of data underlines that the use which is made of those websites depends on the gender of the user : for women, it is a means to communicate with already existent friends whereas for men, it is a means to make new friends.

-The third piece of data lays the stress on the sex ratio : among all the users, the girls are more numerous than the boys.

Moreover, sites as Myspace can be used by record companies to promote their artists, but it is also a great opportunity for unsigned artists to get known by people.

Despite all the advantages of those websites and of the Internet in general, there still remain a few drawbacks, which can appear as paradoxical : though it is a great means to socialize, it can have a reverse effect and confine people in a virtual world where direct communication with the others no longer exists or lock people away in a world which lacks humanity.

Furthermore, bad encounters can occur on that kind of websites, or in chat rooms, and can lead to tragic endings : it is the parents' duty to make their children aware of that threat and help them be more vigilant and cautious. The article explains that the users of sites as Myspace can hide their personal information from the public eye and allow the access of their Myspace page to their friends only : such a possibility can be useful to avoid any problems with unknown people.

To my mind, the using of such websites should not prevent teenagers from meeting their friends « in the real world » and from resorting to the most basic means of communication.


Hello what's text for the next time maybe you can do more?(two texts for week?)

Hi rufio :) I've put in bold letters what could be corrected I think ;)
This text entitled « teens turn to social websites" is extracted from the website BBC news. It was published on January of 2007. This article deals with teenagers and the using of the Internet.

A survey shows that more than the half of teenagers users of internet (55%) has a site to communicate with other people.

It concerned teenagers between 12 and 17 years old. But use are different if you are a girl or a boy :

Girls want to keep contact with their "real" friends and boys want to have new friends.

This article underlines the fact that teenagers are more and more a long time in the Internet, to work, to communicate, to play.

The survey shows that more girls use the social networking sites (70%) than boys (54%) and they are connected for 48% of them every day.

For Amanda Lenhart, a researcher, there are consequences in their studies, we can understand that teenagers prefer visiting their site than make their homework.

But for teenagers who have a personal site "a blog", they say many things about their life, and their habits. It's very important to be careful about that because everybody can read it.

The problem is, there is no adult to control that and the example of teenagers doing something very stupid because "it's a bet with my friends" and they film it, show us that they need control.

The other example with the 2 girls who jumped across the windows for a bet (perhaps a collective suicide) was prepared by internet, on their personal website !

To conclude I thing that more and more teenagers will have a website and they say that they want, but adults, parents, teachers must do warn them about danger.

It's really important to do that to prevent them before that is too late,

We can do that with many things

-at school

- in their family

- on advertisement

- in newspapers for teenagers-

- on the radio

With all the media use by teenagers !

Here my correction ! :wub::wub: bye and good luck for your result :clover::clover:

Hi !

When is the next time ? I would like to work on the new text, it's for thursday, that's it ?


Avoid " sms" talk please !

the word is "thanks" ;)

Here is mine on the text about social websites :

To my mind, the using of such websites should not prevent teenagers from meeting their friends « in the real world » and from resorting to the most basic means of communication.

Hi Oblivion

your English is as good as ever ....but couldn't you develop your conclusion , give the reasons for your opinion and maybe suggest a few solutions /recommendations ?


Thanks to oblivion, How is my english?

I have maked my introduction as yours , I hope that it's not a problem for you, I prefere tell you about that.

Could you , Oblivion or teacher, tell me , how is my english because I think that I have got a lot of difficulties, and I suppose that, I won't pass this discipline. Thanks

So, this is my summary:

On the Thursday, may thirty-first, Yahoo news site published an article dealing with a social problem: weapons at school, and entitled: “ teachers get power to search pupils for knives”.

I can be divided my report in two parts: firsly, I ‘m going to make a summary of this text, secondly, I will explain my opinion about violence at school.

For the beginning, the journalist explains that the government authorizes headteachers to search children who have got weapons at school.

They will use detector of metal, and camera for stopping this violence. In this article, Johnson Alan, who is education secretary precises that schools have got the law with their, and if there is a risk, they could call the police.

The journalists addicts that in 1995, a headteacher was stabbing (poignardé) by a pupil when he has wanted to save a student.

So, pupil will be screen and children who don’t want be screening, they won’t enter at school.

Johnson precises that parents will be agree with this decision because it’s for the safety of their children at school.

A lot of authorities and associations are agree with this law too, because, as tells David Tuck, who is a national president of the National Association of Head Teachers, children go to school “to learn and not to fight!”

In my mind, television, and playstations are very dangerous for children if parents don’t supervise what they watched. Indeed, there are a lot of violence and they can kill police or people easily in plays. So, parents don’t accept that their children play to it.

Accoding to me, children who play with arms don’t make a difference between reality and fiction, they identified to their heros, but it’s very dangerous. I want me where are their parents during this time. I don’t pretend that it’s only parents’ mistake but if their children are in danger, they must make something: to ask with their and to see a psychologist if it’s more serious, for example.

School,Associations could help their if they want...

But I understand how it must paintful to see his child to become violent. Meanwhile, parents must protect their children, if they don’t make it, they can be punishable by law.

I want to addict that I have two children , and if I know that weapons are in school, I will be affraid, and I will agree with this law, unless they will go (partiraient) to this school!

At the conclusion, the measures are excessive and schools are like to prisons, but , in this countries , the violence is terrible and if it’s can help children to learn without risking to be kill, I think it’s a good solution.

But, in my mind, it’s a consequence of “open ‘schools.”

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