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I've finally succeeded after after two attempts, I still can't believe it :happy: :happy: I don't know yet how much I got in English but thanks so much to everyone on this thread and especially teacher for your help :wub: :wub:

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  • teacher


  • Milla


  • bigotna


  • Oblivion


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I want to know if this groupe'll still existed next year

I'm interested in it


I want to know if this groupe'll still existed next year

I'm interested in it

I would be interested too...


I want to know if this groupe'll still existed next year

I'm interested in it

If you want this group to exist next year, you will have to make it work .

It's only with good will and regular work that this group has existed for 2 years now .

Look carefully how your predecessors organized it , then do it ;-)

I can come on occasionally to correct your work if you want .

but the most important is regular work ( !) :

- Find articles on the BBC site , and do one a week ( or a fortnight if one a week is too much ).

- make lists of vocabulary etc...

- compare summaries

- exchange ideas ..

All this has been done here by the English practice group ...and many have been successful !

Bigotna started it 2 years ago, Oblivion kept it working last year and now New students can take over.

It's up to you !

I've finally succeeded after after two attempts, I still can't believe it :happy: :happy: I don't know yet how much I got in English but thanks so much to everyone on this thread and especially teacher for your help :wub: :wub:


All the best for your new job !

You can now relax and enjoy your holiday before ...getting ready for school in September!

has anyone else passed ?

I know we are still on holiday but if you intend to sit the CRPE this session, don't wait till the last minute to prepare your English exam...start practising NOW <_<

Listen to the radio, watch films, read English and don't forget to speak too !

Someone among you will have to take over Bigotna's or Oblivion ' s "work" as organizers ! you just need to choose articles and share them ( BBC or any other sites..)

All the best to all :wub:

  • 3 semaines plus tard...


Je viens de trouver dans mon magasin L..l une petite collection de textes littéraires anglais. Ils sont vendus 3 euros pièce et comprennent aussi un CD.

Les livres sont classés par niveau (dans mon magasin il restait niveau 3 et 4).

Des exemples d'oeuvres: l'île au trésor de Stevenson, Le chat noir et autres histoires d'Edgar Allan Poe.

C'est plutôt pas mal si vous voulez bosser des textes littéraires: sur Aix Marseille, l'année dernière aucun texte littéraire et cette année nous y avons eu droit.

Le nombre de pages est relativement court : 40 pages environ pour le niveau 3.

Voilà pour mon info du jour :P

Bonnes vacances


what a good idea to practice English like that !

But I think it's not sufficient , we have to learn vocabulary on different themes at the same time.

see you soon er I mean write you soon :D



i'd like to join your group to practice my english for the exam.

When do you want to start?

first we should find several articles we could comment on and submit a listing and a program to the teacher.

what do you think about it? do you agree?


i'd like to join your group to practice my english for the exam.

When do you want to start?

first we should find several articles we could comment on and submit a listing and a program to the teacher.

what do you think about it? do you agree?

I agree with your proposal , a programme and several articles could be a good practice !

For the article, I saw that someone gave an address with English subjects


Hi !

I would like to improve my english for the exam. Speaking english is difficult for me but I'm very motivated.

Don't hesitate to give me some advices !!


Je viens de trouver dans mon magasin L..l une petite collection de textes littéraires anglais. Ils sont vendus 3 euros pièce et comprennent aussi un CD.

Bonnes vacances


It's a pipty you forgot as it would have been great practice for you to write all your information in English

...this is the reason why this post was created ,2 years ago : to give you practice

If you don't stick to the rule, well there is no point in continuing it.

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